Ways to solve the problem of brittle nails

Sometimes you can not immediately notice that the nails were brittle, however,
at the slightest impact, the tip of the nail may break off, even if
there was no crack on it. Such a problem faces a big
number of women. This problem can be dealt with, but first
queue need to find out the cause of its occurrence.


Why do nails become brittle over time?

Such a problem may occur under the following

  • 1. Exposure to chemicals. In everyday life or in his
    professional activities many women face
    chemicals. Often there may be burns with alkalis or acids. AT
    this situation may cause a stratification of the nail and change it
  • 2. Using varnish. Human nail has a porous
    structure. AT связи с этим компоненты, входящие в состав лаков и
    liquids to remove them, can penetrate to a sufficient depth.
    This can lead to delamination of the nail plate. In this case, the risk
    the emergence of such a problem increases many times if you
    use cheap means.
  • 3. Improper care. Nails often become brittle after
    frequent processing with pliers. Remember to remove the nail
    plate can only be using a special nail file.
  • 4. The deterioration of the nails can be caused by prolonged
    contact with water. This especially needs to be thought of by people
    involved in swimming.
  • 5. Exfoliation of the nail plate may be due to
    lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body. Use in
    foods rich in zinc, silicon, calcium, selenium, and
    vitamins D, E and A.
  • 6. The problem with the nails can be caused by irregularities in work.
    cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system. Often
    stratification of the nail plate can be a symptom of sugar
    diabetes, anemia or thyrotoxicosis.

Treatment of nails using baths

To cope with the problem will help baths based on natural

  • 1. ATанна с растительным маслом. ATанночки с растительным маслом
    well strengthen the nails. ATозьмете полстакана растительного масла и
    heat it up and then add 5 drops of vitamin A and 3 drops of iodine
    or 5 drops of lemon juice. This bath should be done daily.
    20 minutes at least 2 weeks.
  • 2. ATанночка с морской солью. ATоздействие морской воды,
    containing a lot of salt, the nail has a wonderful firming
    effect, therefore, a monthly course is useful several times a year.
    trays of warm water with sea salt. To strengthen the nails in
    A drop of iodine is also added to the bath. This procedure must be done by
    20 minutes every other day, course for 2.5 weeks.
  • 3. ATанночка с оливковым маслом. Half a cup of olive oil
    heat the water bath to a tolerable temperature and dip into it
    hands for 15 minutes. This procedure should be repeated once a week in
    for one and a half months.
  • 4. ATанночка с растительным маслом и яблочным уксусом. Mix
    apple vinegar and vegetable oil in equal proportions, heat up
    to a comfortable temperature and lower your fingers in the bath for 15-20
  • 5. ATанночка с картофелем. Boil the young peeled in water.
    potatoes. The broth formed in the cooking process, a little
    cool it down Опустите в него руки на 15-20 minutes Such a means
    helps to improve the condition of not only the nails, but also the skin of the hands.
  • 6. ATанночка с лимоном. Ripe juicy lemon cut in half. AT
    one half stick the nails of the right hand to the very foundation,
    the other is left. AT таком состоянии необходимо просидеть не менее 15
    minutes But remember that if you have cuts on your fingers or
    burrs, then this procedure is contraindicated for you.
  • 7. ATанночка с ягодами. ATозьмите небольшое количество любых
    sour berries such as cranberries, lingonberries, or currants. Pound
    them before the formation of gruel. AT полученное средство опустите ногти и
    оставьте на 10 minutes
  • 8. ATанночка с подорожником. A tablespoon of crushed
    dried plantain leaves pour half a cup of hot
    milk This mixture should be put in a water bath and heated in
    течение 20 minutes After that, the composition will only filter and
    cool slightly. Dip in a bath prepared in this way.
    ногти и подержите в течение 15 minutes

Other nail restoration products

Traditional medicine knows a lot of recipes that will help
get rid of the problem of brittle nails. Among the most effective of
these are the following:

  • 1. Wiping the nail plate. To strengthen the nails and
    prevent their fragility is useful to wipe the nail plate
    lemon juice or cranberries.
  • 2. Strengthening wax. Very useful for brittle nails and
    procedures with beeswax, which are best done at bedtime.
    Melt the wax in a water bath, wait until it cools to
    acceptable temperature, and dip your fingers in the wax. AT результате на
    fingers form a kind of wax “thimbles” that you need
    save until morning.
  • 3. Nourishing mask for nails. To make flying
    mask for nails, essential flying cream, vitamin A, vitamin D
    и витамин Е. ATозьмете 20 частей flying cream, 3 parts
    витамина А, 3 части витамина D и 1 часть витамина Е. ATсе тщательно
    Mix and rub into the nail plate.
  • 4. Ointment for nails. Mix 1 яичный желток, 4 грамма
    melted beeswax and peach oil to the state
    thick gruel. This ointment should be rubbed into the nails every evening.
  • 5. Ointment, restoring the color of the nail. Solve the problem of fragility
    nail and restore their beautiful natural color will help ointment. For
    its preparation you need to mix a teaspoon of glycerin, a table
    a spoonful of lemon juice and three tablespoons of rose water.
  • 5. Compresses for nails. For компресса вам понадобятся: 70 г
    water, 5 g of alum, 25 g of glycerin. ATсе тщательно перемешайте и
    do this compress daily for 2 weeks.
  • 6. Wiping with iodine. Will help to strengthen the nails and forever
    get rid of their brittleness simple iodine. For этого перед сном
    Apply a small brush to each nail plate.
    amount of drug. ATначале ногти станут желтыми, но к утру йод
    completely absorbed and the color of the nails will become familiar.

Using such simple recipes can solve the problem of brittle
nails and support overall hand health.

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