56 amazing ideas eggplant manicure

Unusual, non-classical manicure colors are gaining popularity
in the nail art. They look extravagant, original and attract
to yourself creative people. Marigolds are interesting and even
a bit mysterious. The original image in clothes is not so important –
Eggplant color is suitable for both romantic nature and
sexy, fatal woman. Unusual shade looks elegant,
noble and even aristocratic. Add a special charm to his
help can be on any day or event: daily work in
office, holiday event or going to the cinema. Interesting that
the length of the nail plate at the same time does not matter – in
short and long nails are equally suitable.


Combination with other shades

Since the eggplant color is not classic,
It will not be harmoniously combined with all colors. This question
need to study in advance, especially if the manicure is performed
on their own. Suitable shades are:

  • milk or ivory;
  • citric;
  • purple and all its shades;
  • bordeaux marsala;
  • gold and silver;
  • classics – white and black;
  • pistachio.

If an eggplant manicure is issued for office work and
daily life, the preference should be given to the combination with
calm colors. For holiday events you can use
a brighter palette of sparkling gel polishes. These nails are invariable
will resemble notable feasts at the royal courts,
painted robes and expensive dishes. Gold and silver will make
�”Eggplant” at times more expressive and richer. But as always
Be sure to respect the sense of proportion and the principle of “accentuality.”

The main ideas of eggplant manicure

The unusual color itself is quite interesting, but that does not mean
that you need to completely abandon the decor. Below are
several popular design options – from the simplest to
pretty original.

  1. The effect of broken glass is pretty simple, but it looks
    very beautiful and elegant. In this case, “eggplant” is used
    as the main background, and minor shades complement it –
    it can be a brilliant option, as well as pink, blue, etc.
    Due to the special technique, the resulting pattern will look like
  2. In addition to the usual designs, you should definitely try the most
    modern technology, for example, imitation knitted fabric. Such
    marigolds will be especially interesting to look if the clothes on the woman of fashion
    will also knit. This is, of course, a seasonal design option – he
    especially relevant in cold seasons and selected
    lovers of comfort and softness. Allowed combination immediately
    several shades, but you need to follow them
    compatibility It is advisable to choose a calm tone
    for too bright will look pretentious in this design
  3. Eggplant-based drawings can be any, but
    Be sure to pay attention to the latest trend in nail art –
    geometric patterns. Eggplant is suggested to be used in
    as the basis, and on top of the schematic image
    plants and animals, squares, triangles or circles. Ready
    the design looks quite fun and original, so most often
    he is chosen by young girls. For adult women, he also
    applicable, but it is worth making a bid for a more relaxed combination
    shades and simple patterns with a minimum of additional decor.
  4. Rub in It has long been included in the nail art technique of creating a mirror
    surface on the nails won the love of a huge number of women.
    And if earlier this material was quite rare and expensive, now
    There are many inexpensive and high-quality analogs. When working with
    rub in very important to carefully handle marigolds, since
    the mirror surface will be visible all the irregularities and roughness.
    Buff in this case is simply irreplaceable.
  5. For the “publication” or any important event is not allowed
    bright or too eye-catching manicure. Eggplant will come to the rescue
    color combined with a dark or calm shade. This combination
    выглядит максимально элегантно, noble and even aristocratic.
    Use additional colors wisely – fit
    ornate patterns resembling winter frost on the window, or
    lace veil. Such a design would be appropriate on any
    event and will cause enthusiastic views of others.
  6. Painting with dots. Now quite relevant
    use dots as the easiest tool to create
    effective manicure. This device has a ball at the tip, with
    by means of which a pattern is created on the surface of the nail with colored varnish
    from individual points. Such a design often bears an oriental bias, so
    as in appearance it resembles mehendi. Of necessary –
    prepared pattern of the drawing, firm hand and confidence
    to myself.
  7. Familiar to everyone – “cat’s eye” – does not give up their positions and in
    this season, and since it is performed easily and simply in any
    flowers, it occupies a worthy place in our list. Glare on
    nail surfaces invariably give an image of areola mystery and
    mysteriousness. This design is suitable for both office and
    everyday, and for a party – perfectly matching with purple
    or black outfit. If you choose a little shimmering gel polish, then
    manicure will resemble outer space.

Suitable decor. As an additional decoration you can
use all known options: rhinestones, stones, glitter,
foil, bouillon and kamifubuki, special films similar to glass
etc. The main thing is to choose a good shade of these decorating
elements, otherwise the noble “eggplant” may turn into

Features of working with color

Before deciding to make marigolds in eggplant color, you need to know
that increased attention to the hands – provided. If you stand out from
crowds do not want to, it is better to opt for more
classic colors. Created design based on this unusual
colors almost scream about the creativity of its owner. To that
well, be careful when decorating – if there is a choice
between a brighter or calmer option, then you need to stop at
last one.

Before applying the main color and decor nail plate
you need to carefully process, otherwise you will see all the flaws,
roughness and unevenness.

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