What makes up human beauty

Every person at least once thought about whether he is handsome.
Each revealed some flaws. There are those who do not
like your nose (big, crooked, humpbacked), those who are not
make eyes (wrong color, wrong size, too close
or far planted). Someone is not happy with their physique (very
thin, too thick, not laden, pumped) and so without
of the end – anyone, if desired, can find at least one flaw in himself.
They say no one is perfect.

What is beauty? How to define it? No makeup when
luxury cosmetics, neither precious stones nor expensive
branded clothing does not make a person better. beauty – это то, чего
can’t buy for money. This is, first of all, self-care: tidy
appearance, healthy complexion, well-groomed hair and hands, bewitching
aroma, self-confidence and smile. Blinding smile. On
early on this may be enough. But there is something more
deep, something eternal, where can be attributed upbringing, competent
speech and kindness to others.

It is time to dump from the steamer of modernity imposed by society
beauty standards: no one is obliged to have a figure
�”Ninety-sixty-ninety”, big breasts, wasp waist,
plump lips, long hair, slender legs, lush eyelashes,
eyebrows of the same shape and so on. Happiness is not in it. Everyone
is individual. Do not change for the sake of someone – this is not an option. Need to
stay yourself. There will always be dissatisfied and criticizing.
Next to all periodically appearing and demanding. But
it is not your duty to please others. Need to принять себя.
Need to полюбить себя. Need to предъявить себя.

You can have an unsurpassed style, elegant manners,
correct by all standards, facial features, perfect figure, have
three higher educations, an enviable high-paying job and
a millionaire husband, but at the same time, being a purely unhappy person,
lonely, misunderstood, unloved and unloving, with loosened
mental and nervous systems. beauty же – это умение ладить с
the world and with yourself.

Everyone красив по-своему, главное – эту красоту
support. Life is like a story in which two people, looking into
one prison window, observed a different picture: one saw the dirt,
the other is the stars. It is better to look at everything around with loving eyes.
And especially on its reflection.

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