What is a liquid blade forpedicure

For modern active women, manicure and pedicure refers to
number of mandatory hygiene procedures. Hard to imagine
that there are women who have never done various manipulations with
its appearance. However, there are many beautiful ladies who, because of
features of your body can not use either normal or
hardware pedicure. This may be due to skin defects or
very close to the capillaries under the skin. The least bit of them
injury can cause severe and rather prolonged bleeding,
pain and the possibility of inflammation
infection in the wound.


What is a liquid blade?

The cosmetic industry came to the rescue of women. Was
A number of preparations based on fruit and other acids have been developed.
which received the collective name “liquid blade”.

These products are designed to be soft, delicate and painless.
exfoliate and repel all “dead” tissues from the feet, including
rough natoptysh and cuticle on the toes. Application of “liquid
blade “eliminates the use of a variety of cutting objects
type of razor, as well as scissors and cuticle clippers. By doing
такого типа pedicure невозможно пораниться, так как острые предметы
just not used. As a result of the procedure you can get very
soft and delicate skin of the feet, completely painlessly removed
cuticle and very clean smooth nails with no traces of pterigia on them. WITH
heels disappear coarse areas, calluses and coarse natoptysh.

Для выполнения pedicure с «жидким лезвием» отпадает
the need not only for sharp instruments, but also for long
steaming, using various files, pumice or
polishing for heels. Acts “liquid blade” completely
painless, so it can be used by people with very
sensitive skin, pregnant women, diabetes and even
mycotic lesions of the feet. Do this pedicure equally well
can both women and men. After such a quick and
good hygienic procedures men can cover their nails
special protective colorless varnish that saves nails from
lesions of fungal diseases. This is especially important for athletes
people frequenting swimming pools, baths, saunas or beaches. Women
after the “liquid blade” can safely use colored varnishes
or make a decorative long-lasting pedicure using
gel polish.

How to use a liquid blade

The first time you can visit the salon and perform acid pedicure in
masters. This will give you the opportunity to understand the sequence.
operations and ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.

At home, using the “liquid blade” is very simple.
To do this, you must have:

  • WITHредство для кислотного pedicure в виде жидкости или
  • WITHредство для дезинфекции.
  • Plastic bags by the size of the stop.
  • Тонкие перчатки для нанесения cream
  • Orange tree sticks.
  • Foot towel.
  • Foot bath.
  • Foot cream – moisturizing or nourishing, by choice.

Перед началом pedicure необходимо осмотреть стопы и пальцы ног.
They should not be scuffed, water callus, deep cracks
and wounds, as the acid-containing fluid penetrates into the open
wounds and cause irritation, inflammation and sharp pain. If
skin damage is not, you can safely proceed to the procedure.

Clean feet are immersed in a foot bath with warm (not hot!)
water This is necessary to ensure that dry keratin formations
on the feet and cuticles of the nails have absorbed water and swelled. In such
condition, they will be more susceptible to exposure to “liquid

When 5 to 10 minutes have passed, you should wipe your feet dry and
process a special disinfectant. At the same time on hand
You must wear gloves, because the product can ruin your
fresh and beautiful manicure.

WITHледующим этапом нанесите на ноги крем или жидкость для
pedicure. In places with a high layer of dead skin, you can
put cotton pads soaked in the preparation. Then on foot
put on plastic bags or wrap them in several layers
elastic food film.

WITHредство оставляют на ногах для воздействия на срок, указанный
on the packaging of the selected drug. Usually 10 is enough for this.
minutes Then the film or sachet is removed and the legs are massaged.
gloved hands, with dead and separated skin
exfoliate and roll off. If there are difficulties with especially
coarse plots can be used pumice, but to act
must be very soft and delicate, so as not to damage the delicate and
delicate skin, which is under a rough layer.

With the help of orange sticks, you can gently
remove the cuticle and skin around the nails, and remove the remnants
special soft brush for nails. As a result, should
get very clean and beautiful nails, soft and fresh skin of the feet
without natoptyshy and callosities.

After removing the dead skin on the foot again put
disinfecting drug, after which the legs are finally released
from traces of dead tissue. Hygienic procedure completed
Now you can make and make up your nails.

A simple and convenient way to use a liquid blade

At home, you can greatly simplify and facilitate
carrying out the procedure of acid peeling feet with the help of “liquid
blades. Many Asian countries sell special
pedicure socks based on fruit acids and lactic acid.
They act like a “liquid blade”, only contain acid
in lower concentration and have a very convenient form for
home use.

Каждая упаковка этого средства для pedicure содержит два
waterproof “sock” with soft non-woven liners in some
options that are impregnated with the drug with acids. Can find
models designed for men – they just have more than
usually the size of “sock.” WITHтандартная длина такого изделия – 27 см,
which makes it possible to use “pedicure socks” for women
with different foot sizes.

Socks are put on for 1.5 – 2 hours, then removed,
discarded, and feet thoroughly washed from traces of the drug.
Peeling of the skin begins in about 3 to 5 days and may
last from 3-4 days to two weeks, depending on
skin properties. There is a painless detachment of the skin, starting from
the thinnest treated areas. You can not “help” peeling,
tearing the skin can cause yourself serious damage. Speed ​​up
the process can be regular foot baths, after which the skin
simply removed by large patches, leaving a clean under,
young and soft skin with no calluses or hard

After the procedure, you need to use nutritional or
moisturizing foot cream depending on the season.

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