We polish hair at home

Beautiful and obedient curls – the dream of every girl and woman. AND
we can definitely get what we want if we do it properly
to look after hair.

It’s all just corny. ANDспользовать как можно более щадящие
shampoos and balms, best with a natural composition of
certified manufacturers, wash your hair with warm water, as
very cold or hot water damages the hair structure. Use
moisturizing and nourishing masks from natural ingredients,
rinse hair with decoction of herbs.

полировка волос, фото

Be sure to use the right amount of vitamins and minerals
if not with food, then, as an option, well-chosen complexes
food additives. After all, hair simply needs vitamins A, C, E,
almost the entire group B, as well as selenium, silicon, magnesium, copper, cobalt,
iron, calcium, zinc, folic and lipoic acids and many others
items. An important condition for the preservation of healthy hair is
their protection from the sun, wind, rain, frost, snow, exhaust and
even cigarette smoke.


Impossible to insure

No matter how hard a person cares about his hair, it happens
troubles such as overdrying, freezing, damage
when coloring or discoloration. Again our ecology,
hereditary factors or lack of vitamins. AND вот, лишенные
shine, unpleasant to the touch, dry with split ends curls,
difficult to comb, make you think about possible
options for healing hair.

One very effective way is to polish hair.

Existing types of hair polishing

The essence of this procedure is to fill each
hair nourishing and even healing substances that will help
strengthen, strengthen and return them, porous and “cracked”,
healthy look. A special compound envelops every hair thin.
film, thanks to which the scales are smoothed, preventing
rapid washout of beneficial components.

Damaged hair to the touch dry and rough, and after processing
become shiny, smooth and elastic. In order to achieve
such a result, you can visit beauty salons, where such
procedures can also be called elimination or just

More recently, there is another opportunity to “polish”
hair. The special nozzle is put on the clipper and with
using her shears only up to a centimeter from the entire length. So
This way, dried and split hair ends are removed, and the total
length does not suffer. This is undoubtedly a great device.
But on this his action ends and no internal
no effect on hair structure.

Good results give professional polishes known
trademarks such as American Paul Mitchell or
Italian Green Light. These compositions can be treated hair
not only in the cabin, but at home, they are easy to use.

насадка для полировки волос, фото

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. thoroughly rinse hair from styling products, dust and surrounding
    dirt, sebum;
  2. depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer, the hair needs either
    dry well or leave slightly moist;
  3. distribute the drug over the entire hair length as evenly as possible
    strand by strand;
  4. wear a special hat, you can replace it with a package of
    polyethylene or cling film;
  5. alternating for five minutes with a hair dryer heated with the same
    cooling down time, spend half an hour;
  6. wash the hair from the drug, apply conditioner and again everything
    rinse well.

You can enjoy smooth, lively and docile curls.

However, not everyone can afford to be regularly served by an expensive
masters or even just get a quality drug. But not
it’s worth being upset because there are some lovely
recipes that do not require large financial costs and give
the effect is not worse at all.

Hair reconstruction, homemade recipes

  • Let’s start not even with recipes, but with a few tricks. First of all,
    Get a brush with thick and short natural bristles.
    Unlike synthetic combs and brushes, it will not
    electrify neither the hairs in general, nor the hair scales, eh,
    on the contrary, it will smooth them well, giving a natural shine, and
    protect from delamination.
  • Secondly, using a hairdryer for styling, limit to warm and
    холодным воздухом, не обжигайте hair. Direct air flow
    from top to bottom, it also helps to smooth the strands and gives
    visual polishing effect.

Coconut milk lamination

In an enamel saucepan combine half a cup of coconut milk,
half a teaspoon of olive oil, pressed from half a lemon
juice and a half tablespoons of starch. Mixture put on fire and
warm, stirring constantly. It is impossible to bring to the boil. Mixture
will gradually thicken, and as soon as the consistency becomes
to remind the cream, immediately remove from the stove. Now you need to wash
head, apply a balm, rinse and roll hair for several
minutes in the towel. Spread evenly on wet hair
slightly cooled mixture. Wrap hair in polyethylene and terry
a towel. After two hours you need to rinse the mask
running water.

Gelatin lamination

Keeping a ratio of 1: 3 in tablespoons, mix dry
bag of gelatin and warm water. The longer the hair, the more
need to prepare a mixture. Under the lid infuse gelatin about 20
minutes, it should completely dissolve. In the meantime, you can wash
shampoo your head, treat with balm and blot your hair
a towel. If gelatin is not completely stirred, you need a little bit
Heat the mixture in a water bath, but do not let it boil. On
Described portion of water and gelatin should be added a little less.
a teaspoon of your regular hair mask. No need to exceed it
quantity, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of gelatin.

When the mass is ready, and the hair is slightly wet, you can proceed to
procedure. Departing from the roots about one centimeter, distribute
blend all the strands to the tips. Onдеть специальную шапочку
or wrap your hair in a plastic bag. Wrap on top
a towel. 15 minutes need a hair dryer to warm up the head, then leave
mask for another three-quarters of an hour. After this time, wash off the gelatin with
hair and dry them.

до и после, фото

Gelatin-based hair polishing masks

By adding different ingredients to the recipe, you can adapt
mask with gelatin for specific needs or hair type. So
way, it turns out a double benefit and stunning effect.

  • To increase the volume you need one yolk, a teaspoon
    mustard powder, colorless henna and gelatin, 2 tablespoons
    warm water. On водяной бане немного подогреть полученную смесь.
    Further, all actions are similar to gelatinous lamination.
  • Soothing mask for damaged hair. To the usual proportion
    gelatin and water 1: 3 add almond oil. And for oily hair
    need half a teaspoon, for normal take a whole, and dry
    need a half teaspoons of this oil. Dissolve and
    stir in a water bath, apply and leave for half an hour.
  • On минеральной воде маска с желатином будет просто лечебная. BUT
    if you add a few drops of lavender essential oil, cedar,
    mint or rosemary, get an amazing procedure.
  • Fruit or vegetable juices, taken instead of water, will give
    hair strength and elasticity. For light hair, you can use
    Pure or diluted lemon juice. BUT брюнеткам идеально подойдет
    carrot juice.
  • Firming and stimulating hair growth effect gives burdock
    or castor oil. It is only necessary to add water to the mixture with
    gelatin half a teaspoon of one of the oils, observing all the same
  • Отвары трав отлично оздоравливают поврежденные hair. Nettle
    or oak bark for dark hair, chamomile for light. Replace
    decoction of water, dissolve the gelatin, and for better nutrition add
    tablespoon of honey.
  • For all hair types, the universal ingredient is yolk. By adding
    it to the warm gelatinous mixture, we get softening and additional
  • Milk used instead of

In addition to the above, it is important to remember that
There are always internal, imperceptible reasons at first glance.
One of the main, and we have already talked about this, is the lack
витаминов и микроitems. Take care of this. AND не теряйте
positive attitude, it helps to cope with any problem.

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