Acne on the face: pink, white, vulgar. howget rid of different types of acne at home.

ATт, 30 июн 2015 Автор: Анна Нестеренко

Cicero said: “The face is a mirror of the soul.”

And what if our “mirror” is littered with defects, for example

There is nothing to guess – from the flaws should be eliminated.


Types of acne on the face and how to treat them

We often share recipes for masks, tonics for acne, not
reflecting on the fact that they help not all people who have
such a cosmetic flaw. Why is one suitable unpretentious
masks made at home, and others – no? The point here is not
only in the severity of the disease. First, eels acne discord.
They can be vulgar, pink, white. Besides acne
differ not only in appearance but also in location. Alone
defects appear on the face, others on the body, for example on the back.
Secondly, even the same kind of acne can occur under
influence of various factors and also have special clinical

So let’s see what types of eels exist and why they are
arise. And also consider the possible ways of their treatment.
Carrying out this analysis will help to understand from which acne can
get rid at home and which of them should be treated only
with the help of specialists.

Whiteheads on face

Women, men, and faces sometimes have formations that
they resemble small grains. They can not be squeezed into
home conditions. Moreover, it is almost impossible to do this.
Such formations are called white eels, milium, or prosyanka.
The most favored locations for white eels, which look like
small yellowish or whitish bumps (papules) – eyelids, cheeks,

The tip of eels can be of two kinds: domed or
flat. Squeeze these eels, as stated – hopeless
occupation. Self poke dense education also
it is necessary, otherwise you risk bringing infection or to achieve
Scar. Any home and purchased products are powerless in treatment.
white eels. People with milium need to remove the formed
ectodermal cysts containing keratinocytes (epithelial cells
tissue) only in the office of a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

Cosmetic defects such as whiteheads do not lead to
development of severe consequences, but they can grow. Even
the number of papules does not increase, the small one that has already appeared
The amount of acne will not adorn your face. You can get rid of the grass
in 10-15 minutes. Most often, eels are harvested using
electrocoagulation. The procedure is performed pointwise.

To prevent the occurrence of white eels, you need to carefully
clean the skin (wash with gel, scrub, wipe
face tonic). Once a week or two, do the cleansing
homemade masks from lactic or fruit acids.

Rosacea on face

Rosacea or acne rosacea is a chronic recurrent
skin disease. This disease has several stages and occurs
due to changes in the surface arterioles located on the skin of the face.
The situation may be aggravated by: alcohol, hot drinks, exposure
cold and sunlight, tick activity, low immunity
and so forth

The first sign of rosacea is facial flushing, which
occurs due to the influence of certain factors and not
runs for a long time. Further flow
the disease is characterized by the appearance of dilated vessels on the face. AT
in the absence of adequate treatment aimed at strengthening
blood vessels, rashes appear on the skin, which may look like
nodules of reddish or bluish color with purulent contents and
without him. AT конечном итоге на лице могут вырасти огромные

Rosacea mainly occurs in older people
groups. To slow the development of rosacea, you need to comply
temperature conditions (not to get involved in saunas, less to be on
frost), give up the use of hot drinks, alcohol,
regular sunbathing.

At the initial stage of rosacea, you can do without
drug treatment, limiting the use of special
cosmetic products. Skin prone to rosacea,
suitable purchased and home products containing vitamins A, C,
K, PP, various plant extracts. To improve the situation
You can also use cold lotions made from
decoction of chamomile or tea. It would be nice to freeze medicinal infusions and
daily massage the skin with a piece of ice.

But sometimes external therapy is not enough to help a person with
pink acne. Then he must undergo medication,
which will appoint a dermatologist after an appropriate examination.
The patient may be prescribed sebosuppressive, antibacterial
drugs, etc. There are other treatments for rosacea, such
as laser and cryotherapy, electrocoagulation of blood vessels. AT любом
It is impossible to delay the treatment, because rosacea is a serious
a disease that says about the violation of blood circulation in the vessels.
It leads not only to inflammation of the face, but sometimes provokes
development of rhinophyma, which is characterized by abnormal thickening

ATульгарные угри на лице

By acne vulgaris, one should mean common acne.
They are one of the most common diseases. With them
faced almost every person. ATульгарные угри преимущественно
make themselves felt in adolescence. Such acne is often
arise due to changes in hormonal levels. ATо многих
cases, the problem with the appearance of acne vulgaris is solved after
end of puberty. But this does not mean that you need
idle, waiting for the skin to clear itself. Besides
Not all adults can get rid of acne.

The first step to getting rid of acne vulgaris is the passage
examinations in the clinic for the appointment of adequate treatment. Wherein
you need to find a specialist who is not trying to convince
patients that their acne has arisen due to consuming
greasy and sweet food. Most likely, the problem lies in the excess
the production of male hormones and sebum, and this is not particularly related
with the use of pork or cakes.

Some people, considering that they have acne vulgaris, do not hurry
visit a dermatologist, deciding to treat yourself by
регулярного очищения skin. This is not true. ATедь иногда больные путают
acne with acne-like rashes that occur as a result of
infection with serious diseases, such as syphilis. Because,
When treating acne, you need to be sure that
really they. Besides, даже если у вас вульгарные угри,
to remove them with a single purification is rather difficult, and
often – simply unreal.

In addition to systemic, external treatment, who understands acne.
rashes dermatologist may appoint a special diet. The essence
diets: reduce the use of iodine-containing foods and include in
diet more fruits, vegetables, in which there is beta-carotene. Also
the doctor will tell you how to properly care for the skin on which
there were acne vulgaris, will tell about the harm of comedogenic
cosmetics. Girls with acne vulgaris may be assigned
contraceptives that regulate the production of androgens. If form
lung diseases, guys and girls are offered to go outside
anti-acne therapy. With the development of severe disease and
the ineffectiveness of local therapy for patients with acne is prescribed
systemic retinoids.

ATнимание: если у вас возникли вульгарные угри,
then try to sunbathe less, because the UV rays will provoke
aggravation of the problem.

Acne on the back

ATоспалительное заболевание кожи на спине лечится немного
differently than acne located on the face. Since the patient
It is difficult to apply various ointments on your back, doctors do
emphasis on internal treatment. Patients can also be assigned to local ones.
facilities. But since the skin on the back is thicker to affect deeply
acne seeding elements need to be applied more concentrated
антиугревые facilities.

Interesting: some girls prove to have cleared their backs
masks of peroxide and bodyagi.

Eels on the nose

So, you probably already realized that if there appeared on your nose
it is whiteheads, then clean up such a cosmetic flaw should
beautician. No home and purchase tonics with creams you
will save. Acne rosés also do not deign to leave your nose, if not
will be held a comprehensive treatment of rosacea: drug
drugs + finished products for problem skin + correct
home care (washing, lotion of chamomile, etc.).

And only acne vulgaris can be almost completely removed from
spout using homemade cleansing products. Of course not yet
will interfere with adjusting the hormonal background (if it is disturbed). But in any
case, regularly cleansing the skin of the sebaceous secretion, necrotic
cells, other contaminants, you’ll see how much
the number of harmful, occupying the nose eels.

Below you can see the recipes of masks designed
to cleanse the skin and to remove simple blackheads. But remember that
before you rush to prepare homemade masks, you should
consult with a dermatologist. Only specialist exactly
will determine what you have acne on the nose. He can figure it out.
the reasons for their occurrence and will give adequate recommendations for caring for

Homemade face mask for acne

Before you put on your face any masks from simple acne,
skin needs to be steamed. But this should not be done above the usual
boiling water. For steaming cook a decoction of lime, peppermint
and daisies. Each dried plant you need about 30 g.
You can make the infusion in a saucepan. Lime with mint need to throw in
boiling water and boil for about a minute. Capacity should be closed with a lid.
After the broth is infused, it will have to reheat again.

For cooking broth you need no more than 2 liters of water.

After removing the saucepan from the heat, place it on the table, placing it under the
capacity wide dostochku. Now lower the face over the steam and cover
head along with a saucepan towel. Try to sit in
this position for at least five minutes. If during steaming
you have discomfort can get out from under
towels for 5-10 seconds. Blot your face after steaming
paper towel.

ATнимание: если у вас купероз, очень
sensitive skin, it is better to refrain from steaming either
carry out the procedure no longer than a minute.

Oat-bean mask-scrub for acne on the face

To make an eel mask, you need a teaspoon
salt, the same amount of coffee grounds and ground oatmeal
flakes. To these components you also need to add half a canteen.
spoons milled on a blender beans, which you first need
soak in boiling water for about 20 minutes. The final ingredient is
little spoonful of sour cream.

After mixing the mask components, you can proceed to its
drawing. First a home remedy is applied to acne, do it
follow clockwise in circular motions. Next mask
superimposed on the whole face. ATыдерживаем ее минут 20 и смываем.

ATажно: делать такую маску необходимо раз в
a week Before each procedure, be sure to steam out the skin.

Gelatin Acne Mask for all skin types

Do before applying the mask: before steaming the skin,
wash your face with a special homemade mixture. It is made from oatmeal and
pea flour, as well as powdered milk. Components are mixed in
equal amounts and slightly diluted with water. Need good
wipe the skin cooked homemade products.

Now prepare the mask. Expand the tablet of activated charcoal.
Pour into a plate of Art. a spoonful of gelatin and fill it with two teaspoons
spoons of warm water. Connect the swollen gelatin with charcoal and add
two dessert spoons of milk. After stirring, heat the mixture on
water bath.

Gelatin mask is applied only to the skin area where
are acne. Do it with a brush. After solidification of the first
the second layer is applied, and after a third. ATыждав, когда маска
grab, start jerking off our gelatinous strips.

ATнимание: описанная маска не подходим людям с

After removing the gelatinous agent, apply the mask on the face
protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice. It needs to be smeared on those
areas where homemade products were located from

And oat-bean and gelatin masks are best done in the evening

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