Vitamin E in the face masks


  • Vitamin E benefits for the skin
  • Moisturizing mask with glycerin and vitamin e
  • Eye masks (4 prescriptions)
  • Mask with honey and vitamin E against wrinkles
  • Anti-aging mask with olive oil and vitamin e
  • Tightening mask with clay and vitamin e
  • Vitamin mask with gelatin
  • Purifying Mask with Protein and Vitamin E
  • Acne and Acne Mask

Homemade mask recipes are becoming increasingly popular, and
There are several reasons for this. First, you can be
sure of the naturalness and safety of the components, and secondly,
This is the case when beauty does not hit the price. In addition, you have
have the opportunity to constantly experiment, creating their
ideal means. So, the most popular component of home
cosmetic masks can be considered vitamin E. It fights wrinkles
and contributes to the rapid recovery of the cells of the epidermis. Of course,
in cosmetic stores there are many masks with this
component, but they can not be compared with the home. Besides,
store price may not always be justified


Why is vitamin E useful?

The main benefit of vitamin E is that it is beneficial
affects the work of the ovaries. As a result, begins to actively
produce the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the beauty and
youth of the woman. However, the results are not only
internal use of this vitamin. In contact with skin, it
also improves her condition.

Carefully study the composition of cosmetics that you
are using. Surely, most of them contain
vitamin E, and there are several reasons for this:

  • – thanks to the activation of regenerative processes in cells,
    skin aging slows down significantly;
  • – blood circulation is activated, as a result the skin is stronger
    saturated with oxygen and other useful substances;
  • – Vitamin E helps eliminate inflammation and prevents
    the appearance of peeling;
  • – It is an excellent barrier from direct sunlight;
  • – helps to get rid of freckles, age spots and

As you can see, vitamin E is quite wide
spectrum of action. Only one oil solution of this substance
can more beneficially affect the cells of the epidermis than
expensive multi-component creams.

Let’s go directly to the recipes.

Glycerol Mask with Vitamin E

Buy in a pharmacy a vial of glycerin and capsules with vitamin E.
Now these components need to be interconnected. Alternately
pierce 10 capsules, squeezing their contents into a jar with
glycerol. Before you apply the product to the skin, you need to
clean well. The exposure time can be from 40
minutes to an hour. So you can quite combine
Beauty treatments with watching your favorite series. Upon expiration
specified time you need to erase the remnants of a napkin, but in no way
case not to wash. It is better to spend the procedure at night to
Components as long as possible affect the skin.

With glycerin, you need to follow some precautions.
Since it is a product of the processing of alcohol, it is peculiar to him
pull moisture out of the deep layers of the skin if its source is not
outside. Therefore, it is better to put such a mask in the bathroom,
having previously turned on the crane. This is especially true in the winter,
when heaters dry the air. Also after application
masks can be slightly sprinkled on the face with cold water. In this way,
glycerin will draw moisture from the outside and carry it under the skin. AT
otherwise, your face is dehydrated and severe

ATитамин Е для кожи вокруг глаз

  • The basis of the mask will be a banana. About a third of the ripe fruit
    mash with a fork. Now the mass must be thoroughly mixed with
    tablespoon cream. Just before applying squeeze in the mask
    the contents of the capsule of vitamin E. Gently cover the skin around the eyes
    the resulting composition.
  • Another recipe involves the use of almond oil.
    (tea spoon). To it you need to add 5 drops of oily vitamin E
    and apply the composition to the skin for about a quarter of an hour. If you have
    a little money left, add aloe juice to it and apply on
    dry cracked lips.
  • If you are not complaining about age changes yet, but want to
    protect yourself from wrinkles around the eyes, then just apply the contents
    vitamin E capsules for ever. About 10 minutes to pat
    with your fingers until the product is absorbed. This procedure is carried out 1-2
    times a week.
  • To reduce the age defects of the skin around the eyes will help mask
    which consists of 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter and the same
    amounts of sea buckthorn oil, as well as 10 drops of oily vitamin
    E. Means should be applied in a dense layer. In a quarter of an hour
    remove excess with a tissue, but do not rinse.

Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate, oil means –
This is the best option for her. These masks are best applied at night,
so that while you sleep, the oils penetrate deep into the skin and smooth
small and deep wrinkles.

Vitamin E Honey Mask

This recipe is perfect for sensitive skin. It can
use also for eyelids. Stir well over tea
a spoonful of yogurt and honey, add the same amount of lemon juice and
about 5 drops of vitamin E. This remedy brightens the skin and
significantly reduces wrinkles. Usually, this mask is kept approximately
10 minutes, then remove it with warm water.

ATитамин Е и оливковое масло

Olive oil is a very skin-friendly product that
Used in many homemade cosmetic recipes. At 50
milliliters of oil you will need 10 milliliters of vitamin E.
The oil mixture is applied to wrinkles, lightly patting. In 5 minutes
skin needs to be blotted with a tissue. ATозьмите за правило проводить
this procedure every evening a few minutes before bedtime. If y
you do not have pronounced wrinkles, then instead of vitamin E, add to
mask a few drops of lemon juice. Also olive oil can
use simply as a moisturizer that guarantees
you have radiant and young skin.

Clay mask with vitamin E

This mask is recommended for women who seek
achieve a quick pull-up effect. It can be applied
several times a week, and the effect each time will be more and more

For a tablespoon of white clay powder you’ll need an equal
the amount of cucumber juice and 5 drops of vitamin E. If the mask is
too thick, then add some water to bring it up
the desired consistency.

The mask should be on the face for about 15 minutes. During this time she
dries, and therefore it should be removed very carefully. Better if
You do this with a damp cotton swab.

Gelatin mask

This tool allows not only to tighten the skin of the face, but also
and saturate it with useful elements. First you need to cook
gelatin base – pour gelatin with water, herbal decoction or
fruit and vegetable juice in a ratio of 1:10. ATажно, чтобы желатин не
contained aromatic additives or other impurities.
When it swells, add a couple of drops of vitamins A and E, and
also a teaspoon of olive oil and agave juice. ATитамин е
helps to enhance recovery processes, and vitamin A
strengthens blood vessels, preventing the formation of a vascular network. Gelatin
helps reduce wrinkles, and oil and aloe act as
extra power.

Egg and Vitamin Mask

Egg white is a very useful component of homemade masks. is he
not just tightens the skin, but also deeply cleanses it. So for
cooking mask shake protein before adding to it
about 5 drops of vitamin E, hold the mask on your face for 15 minutes.
After washing your face, apply a little olive on the skin.
oils. This is necessary in order to calm the epidermis, which
some time was pulled protein. But the moisturizer is better not
use to once again not clog pores.

Acne and Acne Mask

For such a miraculous mask you need a tablespoon
ground oatmeal, the same amount of honey, olive oil
and yogurt. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add 10 drops to it.
vitamin E. 10 minutes after applying the mask, it should be washed off
warm water. AT отличие от большинства средств от прыщей, данная
The mask does not dry the skin, but vice versa – it nourishes and moisturizes. And oatmeal
provide a deep cleansing effect so that acne will begin
dry up, and after a while disappear altogether.

We used to take vitamins inside. But skin also needs
in the receipt of these useful items from the outside. Folk
cosmetology has hundreds of recipes for masks with this useful
a vitamin that slows the aging process and restores
epidermis. Better if вы будете делать косметические процедуры,
combining them with a course of taking vitamin E.

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