22% of women do not shave or epilate their legs

Fri, 08 Jan 2016

For the vast majority of women, unwanted hairs on
legs have become a real disaster. What just does not go in the course –
electrolysis, wax, razor. But in recent years, girls presented
another opportunity to get rid of body hair forever –
epilation. Numerous salons provide a huge choice
the number of its varieties at prices ranging from affordable to space.

Portal “Women’s opinion” conducted a survey to find out who in
this difficult struggle comes the old fashioned way, and who gave
preference for “innovative” technologies.

The survey found that almost a third of women (32%) in the fight against
unwanted hairs chose a razor. The main argument in favor of
razors, according to survey participants, the absence of pain that even
outweighs the disadvantage of fast hair growth with

Another 12.2% of girls surveyed use home remedies,
in a word that came to hand. Although opponents of this method
Consider epilation of sugar in the home the most meaningless option,
because the procedure is spent a lot of time.

The combined method was chosen by 27.8% of women. They combine
laser hair removal in the salon, and at home use electric
epilator and razor. According to them, after such manipulations
only individual hairs.

But for technological progress are 6.2% of women who
prefer only high-quality salon epilation, and for the sake of comfort
and beauty are willing to bear the corresponding costs.

Interestingly, almost 22% of women were in favor of natural
beauty: they refused completely from both razors and epilation.

Results, as they say “on the face”: in this fight
the razor took precedence because our women are not ready
exchange the convenience of shaving the legs for painful hair removal.

4310 women aged 20–45 years took part in the survey.
who live in 144 cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

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