Tonic for face: composition, preparation,application


  • Why do we need tonics for the face and their composition
  • Proper application of tonic for the face and frequency
    of use
  • Review of popular facial tonics
  • DIY Tonic for the face – recipes
  • What is the difference between lotion and tonic?

One of the most misunderstood and neglected cosmetics
in our daily life was tonic. And in vain. This is a simple tool.
possesses a number of outstanding opportunities while doing your job
quietly, but very efficiently. The use of tonics in the constant
skin care allows you to achieve a more fresh look and quality
clean and tone the skin.


Why do we need tonics for the face and their composition

Many women are interested in why they need a tonic for the face. They
often consider a tonic something optional, like waste of money,
because You can do without it. At first glance, it is. But
на самом деле application этого средства очень важно. He is not in vain
called tonic. Its main purpose is to make the face fresh,
cheerful look, beautiful color and good skin tone.

The next thing women often worry about is when to use
tonic for the face. This tool is an intermediate
stage of skin care, therefore it is always applied between cleaning
skin and using a cream, night mask or serum, that is
those funds that remain on our skin for a long time.

There are many different types of tonics:

  • Tonic for dry skin. It is often a tonic for the face without
    alcohol, designed to soften and tone up dry skin, moisturize
    her. As part of these funds usually contain vitamins, urea and
    nutrients that positively affect lipid synthesis.
  • Tonic for sensitive skin is similar in composition to the tool
    for dry skin, but contains less aggressive elements that can
    cause allergies, and more substances to soften and soothe
  • Tonic for oily skin. Often contains alcohol in various
    proportions, herbal concentrates, substances that give
    the skin dullness and smoothness. His goal is to remove the oily sheen, make
    the skin is healthy and beautiful, slightly tighten the pores and prevent the rapid
    the appearance of sebum.
  • Тоник для лица для проблемной skin. Similar in composition to
    remedy for oily skin, but less irritating and more
    anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components, capable of
    soothe the skin, remove redness and inflammation, positively
    affects acne and rashes.
  • Предназначенный для нормальной skin. His goal is to support
    хорошее состояние skin, освежать и тонизировать her. May contain
    small amount of alcohol, but funds are available without it

Important! When choosing a tool for yourself, be guided by the composition
препарата и тип вашей skin. Tonic should completely to her
match, then it will act perfectly and help
get the expected effect from it.

How to apply a tonic for the face and how often

Tonics are many-sided substances with many different
variants of composition and diverse purpose, therefore ideally
every woman should have several tonics of different types. Speech
It is not about the appointment of this tool for skin type, but about his
application and role in the process of self-care.

All tonics are applied the same way – after the woman took off.
makeup with oil, cream, milk, micellar water, or washed
in any other way and before applying care products that
will be on the skin for a long time – serum, emulsion,
cream or night mask. Tonic never washed off and gently
distributed along the skin lines. However, at different times and when
different skin conditions are not used the same tonics.

  • After removing makeup in the evening it is best to apply
    cleansing tonic for the face, especially if a thick layer was used
    cosmetic products or waterproof dense cosmetics. Such
    tonic will carry out a careful and accurate after-treatment of what could
    stay on the skin after carrying out the preliminary procedures, will remove
    possible irritation, strengthen and refresh the skin, prepare it for
    applying the next care product.
  • In the morning with oily skin, a matting tonic is perfect for
    faces. It will prevent the rapid appearance of oily shine, well
    Prepares the skin for makeup, removes enlarged pores and
    улучшит цвет faces.
  • Moisturizing tonic is perfect for dry skin. is he
    saturate it with moisture, smooth it, make it pink and fresh. On
    the skin prepared in such a way will lay down the makeup better and longer on
    it will last. It can be applied both in the morning and before bedtime.
  • Option means for dry skin – anti-aging tonic. is he
    contains more active ingredients, more pronounced nourishes and
    увлажняет кожу, подтягивает her. In modern tonics of this type
    they inject collagen, coenzymes and hyaluronic acid, due to which
    они отлично сказываются на состоянии возрастной skin. Such
    the drug is applied to the skin with any kind of care outside
    depending on the time of day.
  • Acne facial tonic is a particular form of remedy for
    oily skin enriched with antiseptic components and acids
    for exfoliation, designed to disinfect and cleanse the skin,
    reducing the amount of rash. May be used frequently, especially
    with a lot of acne. High alcohol content leads to
    dehydration and drying of the skin, so when using
    such tonics need more careful care using
    active moisturizers.

Important! Pick tonic for yourself, focusing on the needs
своей skin. If the tool came to your friend and she liked
the result, not the fact that it will just as well “work” on your

Overview of facial tonics from the most famous and popular

Tonics in large quantities are available in various brands and
differ in their compositions and cost:

  1. L’Oreal, Garnier and many other brands belong to the middle
    price category in the mass market and sold in any supermarkets.
    Their difference – availability and proven composition, quite large
    choice of options.
  2. Avon and Oriflame – network brands that produce good tools
    with good compositions. Have обеих marks есть линии с растительными
    экстрактами, предназначенные для of use людьми с разными
    типами skin.
  3. Onтура Сиберика — отечественная марка натуральной косметики
    produces a number of tonics, striking in its low cost and quality.
    Many users have noted the high level of such brands
    as “Instant Radiance”, refreshing skin, anti-aging tonic
    Enriched as well as a remedy for oily and combination skin
  4. Apieu is a famous Korean brand that produces excellent
    tonics based on local herbs and various substances from
    national medicine. They предназначены для разных типов skin,
    for example, Aqua Nature has an excellent effect on very dry and
    dehydrated skin, and Tea Tree with tea tree oil disinfects
    and refreshes, mates very greasy, prone to inflammation and
    rashes the skin.
  5. Belita and Pure Line belong to the cheapest segment,
    however, they are loved by buyers for their accessibility and
    good formulations means. They contain healing extracts
    растений, поэтому эти тоники находят широкое application в уходе за
    skin of different types.
  6. Libriderm – Russian manufacturer producing such
    popular tonics like Hyaluronic, Micellar and Matting. Have
    This company has excellent care products for oily and
    problem skin, so she has a lot of admirers among young people and
    adolescents with acne and increased greasiness.
  7. Weleda – the most famous brand of natural cosmetics, which
    uses only proven compounds and natural ingredients. In her
    An assortment of many tonics of different types. I especially want to mention
    anti-aging drugs from this brand – they have excellent
    compositions and excellent effect on withering, flabby, wrinkled and
    dry skin with pigmentation and sagging of tissues.

Important! If you could not find the best option among the ready
drugs, no need to be upset. Tonic can always be done on
his kitchen.

Recipes for face tonic do it yourself

Homemade tonic for the face is simple and inexpensive, but stored
It is very short – no alcohol for more than 2 days, with alcohol – up to 14
days, only in the refrigerator. But this tool does not contain
preservatives and is completely natural. To save
вещества и его of use для жирной skin к любому из
listed recipes just add a tablespoon of alcohol to
a glass of finished liquid.

  • Тоник для лица из ромашки подходит для любой skin. is he освежает
    and disinfects it, gently tightens the pores and tightens the skin. For his
    making 2 tablespoons of dried flowers pour a glass
    boiling water in a thermos, insist to cool and carefully
  • Tea tree has an excellent effect on the state of oily, porous
    и прыщавой skin. Tea tree oil in the amount of 10 drops
    is added to any tonic based on medicinal
    herbs You can take chamomile, calendula, mint, St. John’s wort, celandine,
    nettles, stalk and many other plants with
    anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Tonic with aloe is excellent for any skin, including
    on age. The leaves of the plant need to be washed, dried and sustain.
    in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. After that, they are crushed and poured
    boiling water in a thermos. During the stay in the dark and cool in
    leaves accumulate biologically active substances that
    have a great effect on the condition of both problem and dry
    стареющей skin.
  • For very dry skin, make a tonic of rose petals. For
    this handful of fresh petals of tea rose pour boiling water (250
    g), insist, cool and add 1 teaspoon of natural
    honey and 1 tablespoon of glycerin purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Whitening tonic can be made from fresh cucumbers. They не
    should be greenhouse. Vegetable washed, grated, squeezed 3
    tablespoons of juice and add as much mineral water.
    A similar lotion for oily skin is made from lemon juice.

Important! For усиления очищающих свойств в лосьоны для очень жирной
skin instead of the usual medical alcohol you can add
salicylic or camphoric alcohol. You need to be prepared for the fact that
the drug may become turbid, while it does not change its

What is the difference between lotion and tonic?

The distinction between lotions and tonics is very thin, but, nevertheless,
less she is. Лосьоны предназначены для очищения skin лица, их
the task is to dissolve impurities and makeup, remove them, leaving the skin
clean and fresh.

Tonics are used as an intermediate stage between purification and
leaving Their task is to remove the remnants of the previous cosmetic
means, including pollution, which lotion failed
or another substance for washing, tone up, refresh the skin and
prepare it for applying the following preparations – serums, creams
or masks.

In the Asian tradition, the use of tonics is one of the most important.
stages in a multistage ritual of self-care. That is why in
All cosmetic brands of Asian origin are huge
количество вариантов для разных типов skin.

Do not underestimate the role of tonic, especially in conditions of large
cities with their dirty atmosphere. Using tonic will help
cope with many skin problems, make the face more
fresh, clean, attractive and young.

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