Why do the roots of hair on the head hurt


  • Causes of hair pain at the roots
  • How to ease the pain?
  • How is the treatment of the scalp and hair with pain

Many people, especially women, often ask why they hurt
hair roots on top of head. Indeed it is very
a common condition that causes great anxiety,
especially if accompanied by severe itching and hair loss. Have
There are many reasons for this condition, some of which are serious and
requiring complex treatment, treatment of specialized
to specialists who are far from always related to trichology.


Causes of hair pain at the roots

What hurts the hair roots? There may be many reasons. They can
divided into several large groups:

  • Mechanical causes are associated with using too tight
    hairstyles, many studs and hairpins, rubber bands. Pain occurs when
    using inappropriate combs and brushes, rough and careless
    combing, especially when wet, applying bad or
    shampoos, masks or
    balsams, as well as in violation of hygiene rules – dirty
    head hurts due to the fact that the hair roots “choke” under the crust
    sebum, dust, styling products and exfoliated particles
  • Physiological causes. The scalp is very rich in nervous
    endings and many small blood vessels. Pains can
    provoke vascular spasms in vegetative-vascular dystonia,
    circulatory disorders when wearing too tight hats
    or hoops, headbands, and breaking the head
    blood. This is the answer to the frequent question of women, why after the tail
    sore hair roots.
  • Pain can also cause excessive cooling of the scalp,
    if in the cold season to go without a hat, overheating and
    solar radiation in the heat, as well as severe or habitual stress –
    any nervous disorders can cause pain,
    which are perceived as pain in the roots of the hair. This state
    often called “neurotic helmet”.
  • Allergic reactions often cause a rash,
    itching and severe pain in the scalp.

All of these causes can trigger the onset of pain.
degrees of intensity that turn out to be temporary
passing on their own or after eliminating the cause, their
causing If the pain is constant, or appear
with enviable periodicity, it may indicate the presence
serious illness. In this case, it is very important to quickly
go to a medical facility and go through the full

Important! If pains in the scalp are accompanied by other
unpleasant phenomena, for example, vasospasm, dizziness,
nausea or fainting, most likely, it is a disease not
connected directly to the hair roots. Need to quickly contact
for medical care.

What are some ways to ease pain?

When the skin at the roots of the hair is severely sore, the only thing
really interested in the person, what to do in this situation
and how to get rid of high pain. It all depends on
of what provokes the state.

If the reason is hairstyle, quickly get rid of discomfort
it helps to simply open the tail and remove all the hairpins from the hair
and pins. Loose hair should be gently combed with a comfortable brush,
which does not pull the hair roots, make a small massage. In such
The situation of pain usually passes very quickly.

When your head hurts because of the dirt, just enough good
wash your hair and dry them naturally. Relief
comes right away. When using unsuitable shampoos and
other care products to get rid of pain and discomfort need
be sure to choose the best hair care product for yourself,
balm or mask. This will have a positive effect on both hair and

If the pain is triggered by stress, a one-time strong or
familiar, will only help get rid of the very source of stress and
treatment of the nervous system, prescribed by a specialist. If stress
provokes the environment itself, can appeal to an experienced
psychotherapist. It will help to learn to perceive adequately.
the situation and the pains will go away. Sometimes it is enough to achieve
normal, restful and long sleep.

When the pain in the hair roots is caused by cramps
vascular and violation of their work, it is recommended that complex treatment and
elimination of external causes that serve as provocateurs for such states.
Most often, the doctor prescribes medications, toning vessels,
for example, rutin or askorutin, and at low pressure and
vascular dystonia preparations of ginseng, eleutherococcus or
Aralia Manchu. Massages and physiotherapy are also recommended.
particular darsonvalization of the scalp.

Important! For pains in the scalp, self-treatment can also be
dangerous, as in other situations. If the pains are constant and
very strong, do not pass after changing hair, shampoo and
combing, then a visit to the doctor is an important guarantee save
your health.

Лечение кожи головы и волос при болевых sensations

If the hair roots are constantly sore and this condition literally
sense poisons existence, you need to think about complex
change your approach to hair and scalp care.

  • First you need to reconsider your care. Perhaps in
    the desire to get very beautiful and shiny curls you just
    overdo it with therapeutic and styling tools. Then you
    requires deep cleansing shampoo and skin scrub
    heads. These two products will help you to clean your hair
    from the accumulated layer of silicones and other substances. In most
    cases after such simple therapy, the hair and scalp are literally
    come to life on the eyes. You need to do this process at least once.
  • Provoke pains in the scalp, hair cramps and deterioration
    Can paint, especially bleaching. It contains ammonia and
    гидроперит не просто сильно высушивают волосы и кожу heads. Than
    the more you apply hair dye, the stronger the effect on
    of them. In fact, hair dyeing with resistant dyes is
    the strongest “chemical attack” on the skin and hair. If they become
    too painful to react to the dyeing process perhaps
    This is a signal that you need to change the dye, go to
    ammonia-free or other gentle hair color change.
  • Change your hairstyle, change the parting. Hair get used to
    monotonous position, the roots may be overloaded
    and get sick. Sometimes for change for the better, the correct one is enough.
  • Haveспокойте нервы. Excessive nervousness adversely affects
    all body, including the hair. Due to stress is broken
    the nourishment of the hair, they begin to break and fall out, and their skin
    the grounds are very sore. The doctor will prescribe the right medication.
  • Change the pillow and mattress. Often these familiar items are
    the reason why the hair roots on the back of your head hurt. Violation
    blood circulation leads to spasms and problems with
  • A very good treatment for the scalp for pain is
    massages They can делать пальцами или же при помощи массажной
    brushes. It is important to choose the right tool – it should not pull
    and injure hair, gently but tangibly affect the skin
    heads. When massaging your hands, you do not need to press hard;
    be soft and smooth, without jerks. Indicator correctly
    the treatment performed is complete relaxation of the patient and his
    desire to sleep.
  • It is possible to treat sore scalp with various preparations.
    It is best to use simple and affordable tools. For example,
    for pain in the scalp from excessive dryness and tightness help
    oil massages, with inflammation – with aloe juice, with dandruff –
    treatment with specific antifungal drugs. If a
    discomfort caused by allergies, the doctor will prescribe special drugs,
    reception of which eliminates the unpleasant state.

Important! Any treatment of pain in the scalp should not be easy
symptomatic, and complex. That is not enough just to remove
soreness and discomfort, it is important to find the cause and eliminate it, and
then eliminate the consequences.

Careful hygiene, use of suitable quality products.
care, good combs, the rejection of the frequent wearing tight hairstyles
and dressings, selection of headgear in size, wearing it in
adverse weather and strong physical and psychological
health will protect you from the appearance of pain in the scalp and problems with

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