Universal olive oil as a panaceabeauty and health


  • Useful properties of olive oil for skin
  • The benefits of olive oil for problem skin
  • How to choose a quality oil
  • Olive oil based face masks
  • How to use olive oil for treatment
  • Reviews

One of the most popular products that is used as
in the culinary field, and in cosmetology, today is
olive oil. It is also widely used in alternative

Natural olive oil is used in the manufacture of
различной косметической продукции, в том числе средств по
уходу за кожей лица и тела, а также за волосами. Him
used for makeup remover – to remove makeup, including around
eye, put a small amount of oil on a cotton pad and clean
face. They can also lubricate the body after a shower to eliminate
skin tightness. Preheated oil is used to expand the pores –
for this you need to put a cotton towel on your face,
soaked in olive oil and heated to a temperature of 60


Useful properties of olive oil for skin

Oil obtained from the pulp of olive fruit, can rightly be called
elixir of beauty and longevity. The product is rich in vitamins A, B, D, K and
E, contains antioxidants. The use of olive oil contributes to
restores skin elasticity, provides adequate nutrition
and hydration that ensures the prevention of premature

Natural oil, absorbed into the skin, fully restores
water balance and perfectly relieves inflammation. Olive oil –
excellent care for fading skin because
способствует ускорению регенерации клеток и оказывает
rejuvenating effect, returning the skin firmness and elasticity.
Regular use of olive oil:

  • prevents wrinkles and smoothes out already
  • does not cause allergies, therefore ideal for caring for
    sensitive skin;
  • protects the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet
    rays (some recommend using it as a lotion
    for Tan);
  • promotes the healing of cracks on the weathered and
    cracked lips.

Оливковое масло для избавления от acne и пятен после них

It is believed that fatty oil applied to the skin is only
забивает поры, что способствует появлению новых acne. So,
for example, most cosmetic companies instead of moisturizing
nourishing oils, it is recommended to clean and dry problem skin.
However, in fact, olive oil is much more
An effective remedy to fight acne than expensive
French creams. Excessive dryness of the skin violates its protective
layer. Thanks to the vitamin E contained in olive oil, the skin
gets the necessary nutrition and hydration that contributes
normalization of chemical processes. Acne is thus slow
but go away. The benefits of using olive oil

  • does not dry the skin;
  • does not form a film and does not close the pores;
  • removes sebum;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • suitable for any skin.

How to choose the oil

Many are interested in the question: how to choose the right olive
butter. Often, manufacturers dilute the product with rapeseed oil in
to reduce the cost of goods. Therefore, today to buy
substandard oil can even be in the store. In order not to
be mistaken with the choice of one of the most healthy foods
need to know the technology of manufacture and acidity of the oil. Believed
that the lower the natural acidity, the higher the quality

The best of the oils is considered to be unrefined product Extra
Virgin (Extra Virgin), obtained by mechanical pressing and
not containing biochemical additives. Acidity is not
more than 1%. When choosing also should pay attention to the date
production of the product – its shelf life is not more than 18 months.
Also, do not buy cheap oil, you need to remember that
that the price of quality unrefined oil will always be higher

Olive oil based face masks

This oil is combined with a multitude of natural ingredients.
ingredients are often found in recipes for cooking
all kinds of face masks. Masks with him give awesome
результаты при уходе за кожей любого типа, они также прекрасно
tonify, moisturize and nourish the skin of the face. Cooking masks for
natural components are possible at home

Для жирной кожи

Две столовые ложки масла оливы тщательно перемешивают
with one tablespoon of white clay. Put on the face, stand
30 minutes, then wash off.

For dry skin

Combine four tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons.
творога, хорошо перемешать и нанести полученную смесь на
cleansed skin. Маску не удалять до тех пор, пока на коже
no crust is formed. The formation of such a crust indicates
that the skin absorbed all the nutrients.

For normal skin

Mix in equal proportions butter and oatmeal. Can also
take flour from wheat or rice. Put a mask on 25-30 minutes

Olive oil peeling

Тщательно перемешать две столовые ложки масла с
two tablespoons of bran. Then the mass is applied to the skin of the face and
массируют в течение трех minutes После этого умывают лицо
warm water.

Крем для удаления следов от acne

To make cream
взбивают блендером одну четвертую стакана яблочного
уксуса, одну четвертую стакана воды и половину стакана oils.
Used to cleanse the skin and remove old stains.
после acne.

Oily Skin Care Lotion

To prepare the lotion is mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 olive
oil and lemon juice, then add one tea to the mixture
a spoonful of rose water and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Rubbed
Lotion facial skin twice a day. Save lotion can be no more
two days.

Лосьон для ухода за сухой кожей

For one serving of lotion you need three to four spoons
fresh cucumber juice. In pre-cooked juice
from fresh cucumber add three spoons of oil, half a teaspoon
soda (food grade) and a spoonful of tea rose oil. The resulting mixture before
using slightly warmed in a water bath. Rubbed кожу
faces twice a day, morning and evening. Cooking such a lotion
necessary daily, as the juice of fresh cucumber can not be stored
in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours.

How to use olive oil for treatment

Follow the rules for the use of natural oil for
skin care:

  1. The butter, preheated in the microwave, loses its beneficial
  2. Для лечения acne не покупают продукт категории Olive-pomace.
    Him получают методом добавления синтетических компонентов, что
    can be a serious cause for the inflammation of the skin on which
    already have acne.
  3. The oil remaining after the procedure can be sterilized on
    water bath to use it next time. For this
    The boiled oil is drained into a container and tightly closed with a lid.
    This product can be stored in the refrigerator for several
  4. Для лечения acne следует использовать нерафинированное
    cold pressed oil, without flavors and other additives.
    The cost of this oil is higher, however, it contains antioxidants and
    will not harm.

With proper use, you can check for yourself
The beneficial effects of this unique product. Butter
contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin after inflammation, as well as
препятствует появлению новых acne. In order to receive
The maximum effect from the use of oil, it is recommended to take
in its food, replacing the usual olive oil, the acidity of which
should not exceed 0.8%.


В интернете возможно найти массу положительных отзывов
on the effect of olive oil on the skin of the face and body. Some
girls recommend using a small amount of oil, however
others share impressions of the amazing effect
This natural product for spa treatments and warm baths. Many
write about enhancing the therapeutic effects on the skin after
применения оливкового oils. However, the main advantage of this
product is its price because the cost of natural
olive oil matches the price of one tube of cosmetic
средства для лечения acne. But the result obtained after
oil use, persists for a long period of time.


The first results after oil treatment appeared after nine
days Моя кожа стала более гладкой, количество acne уменьшилось,
even wrinkles on the forehead began to smooth out. Of course you should not
expect stunning results from using only olive
oils. This product is the best way to nourish and protect.
problem skin. However, in order to finally decide
skin problems, you need to undergo comprehensive treatment at the same time
in the form of taking special drugs and external use
различных средств от acne.


I have been familiar with the beneficial properties of this product for a long time –
when I did not have the opportunity to pay expensive
cosmetic procedures, tried to treat acne with masks
based on olive oil and now regularly use it

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