What to do if the skin on the hands beginsto climb?


  • Why peel skin on the fingers: the main reasons
  • Proper skin care
  • Hand baths
  • Homemade ointment for cracking and flaking hands
  • Prevention

The appearance of a woman depends on the state in which
her hands are they are always in sight. If a
some problems happen, then disguise them pretty
problematic. That is why hand care needs to be paid.
enough attention. Often women face the fact that the skin
hands begin to peel off.


What is the reason?

According to recent studies of scientists, the causes of this phenomenon
may be different. And before you begin treatment,
it is necessary to eliminate the factors that cause peeling of the skin on
hands. To do this, be sure to contact your doctor.
to the doctor. These reasons include:

  • 1. Insufficient amount of vitamin A and E in the body. For
    in order to make up for vitamin A deficiency, quite regularly
    eat carrots. But do not forget that this substance
    able to digest only with oils. Therefore the best
    the introduction of carrot salad into your diet
    filled with any oil. Get rid of beriberi also
    will help the use of eggs, cabbage, oatmeal and pumpkin. They can
    eat both independently and cook delicious dishes from them.
    Vitamin E is especially rich in cod liver. A great option
    will be a salad of liver, eggs and green onions. Fill the gap
    can also be with the help of specialized vitamin complexes,
    which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.
  • 2. Allergic reactions. Today, an increasing number of people
    suffers from allergies. It can manifest itself in various ways, in
    including peeling skin hands. Cure her completely
    Unfortunately, it will not work. But you can identify the product that
    is an allergen for you. Avoiding it, you can solve
    problem with the hands.
  • 3. Long stay in a stressful situation. Everybody knows,
    that stress is often the root cause of many
    diseases, including peeling of the skin of the hands. Try more
    rest and avoid stressful situations.
  • 4. Long-term use of potent drugs
  • 5. Use of household chemicals without protective gloves. Part
    modern detergents are often included a large number
    substances that are extremely aggressive effect on the skin. If a вы
    noticed that a remedy caused you a negative reaction,
    it is worth completely abandoning its use. Sure to
    Do the cleaning with protective rubber gloves. After you
    finished the work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and apply to
    them moisturizer.
  • 6. Skin diseases. Among the common causes of this problem
    distinguish: dermatitis, psoriasis, lupus, chronic eczema and
    erythroderma. In this case, be sure to refer to
    doctor and start treatment.
  • 7. Skin diseases of fungal origin. Impact
    microbes and excessive sweating can lead to
    fungal diseases. In this case, solve this problem without
    use of specialized drugs is not
    work out.
  • 8. Infectious diseases, such as ARVI. If a кожа рук
    peeling off, this may be evidence of health problems.
    Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and
    pass all the necessary tests. In some cases it may
    need treatment with antibiotics.

Care for damaged skin

In order to keep the skin on her hands, she should get
proper nutrition and hydration. You can get rid of the problem,
Adhering to the following recommendations:

  • 1. After washing, wipe your hands thoroughly. Try as much as possible
    reduce contact with water. So you can avoid dehydration.
    For cleansing the skin should use an extremely soft
    non-aggressive soap.
  • 2. Regularly apply moisturizer to your skin. Before bedtime
    it is necessary to steam the skin and rub the cream enriched in it
    with vitamins. Worth choosing such creams, which include
    natural ingredients like chamomile or aloe.
  • 3. If a причиной шелушения является аллергия, то понадобится
    прием специализированных антигистаминных drugs. Wherein
    it will be necessary to completely eliminate contact with the allergen.

The use of special baths

In order to eliminate the peeling of the skin on the hands, you can
apply a variety of trays. Natural ones should be added to them.
components that have a healing effect. One of the most
effective recipes are:

  • 1. With the addition of starch. In one liter of water should be diluted
    tablespoon of potato starch. Hold in such a bath
    hands for fifteen minutes. After this procedure, the skin
    must be thoroughly wiped and lubricated with any nutrient
  • 2. With the addition of potatoes. Cook one medium potato
    magnitude. Peel and mash it thoroughly. AT
    pour the puree into a glass of milk and two glasses of warm water. AT
    such a bath Hold hands for 20 minutes. AT
    конце процедуры смажьте кожу питательным cream
  • 3. With the addition of gelatin. One teaspoon of gelatin
    Dissolve in a glass of warm water. Leave for 40 minutes. After that
    as gelatin is swollen, pour it into a saucepan and put it on
    slow fire. After boiling, remove the composition from the heat and cool.
    up to a comfortable temperature for hands. These trays will help
    get rid of flaking and make the skin soft and velvety.

Homemade Ointment Recipes

To help the affected skin of the hands, you can use ointments that are easy
cook at home:

  • 1. With the addition of celandine. This medicinal plant is capable of
    effectively heal cracks in the skin and make it softer. For
    preparation of healing ointment, place in the pan celandine leaves.
    Fill them with a glass of vegetable oil and put on a slow
    the fire. After that как состав закипит, добавьте в него столовую
    a spoonful of wax. Stir thoroughly and continue heating.
    it is time to completely dissolve the wax.
  • 2. With the addition of honey. Mix natural honey with flour and
    a small amount of any animal fat. AT
    As a result, you should have a mass resembling a thick
    dough. Wash hands thoroughly and dry before the procedure. On
    affected code put a small piece of the prepared composition
    and gently spread it over the entire surface. Wrap your hands clean
    cloth and wrap a woolen scarf.

Prevention methods

For того чтобы предотвратить шелушение кожи на руках, в первую
all you need to train yourself to proper nutrition. ATводите в
your diet as much as possible vegetables and fruits. AT вашем меню обязательно
must be present cabbage, tomatoes, parsley, green peas,
prunes, potatoes, carrots and corn. Also useful
It turns out and the use of cereals, such as oatmeal and barley.

ATосполнить недостаток витаминов поможет регулярное употребление
vegetable juices. The best option would be carrot juice with the addition of
a few drops of vegetable oil. You can cook and drink from
several vegetables at the same time.

By following simple guidelines, you can permanently get rid of such
Problems. Then your hands will always look well-groomed and
to attract the attention of others.

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