Whey for growth and against losshair

A variety of serum has recently become one of
наиболее популярных продуктов для ухода за кожей и hairами.
Ready whey can be purchased at almost any store.
cosmetics, – many brands offer their own options for this
nutritional composition.

Что касается сыворотки для hair, то она может быть как
classical dairy, and manufactured industrially and
packaged in tubes.

Whey can be done independently at home.
conditions. To do this, take a certain amount of milk, pour
in a ceramic container, and leave to infuse at room
temperature After a while the milk will curdle, after which it
it will be necessary to bring to a boil, cool, and strain through
gauze. The final product will be called “serum”.

Whey is rich in protein, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
In addition, the serum includes a whole set of valuable
amino acids that have incredibly beneficial properties
hair. Vitamins and trace elements contained in serum, improve
структуру hair, и стимулируют их рост.

  • In order to make use of whey for
    hair еще более эффективным, следует развести ее в пропорции один к
    two with a decoction of burdock leaves. To make such a decoction,
    take three full tablespoons of dried and
    chopped burdock leaves, and pour them with two liters of boiling water.
    This infusion should be kept for an hour, then fully
    cool and dilute with whey. The resulting mixture can
    использовать в качестве ополаскивателя для hair, — он облегчит их
    combing, will make it more silky and soft.

Due to the lactic acid products contained in whey,
hairы покрываются тончайшей защитной пленкой, которая оберегает их
from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and adverse
climatic conditions. Serum exposure can also be enhanced.
после ополаскивания ею hair, надев на них целлофановую шапочку, и
leaving her about twenty minutes. The so-called “greenhouse
effect “activates the work of the useful elements of the serum and improves
их впитывание в структуру hair.

Rinse off the serum can be simply warm water, with diluted in it
juice of half a lemon. In general, we can say that serum
устраняет последствия, нанесенные hairам стрессом или неправильным
using various cosmetics, improves
recovery of follicular apparatus cells responsible for
регенерацию роговых частиц hairа, а также обеспечивает hairы
necessary immunity against various adverse
external influences.

In addition to using whey in its pure form, it can
Use for making various masks. Маски для hair
of serum are an excellent remedy that can help
сделать hairы более сильными и здоровыми.

  • So, at home, you can prepare a mask of milk
    whey and white clay. Both components are mixed in equal
    пропорциях, а затем полученная смесь наносится на hairы. In such
    a mask can add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil – this
    значительно облегчит расчесывание hair после мытья.
  • Using a special mask from whey can be given
    дополнительный блеск светлым hairам. To prepare such a mask
    need to take some whey, and mix it with
    a small amount of chamomile decoction and a couple of drops of apple
    vinegar. This mask is used in the same way as the rinse from
    сыворотки, и делает светлые hairы сияющими и упругими.

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