The whole truth about cellulite

Целлюлит был объявлен косметическим дефектом
only in the middle of the 20th century. And before that, dimples on thighs were considered
norm, lovingly portrayed them on canvases and hung out in the Hermitage.

Целлюлит на полотнах великих мастеров

Then there was the sexual revolution, the women walked in
swimsuits on the catwalk, new standards of beauty – in vogue
entered taut, perfectly smooth ass. Technical revolution
market, advertising very quickly approved the idea of ​​the need to combat
irregularities on the buttocks. Целлюлит стал символом
neglect, wilt and unhealthy lifestyle.
Until now, the controversy does not stop whether this cosmetic deserves
the phenomenon of such hype that they have raised around him. The very end
– “IT” in medicine describes the inflammatory process (bronchitis,
diphtheria). And most cosmetologists, indeed, consider
целлюлит именно заболеванием
subcutaneous fat, and methods of dealing with cellulite are raised in
rank of treatment. But doctors attribute the “orange peel” to the secondary
gender characteristics that are found in most
mature women, regardless of age, build and
physical activity – cellulite may appear in a girl and at 14
years old.

The whole truth about cellulite

Anyway, we live today in a society that
daily from the pages of newspapers, magazines, from TV screens
impose stereotypes of beauty. Any resident of the metropolis today
knows how the right butt should look and how she does not look like
must. Therefore, women, nevertheless, seek to get rid of cellulite,
whatever it is.

Средства массовой информации раздувают шумиху вокруг целлюлита

– Why does the skin surface become uneven?

In the subcutaneous fat layer are clusters of fat cells [2],
which are surrounded by connective tissue fibers [1], cords,
which one end is attached to the muscles, and the other to the skin.
Between accumulations of fat cell groups and connective fibers
pass the blood and lymph vessels, as well as nerve

The whole truth about cellulite

When fat cells increase in volume, connective
woven fibers are stretched, but to a certain limit, then
they are just compensatory beginning to condense, trying
prevent further stretching. Since the connecting
the partitions are angled to the skin, they tighten the skin
inward, creating an unevenness in its surface.

Целлюлит ягодицы

Enlarged fat cells become walled up altered
connecting partitions. Both vessels and blood vessels are compressed.
лимфатические протоки, и нервные endings As a result, violated
nutrition of cells, waste products of cells are not displayed,
slagging of the fat lobule occurs. In the tissues are violated
metabolic processes, fluid is retained.

Most often, cellulite is formed on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
Sometimes it appears on the knees, calves, forearms and neck.
The fine-hilly surface initially only appears when the skin
take in the crease. Then the orange peel becomes visible and in
normal state, the skin becomes like a yeast dough,

All these processes unfold in the female body. Have
Men cellulite practically does not happen, since the structure
subcutaneous fat in men is different. Have слабого пола, как уже
has been described above, the connecting fibers are parallel
each other perpendicular to the skin – so nature took care of
so that the skin of a woman can be strongly stretched for carrying
baby Anatomical features of the female body and create
the possibility of swelling of the skin over swollen fat lobules. Have мужчин
connecting jumpers are located crosswise, and whatever
the fat was not a man, the structural features of his subcutaneous adipose
fiber prevents the formation of irregularities in the skin.

The whole truth about cellulite

The method of treatment of cellulite is selected depending on its stage.
In the past, diagnostics specialists limited themselves to palpation and
Visual inspection, today there is a more accurate way – thermal
scan or thermography.

The main thing to what the process of formation of the “orange
peel “- violation of microcirculation of blood. As a result, in
the affected place will change the temperature that is colorfully displayed
on tomograph plates. Especially nice to do this survey
re, after a course of cosmetic procedures, when visible
results. So, in aesthetic medicine today conditionally distinguish
four stages of development of cellulite. The first is swelling. When visible
there are no signs of cellulitis yet, but the venous outflow is disturbed and
fluid circulation in the lymphatic system in the body
fluid is retained. Hints at the beginning of the process can be considered
longer healing of bruises, slight swelling

In this case, it is necessary to restore normal microcirculation.
in altered tissues. For this procedure created lymphatic drainage.
Ways of conducting lymphatic drainage mass – from manual massage to
complex technical devices. Among hardware techniques, this is before
total, endermology, pressure therapy, ultrasound lymphatic drainage.

The second stage of cellulite is compaction. When muscle tension
You can already notice the roughness of the skin. In this case, treatment
must be activated. Sessions of lymphatic drainage supplement course
dermotonii. The third stage of cellulite is micronadular. With
conducting a heat test is noticeable that the skin temperature in
affected areas lower than in adjacent areas. The effect of “orange
peel “is visible without special tests, standing and lying down. Fat cells
they are melted in clusters and surrounded by scar tissue. Elastic
septa become coarse. Puffiness and disturbance
microcirculation progresses. At this stage it is especially important
affect modified connective tissue. Hold
ultrasound therapy, electrolipolysis procedures, and
lymphatic drainage and wraps.

The fourth stage is macronadular. Skin on problem areas
hilly, cold, has a bluish tint. If when squeezing the skin
in the crease, there are painful sensations, which means nervous

In this case, it is shown the use of ultrasound, lymphatic drainage,
electrostimulation, various types of massage, the entire arsenal
anti-cellulite remedies. However, all this often turns out to be
ineffective. Rough fibrous changes and accompanying them
Violations (varicose veins, overweight) make it difficult for a specialist to work.
But in any case, the skin can and should be fought, even on
Macronadular stage of cellulite may be positive

With всем разнообразии средств борьбы с целлюлитом, специалисты
claim that it is impossible to completely get rid of him. Realistically
only to improve the situation, but for this you need a long and painstaking
work, not only a cosmetologist, but also a patient. Prevention
cellulite involves, above all, the correct organization
eating behavior. The recommendations here are not much different from
principles of healthy eating. It is better to exclude from your diet
fried, fatty meat, ham, sausages, smoked meats, pickles,
marinades, refined carbohydrates, pastry muffins, cream cakes.
Products with the addition of preservatives, dyes,
flavors, and all marked on the package by the letter E.
drink more water and reduce alcohol and carbonated
drinks. Drink vegetable juices and herbal teas. Experts advise
also stop smoking. Nicotine interferes with proper
blood circulation, impairs metabolism at the cellular level. Important
avoid uncomfortable clothes and shoes. Compressing tissue breaks
peripheral circulation, promote fluid retention. AND,
Of course, you need to move more. By themselves physical
Exercise, fitness can not get rid of cellulite, but physical
activity contributes to the normalization of metabolism in
the body.

Masha Pertseva specifically for

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