3 sexy dominant female face

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

Why do some women faces literally chained to themselves
man’s looks? What is the sexual dominant of the female face?
Comments on this are given by medical and
aesthetic cosmetology, doctors of the beauty center “Dvoryanskaya

According to psychologists, the female appearance of most men
perceives at the subconscious level. And, regardless of the purpose
dating (easy flirt or serious relationship)
attractiveness criteria are those that indicate
youth, health, temperament and ability to produce healthy

On the female face of the main aesthetic and sexual dominant
are definitely lips.

The fact is that the lips and the area around them are the most
hormone-dependent facial area. Elastic, “juicy” lips – a sign
youth and health. Volume also matters. Chubby mouth, with
one hand, indicates the temperamental nature of his
owners On the other hand, plump lips – the prerogative of children
persons that is associated with youth and purity.

Apparently, therefore, an increase in the lips – one of the most sought after
procedures of aesthetic cosmetology. However, to achieve the desired
attractiveness effect is possible only if the work is done
flawless: the effect is natural, proportions, shape and
The size harmonizes with the features of your face. For each
case specific technique and preparations are selected. To someone
lip contouring is required, some increase in volume,
someone – reinforcement zone around the mouth. In some cases
it is enough to “work through” Cupid’s arch and filtrom columns (a dimple
above the upper lip), and the lips will acquire tremendous appeal.
The newest “trick” – modeling lips mesonite. With their help, you can
not only contour lips (the effect of “kissed” mouth), but also
for a long time to keep the youth of the entire oral zone.

Second sexual accent on a woman’s face
are cheekbones. But in terms of photo and cinematic form of cheekbones and
does come first. Therefore, modeling the cheekbones of beauties,
show and film industry is an absolute priority
among the aesthetic procedures. By highlighting the zygomatic protrusion, you can
completely change the visual perception of the face (as overly thin
and \ or elongated, and too rounded), make it more
harmonious. The shape of the cheekbones can be quite diverse, but
A sign of aristocratic appearance is traditionally considered high
cheekbones. Men find people with high cheekbones very
noble and attractive, and girls with such faces –
carriers of special “elite” genes.

In addition, elastic cheekbones are not only facial relief, they are also
evidence of youth. As soon as the cheekbones flatten (and this
occurs mainly with age) immediately occur: nasolabial
folds, nasolacrimal and cheek-zygomatic grooves. Possible and reverse
process: restoring the volume of the cheekbones, you instantly get rid of
the above age problems and immediately abruptly

The third most important attractant on the female face, according to
psychologists are considered …. brows and not eyes at all, as would be decided
most women. If you pay attention to the epithets that
since ancient times beautiful women are characterized, then you will see how many of them
refers specifically to the eyebrows: “sable”, “tantalizing”, “as
drawn “,” like wings “. Eyebrows form
aesthetic perception of the upper third of the face. Psychologists have noticed that
the highest point of the eyebrow at recognized beauties is located on
level 98% of its onset, against the traditional 93% in ordinary women.
This is proof of how seemingly slight change
aesthetic dominant can transform you from an ordinary woman into
sex symbol.

By the way, the correction and change in the shape of the eyebrows is the present.
art. And it is not limited to simple “plucking”. Recruitment
colors, removing the form – the prerogative of the masters of tattoo, but many
forget that the young face cannot have flat brow
arcs. Like cheekbones, relief brows are considered sexual.
arc. If you want to change the natural shape of the eyebrows, you need to start
также с формирования правильных надбровных arcs. Few units
Botox will provide a spectacular brow expansion, and a small amount
filler will form a perfectly beautiful brow arc. By the way this
Reception very often allows you to avoid age overhang of the upper
century, and gives “openness” look.

To summarize, lips, eyebrows and cheekbones are what your face does.
irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. How to treat the lung
Cosmetic “tuning” of these zones?

Of course, naturalness is beautiful, but if a slight improvement
Your appearance will lead to a dramatic improvement in your life, then
there is nothing criminal about it. After all, we all use
cosmetics, and men do not bother this little deception. The main thing,
observe moderation in everything, and seek such a delicate
question to competent professionals.

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