We clean acne skin

Wash your face more often – my mother repeated to me as a child, and I dutifully walked in
bathroom. Washing as a way to clean the face is still a stone
stumble cosmetologists – someone says that often wash
bad, and someone – the opposite. But surely everyone agrees that
daily face cleaning is necessary for people, especially those who wish
get rid of acne and rosacea.

маска для кожи от прыщей, фото


Causes of Acne

An infinite number of reasons can lead to acne.
But, as a rule, we care little for the reason – much more important.
get rid of the consequences, and we run into the cosmetic department,
buying a bottle that was recently seen in advertising. In this our
the main mistake is not only to clean the skin, but to treat it.
Medical supplies in the store you will not find – their location – a pharmacy,
 but cleansing – plenty. Here the main thing is not
Get confused and remember a few rules.

  1. First, you should not get involved in alcohol
     means – alcohol only gives a feeling of purity, and in fact
    It really dries and tightens the skin, which can cause unpleasant
    itching and peeling, as a result will not relieve acne, but only add
    redness on the face. Ordinary soap and scrubs also do not fit,
    because they irritate sensitive skin and destroy protective
  2. Secondly, do not forget about moisture. Moisturizers
    non-comedians are best for relieving itching and
    irritations. Because of the huge amount of moisturizers,
    It is worth paying attention to those of them that contain natural
    vegetable components. Use contained in it
    natural ingredients will avoid side effects and
    possible allergies in the treatment of acne. To this end, many
    try to use natural products according to grandma’s recipes,
    the so-called folk remedies. This is not only useful, but also
    is available.

Here are some recipes.

Acne Mask Recipes

  1. Yeast mask for acne: in a container with boiled water
    dilute 1 tablespoon of yeast to obtain a thick mass. By
    You can add a few drops to the resulting mass.
    lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face until completely dry, after
    what is washed off with cool water.
  2. Маска от прыщей из зеленой глины:  смешать 1 столовую
    a spoon of green clay powder and 1 teaspoon of olive
    (vegetable) oil, add 1 egg white. Peel off
    Add kiwi and its pulp to the prepared mass. All ingredients
    you need to carefully grind and mix until a homogeneous
    thick mass. Byлученную смесь нанести на лицо и через 10 минут
    rinse with cool water.
  3. Fruit mask for acne: clear of skin and bones
    orange and cherry (can be frozen – defrost beforehand). Good
    knead and mix 1 tablespoon of orange pulp and 2 tablespoons
    ложки  мякоти вишни. In the resulting mixture add 1 dining room.
    spoonful of starch or potato flour. Stir all again.
     Byлученную смесь нанести на лицо и через 15 минут смыть
    cool water.
  4. Mask of honey and calendula tincture: in a glass of boiled water
    dilute 2 teaspoons of honey to dissolve and 2 teaspoons
    calendula Byлученной смесью нужно обрабатывать участки, пораженные
    acne every day, morning and evening. This recipe is probably the most
    effective against acne.
  5. Another first aid against acne is egg film.
    Boil the egg and remove the film from the inside of the shell.
    Then put small pieces of film on each pimple and leave
    for a long time. This procedure visibly dries the acne itself,
    rather than the entire surface of the skin.

Stay beautiful!

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