A few secrets of proper careeyes

Fri, 09 Dec 2016

Eyes require relentless care from every woman. If a
it concerns work, you need to take a break as often as possible,
время которого можно посидеть 5-7 минут с закрытыми eyes. Doctors
same warning: the eyes, as well as the whole body require
vitamins, proper and balanced nutrition.

Бабушкины секреты ухода за eyes не устаревают. To remove
усталость с глаз можно положить на них ватные
swabs dipped in green tea brewing. Such a compress is not
only removes redness and tired eyes, but also gives them
perky shine.

Кожа вокруг глаз также нуждается в постоянном
leaving. Early wrinkles do not paint any women. In this region
skin is extremely delicate, not having adipose tissue and muscular
fibers. Now the market of cosmetic services offers a wide
range of eye creams to be applied
light, stroking movements. The lower eyelid is processed from
outer corner of the eye to the inner, on the upper – on the contrary.

«Мешки» под eyes — не редкое явление у многих
women The reasons for their appearance are many: it is cardiovascular
diseases, hormonal disorders and banal overwork.
To identify the real cause of this defect, it is better to contact
to a specialist. In case the doctor does not reveal any irregularities in
the work of your body, you can use enough
popular folk remedy – compress from sage.

Sage decoction for eye compress

Per 100 ml of water requires one tablespoon of crushed
sage Over low heat, the mixture is boiled for about three minutes. Then,
after the infusion is infused, it is necessary to strain it and
divided into two equal parts. One needs to be cooled, the second –
to heat up. After which a contrast compress is made, approximately
each for 10 minutes.

Отеки под eyes — еще одна проблема многих
women A potato mask is very helpful in getting rid of it.
cosmetic defect. Potatoes need to be cleaned, grated
and for 10-15 minutes to apply to the place of edema.

And finally, the little secret for all women dreaming of
красивых густых ресницах. Every time before bed
Lubricate the eyelashes with a solution of castor oil. It will help
keep them thick and avoid falling out.

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