The problem of the century is cellulite. Stages of cellulite andmethods of struggle

The “orange peel effect”, cellulite is well known among the people.
Theoretically, according to doctors, this is only a cosmetic defect,
since in the international classification of diseases into an independent
the disease is not tolerated. But for its elimination, for some reason
use medical procedures, licensed, as curative. BUT
The fact is that cellulite is, in fact, an imbalance in the work of all
organs and systems.


Causes and stages of cellulite

It all starts with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, when a woman
allow yourself too much sweet in the first place, white
bread and buns, which leads to a breakdown of the digestive system. it
pulls a violation of the kidneys – the liquid begins
linger in the body, weak kidneys are knocked out of the normal
rhythm, adrenal glands and appendages – hormonal disorders also occur,
because hormones are designed to regulate the state of the internal environment

Experts identify several stages of the process. On first
cellulite is not noticeable. It can be detected only by collecting skin.
fingers – this is talking about fluid retention. In the second stage
�”Orange peel” is already visible to the naked eye, even in
fold is not necessary. In the third stage, the skin is no longer like
�”Orange peel”, reminds, rather, quilted mattress. On
fourth, seals are already visible through the clothes.

To battle!

In order not to bring trouble, this issue should be dealt with.
early stage. Like any problem that occurs in the body,
Cellulite requires an integrated approach. In addition to the procedures offered
today in the salons, it is necessary to normalize food. Delete or
at least limit carbohydrates, add more raw vegetables to the diet and
fruit, seafood, grain bread, cereals. Meat, fish need
eat with vegetables, raw or stewed, and, preferably, in
ratio of one (protein) to three (vegetables). Food such as
As a rule, it does not relieve cellulite in a week.
Restoration of the body continues throughout the year. But then
�“Orange peel” was not formed in two days ?!

In the arsenal of dealing with the problem of the century today can help and
various salon procedures.

  • Mesotherapy is a method of subcutaneous and intravenous administration in
    problem areas of certain drugs. As a rule, not entered
    one medicine, and their mixture. Which one, the doctor will determine
    основываясь на особенностях вашего organism.
  • Ozone therapy – exposure using the ozone-oxygen mixture.
    The previous procedures are massages, manual and hardware. After
    metabolic rate is usually enhanced, connective tissue
    softens, the skin becomes more elastic and soft.
  • Ultrasound therapy is aimed at increasing the activity of fatty enzymes
    cells, which leads to the removal of fat, as well as the destruction
    structures of pathological connective tissue.
  • Drainage procedures are also performed – thalassotherapy and pressure therapy,
    the main task of which is to remove excess fluid from the body and

What kind of procedure will suit you – the doctor will decide.

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