Yellow skin is not good

Skin color is initially determined by the race to which it belongs.
person. And if you are the owner of fair skin, with a pink tinge and
the blush on the cheeks means the appearance of the unusual and awesome
the yellowish color of the epidermis indicates some kind of malfunction in
the body.


What could be the cause

As a rule, yellow skin color is associated with problems arising
в the body. Usually a yellow skin tone appears when excessive
the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a blood pigment,
included in its composition. It is a decay product.
hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that belongs to
body transport function, it also binds molecules
oxygen, so the yellow skin of the face is usually associated with hepatitis
– liver disease. There may have been a bile blockage.

If the eyelids are yellowed and the iris is likely
lipid metabolism is disturbed or cholesterol is elevated.

Thyroid dysfunction can also cause yellowing.
skin integument. There is just a lack of enzymes that
split beta carotene.

Some diseases of the digestive system or discharge
cause yellow skin.

Sometimes yellowish skin indicates developing
oncological diseases.

Perhaps, except for unnatural color nothing else
worried. However, if you suddenly notice that the skin has acquired
unusual for you yellow tint, you should immediately turn to
doctor, as this may be a sign of the disease even before
how will pain.

In any case, you will not be able to diagnose yourself,
yes risky, especially in such circumstances. Will need
medical examination. Do not wait longer than a few days.

Causes of yellowness of the skin, which you can affect

However, sometimes yellow skin may have a completely different color.
an explanation that is not related to the dysfunction of individual organs or
diseases. It’s just that there are too many foods in a person’s diet,
containing beta-carotene, due to which increased
skin pigmentation. A lot of beta carotene in raw carrots, and
its large consumption can give the skin a yellow tint. Oranges
и тыква также могут провоцировать пожелтение skin integument.

When used in home cosmetics products with high
carotenes are likely to get this.
specific shade. Some drugs can give the body

Eliminating yellow tint from skin

Finding out the reasons you can begin to get rid of the consequences. If a
The survey showed some kind of health problem in the first
all you need to send all the forces for treatment. Usually during
treatment, simultaneously with recovery, yellow color of the skin
passes by itself. And in addition to this, you can attach
some effort to return normal and healthy color

In the absence of diseases that could cause such
nuisance, you can relax for a while, and proceed to
the elimination of yellowness.

This can help:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • walks in the open air;
  • active lifestyle in which there is a place regular
    physical stress;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • proper sleep and rest;
  • balanced diet that eliminates unhealthy

Supplementing the diet with some products that are directly
associated with increased levels of hemoglobin in the blood. For example, cabbage,
onions, garlic and radish, figs, soft-boiled eggs and meat with blood,
adding pepper and dill, cloves and calamus to the food, and a little
the wine.

Learn to enjoy every day of your life and stay in
positive, it also contributes to the improvement of complexion.

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