The attractiveness of a woman depends on the beauty of her hands.
This is especially true in the summer, when
have to wear clothes with short sleeves. Some women
face the problem of spots on the elbows. They look
extremely not aesthetically pleasing, therefore from them it is absolutely necessary
get rid.
Causes of elbow stains
Before spots appear on elbows, skin is significantly
thickens. In some cases, strong
peeling. After this, spots appear. They may have white,
red or grayish tint.
The causes of this phenomenon should be sought in the functioning of organs.
and body systems. Therefore, before proceeding to eliminate
Such a defect should consult with your doctor. Among
The main reasons for the appearance of such spots are the following:
- 1. Avitaminosis. The appearance of this defect is often associated with
lack of vitamin B. Vitamin deficiency leads to drying out
skin, so that it begins to peel off and appear on it
stains. Solve this problem will help proper nutrition. Try hard
enter in your diet as much as possible vegetables and fruits. Not
will interfere with the intake of specialized vitamin and mineral
complexes. - 2. Hypothyroidism. This disease is associated with a disorder.
functioning of the thyroid gland. As a rule, it is accompanied by
hair loss and discoloration of the skin. The reason for the appearance
such illness often becomes emotional overload, reception
potent drugs, malnutrition,
adverse environmental conditions or heredity. For
elimination of spots on elbows first have to find out
the cause of hypothyroidism and take the necessary course
therapy. - 3. Psoriasis. This is a serious skin disorder lately, to
Unfortunately, it has become increasingly common. It is accompanied by
significant thickening of the epidermis in the joints, including
and elbows. In this case, the spots are likely to have white or
slightly reddish color. - 4. Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the natural microflora in the intestines
may also cause stains. Most often it occurs
after uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Due to
dysbiosis occurs a violation of the production of vitamin B. It is this
substance and is responsible for the proper pigmentation of the skin. - 5. Skin diseases of infectious nature. These include
candidiasis, lichen, mycosis and scabies. In this case, be sure
must undergo a medical examination. - 6. Diabetes. This disease is often accompanied by
darkening of the skin on the elbows and in the abdomen. - 7. Environmental factors. The appearance of such a defect may be
provoked by the long wearing of overly tight clothes,
prolonged exposure to cold or weathering of the skin.
The main methods of treatment
If the cause of stains is a disease, then first
queue need to undergo appropriate treatment. It should be
appointed by the attending physician after all necessary examinations.
For того чтобы устранить пятна на локтях следует придерживаться
1. While you are taking a shower, gently massage
elbows with a special hair brush. With this in your
everyday shower gel is best to add a few drops
glycerol. It will help make the code softer and eliminate
the drying action of the gel.
2. Treat your elbows with a scrub. It can be purchased ready-made.
in any cosmetic store or do it yourself from
natural ingredients.
3. Every day, do not forget to lubricate the elbows with a nourishing cream.
Choose those products that include essential oils and
herbal extracts.
4. Daily a few drops before bedtime
olive oil with light massage movements. Can also
use orange or almond oil.
5. In the morning hours, wipe the skin with fresh lemon
Recipes of folk remedies
Get rid of this defect will help and folk remedies,
made from natural harmless component. Such treatment
does not require you to special material costs. With this you can
be completely sure of his safety. Among самых действенных
The recipes particularly stand out as follows:
- Mask of potatoes. Grate one raw potato grated. AT
the resulting mass, add a teaspoon of honey. Carefully
mix all the ingredients and apply a mask on the code of the elbows. ATидимый
the result appears after ten days of regular use
such a means. For того чтобы добиться стойкого эффекта и
avoid the likelihood of relapse, it is worth not interrupting the course of treatment in
for a month. - ATанночка с добавлением пищевой соды. Add to clean heat
water one teaspoon of soda and sea salt, as well as 10 drops
glycerol. AT такой состав необходимо погрузить локти на полчаса.
After completing the procedure do not wipe the skin, let her
dry under natural conditions. - Scrub with salt. Notбольшое mix sour cream
with an equal amount of finely ground sea salt. This composition
should be rubbed into the skin in neat circular motions. - Маска с лимонным juice AT небольшое количество лимонного сока
add a tablespoon of baking soda. Stir the ingredients until
obtain a homogeneous mass. This mask should be applied massage
movements and leave for 15 minutes. - Mask with glycerin. Mix in equal proportions glycerin and
lemon juice. AT получившийся состав добавьте небольшое количество
Vitamin E, which can now be purchased at any pharmacy. After
you carefully mix all the ingredients, you can
apply the product to the skin. For воздействия такую маску необходимо
leave for 20 minutes. It will help not only whiten the skin of the elbows,
but also make it softer and more elastic. - Multicomponent mask. Shelled several walnuts
grind with a coffee grinder. Add to it in advance
grated radish, as well as shredded leaves and flowers
chamomile. To the resulting mixture, add one cup of sour cream
and milk. ATсе компоненты следует тщательно перемешать. This composition
applied to the elbows and left for half an hour. After завершения
procedures need to lubricate the skin with any nourishing
cream - Compress. AT небольшое количество жирных сливок добавьте немного
fine salt and soda, as well as a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and
lemon juice. Before applying the skin must be steamed.
in warm water. Treat the elbows with the prepared compound and wrap.
cellophane film. Such a compress should be kept about 40
minutes After чего его можно будет смыть проточной водой. Will remain
только обработать кожу жирным питательным cream
These simple tips will help you quickly get rid of
stains on elbows. But do not forget that a positive result
can only be obtained if the occurrence of a defect is not
associated with serious illnesses. Therefore, before
to begin treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of