The latest eyelash growth products are Latisse andCareprost

Smear the eyelashes with castor oil, as our grandmothers advised,
no longer relevant. Today the most effective means for growth
eyelashes are preparations based on a solution of bimatoprost – Latisse,
Careprost and Lumigan.

They appeared on sale not so long ago. Initially, as often
happens with drugs, bimatoprost was used completely for others
goals – they were treated with eye glaucoma. During treatment, the doctors began
note an unexpected side effect in patients — increased growth

The eyelashes grew so thick and long that they became
similar to the overhead. Pharmaceutical campaign is very fast
realized that on this side effect can be done cashier and
Launched the drug Latisse (bimatoprost 0.03%) –
специальное средство для ускорения роста eyelashes.


Latisse has been approved by the US supervisory organization FDA,
However, it is sold on the territory of the United States strictly on prescription –
besides the ability to stimulate the growth of eyelashes in the drug found and
unpleasant side effects.

Some patients after applying Latissa observed
darkening of the skin of the upper eyelid, inflammation in the eye area, and in
single cases irreversible change in the color of the iris
eyes to darker.


Rapid Lash Serum

These flaws Latissa used in their advertising campaign
manufacturers of eyelash growth serum Rapid Lash. It contains
only safe proteins, biotin, vitamins and extracts of healing
plants. Sold without a prescription.

Сыворотка для роста ресниц

Rapid Lash stands out against the background of similar serums, and
Indeed, the eyelashes noticeably lengthen, but the effect of bimatoprost
can not be compared with anything. If you use it without measure, eyelashes
grow back so that the eyes will look unnatural, like
it happened, for example, with Kim Kardashian.

Except that Kim, obviously longer than it should, used
Latisse, she also paints her eyelashes with mascara. The result you can see
on the picture. Eyelashes are not overhead, but real.

Ресницы Ким Кардашьян

Where to buy these tools?

In Russia, Lassise is not officially registered, and in its pharmacies
can not buy. On Ebay, he, being a prescription drug, is also not
for sale. You can find it on rare British sites. The price will be
about 100 pounds, about 5,000 rubles.

But the Russian Internet in abundance is flooded with Indian drug
Kareprost (Careprost), an analogue of Latisse, which is sold as
harmless cosmetic product although it contains the same
active substance. The cost of Kareprost varies around
500-1000 rub for a jar.

You can buy Rapid Lash on many Russian-speaking
sites or on ebay. Price around 1500 rubles.

Latisse is packaged with 30 disposable sterile
applicators that need to be neatly in meager amounts
apply the solution along the eyelash growth line of the upper eyelid once
day. It is not necessary to apply it on the lower eyelid.

Indian Careprost is applied in the same way. Be careful with
Kareprost fakes, which are now very much. One
of the signs of the original packaging – notches on the sides of the lid
cardboard boxes. The registration number of the drug on the valve
boxes M.L.:G/28-A/2586-A. All signs must match, including

Lumigan is an Allegran treatment for glaucoma.
There are no applicators in its box, and for FDA growth it is not
endorsed. The active ingredient in it is the same as in Latisse.

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