10 features of feminine style inclothes

Как выглядеть женственно? Женственный стиль в clothes...To look like
feminine, and therefore attractive, almost everybody dreams
the fair sex.

But here’s a paradox: ask any woman what is
feminine style and she will definitely give you her own
�”Original recipe” to create a feminine image. Yes, we are with
we easily distinguish retro from punk, sporty from glamor,
но о женственном стиле в clothes не знаем практически ничего.

Какой он — женственный стиль в clothes?

Of course, this gap should be urgently filled by learning by heart.
10 distinctive features of feminine style:

  1. Silhouette. Clothing should emphasize all the virtues of female
    фигуры:  красивую грудь, бедра, тонкую талию, ухоженные ножки.
    This does not mean that your dresses and blouses should only be
    tight and open. Your outfit may be voluminous, but he
    must sit on the figure, without distorting its proportion and not giving it
    shapeless look.
  2. The styles. Models of feminine clothes with their seams and reliefs,
    folds and trim, are soft and smooth lines.
    Sharp, tough graphic elements create a feeling of aggression and
    unbalance that is unlikely to attract the opposite to you
  3. Color spectrum. Color plays a decisive role in creating
    feminine image, so pay attention to the gentle clothes
    pastel colors. Colors can be very diverse, but not
    it should be forgotten that the most feminine color was and remains
    red, as well as all its “derivatives” from rose-coral to
    lilac-purple hues.
  4. Fabrics The main fabrics of feminine style are chiffon,
    silk, velvet, satin and knitwear. Here the decisive role is played by that
    the principle is that the fabric should be light, airy and soft, i.e.
    creating a feeling of tenderness, warmth and comfort.
  5. The decor. Feminine style should be elegant. Ruffle, lace,
    воланы и оборки придают clothes элегантность, женственность и особый
    charm. The main thing is to choose the right color. Do not unnecessarily
    get involved in black, better pay attention to the pastel shades,
    которые как нельзя лучше подойдут к clothes в женственном
  6. Pattern. Stripes, cell, strict lines – this is not your choice.
    Feminine style has delicate color transitions, as well as
    floral, fantasy or watercolor patterns.
  7. The hat. This accessory can be very different – with margins and
    without, with a bright decor of feathers, flowers, draperies and veils.
    The main thing is that it looks appropriate and in harmony with your
  8. Footwear. Platform, massive cape and wide heel – uniquely
    not your option. Choose shoes with thin high heels, with
    neat straps and clasps.
  9. Scarf. Lightweight chiffon fabric, delicate color and pleasant
    floral pattern – this is the perfect scarf, “sustained” in the best
    traditions of feminine style. With it, you can give
    charm and elegance even the simplest and most modest
  10. Decorations. Beads, pendants, earrings and bracelets – this is mandatory
    addition to the feminine dress. Give up on massive
    jewelry, preferring miniature and sophistication.

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