Yellow peeling: retinol in action


Yellow peeling: retinol in action

What is yellow peeling?

New procedure promising a great result and solution
skin problems in a gentle way.

Yellow or retinol (retinoic) peeling –
a kind of mid-surface chemical peeling

The effect is comparable to the deep effect of the active substance.
so soft that the procedure is not prohibited to owners
sensitive skin.

Operating principle and active substance

Despite the fact that many people put an equal sign between retinol and
retinoic peeling, it is different. The first is based on retinol, then
There is vitamin A, which in the skin turns into retinoic

When reaching a certain concentration begins actively
stand out collagen, dermis updated. Outwardly, this is manifested in
excessive peeling.

Then from the resulting retinol epidermis replenishes
consumed reserves and everything starts over again.

The second peeling is based on synthetic derivatives, namely
retinic acid, which is consumed immediately all. Therefore, peeling
with such a short procedure, the effect occurs

Beauticians advise to give preference

In the process of accumulation-consumption of acid works
self-regulation of the skin, that is, there is a natural process. It reduces to
minimize the likelihood of burns and inflammation.
Показания к применению: акне, сыпь, комедоны;
scars and pigmentation; low skin elasticity.
Противопоказания: период беременности, лактации,
inflammatory diseases, eye diseases, allergies to
components of drugs. Effect of the procedure:
pigmentation, scars, scars disappear, skin tone improves,
work of sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are cleared. Result
lasts a long time, so the procedure is carried out no more than once a
half a year Offer more? Cheating, because retinoic acid
quite aggressive and often expose her skin
impact is not worth it.

Stages of the procedure

You need to start with a consultation, where you can correctly
choose the procedure, the active substance and the expected effect.
Note: this procedure requires preparation, in
unlike other types of peels. It is necessary to clean the skin from
keratinized cells for deeper penetration of active
substances. To do this, use tools based on fruit
acids and fatty creams. Beautician may enable the program
preparatory stage light peels depending on age and
skin condition. At this stage it is worth refusing to receive solar

Now directly about how it goes
1. Cleansing and degreasing the skin. 2. Protection
eyelids, lips, eyes with petroleum jelly in order to prevent active
substances on sensitive areas. 3. Glycol processing
acid to remove dead cells. 4. Applying retinoic
acid. Another feature of this procedure, which stands
note. From the salon will have to go home with a yellow mask on
face and hold it for 4 to 12 hours! After the cosmetologist’s team need
will wash off the mask with water and apply a special regenerating


The procedure is done, but to maintain the result you need
follow the rules.

Категорически нельзя: – ускорять отшелушивание
mechanically (hands, sponge) and scrubs; – 
sunbathing; – ходить в баню, сауны и подвергать лицо
steaming in another way; – ходить в спортзал на усиленные
Workout, during which begins sweating. For
skin care products should be washed with water or decoction of chamomile, as well as
use cream with spf.

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