Technique Japanese rejuvenating massage forwomen after 45 years


  • The benefits and effectiveness of massage for rejuvenation after 45
    years old
  • Types of Japanese facial massage
  • Massage Technique
  • – Japanese massage Asahi
  • – Japanese Shiatsu Massage
  • – Japanese Kobido Massage
  • Contraindications and possible harm

Mysterious Japanese women surprise us, their Western “sisters”,
many interesting qualities and abilities. They remain
slim and beautiful all my life, although they do not exhaust themselves with workouts
in the gym. They fascinate men and gradually control them,
while maintaining a decent appearance of complete submission. They
raise children for whom and in adulthood the family
remains indisputable value.

The talents of oriental beauties are truly endless. Wherein,
spending all their life in labor and efforts, they manage to “keep
face “so that it does not reflect any of the experienced stress and
excitement: complexion and in old age is excellent, the skin is almost
smooth How do they do it? It turns out that among the representatives
the beautiful half of the rising sun
Popular facial massage for women. Originating in ancient times,
he gradually became more complex, was enriched by new movements and was divided into
numerous subspecies. With some, we now take a look.


Чем полезен массаж лица после 45-ти years old

In youth, the skin produces enough collagen. therefore
wrinkles can only be mimic: they are formed in those places
where the most active facial expressions. This is most often:

  • – folds on the forehead;
  • – nasolabial folds;
  • – small wrinkles on the nose.

With such wrinkles it is quite easy to cope with the usual
hygienic massage and regular relaxing treatments.

With age, the skin begins to experience a lack of moisture. Suffer
and muscles, including facial. Collagen production is on
lower level, mimic wrinkles become permanent. With
time appear:

  • – “crow’s feet” around the eyes;
  • – “double chin”;
  • – the so-called “flea”.

The oval of the face blurs a little, the skin fades due to a lack
power supply. Массаж лица (японский) после 45 years old как раз позволяет
deal with most of these problems. It provides deep
impact not only on the skin, but also on the muscles, and therefore the effect will be
visible even in the case when the lady does not use modern
expensive facial creams.

Facial massage for women after 50 should become familiar
event – something like a mandatory regular bath
procedures. It will improve the lymph flow, activates blood flow, help
remove toxins and slags.

Important! Whichever of the following types of massage
Impact you choose, do not forget: use it
it is necessary not once from a time, but regularly, otherwise there will be no benefit.

What types of Japanese massage are popular today?

The three main types of massage in Japanese, practiced in salons,

  1. – Asahi;
  2. – Shiatsu;
  3. – Kobido.

They довольно существенно различаются по техникам выполнения, но
all three are united by the following:

  • – carry out a massage on an absolutely clean face;
  • – in order to facilitate the slide, use massage
    cream or butter;
  • – to finish the massage should be soft smooth movements,
    which soothe hot tissue.

Massage Technique

Technique of each type has its own. Anti-aging technology
lead to the fact that wrinkles are smoothed, the shape of the face becomes
clearer, the “flews” leave and the nicely rounded cheeks come back.
The skin is now smoother, age spots become pale,
pass microvosplaeniya.

Asahi massage: how to do it right?

Японский массаж после 60 years old (и в любом возрасте за «тридцать»)
– this is primarily asahi. Despite the relative youth
Asahi names, the basics of the technology itself were developed not one
стоyears oldие назад.

The name of this Japanese method of gaining beauty was not at all given.
Japanese. Lymphatic drainage massage asahi became known as a light
the hands of the Estonian cosmetologist Laine Butter-Pavlovskaya who turned
attention to it and spread massage throughout Europe. Translated from
The Japanese word means “morning sun”. The second name of this
technology – “Zogan”, which (again, translated from Japanese to
Russian) means literally “the creation of a face.”

Japanese face massage asahi is performed using as
the main means of exposure of two fingers: the middle and
index. Someone more comfortable will seem a slightly different combination:
middle and ring fingers.

Любительницы этого массажа могут на несколько years old отсрочить
manifestation of age-related changes of the skin of the face and neck, as well as remove
morning edema caused by current disturbance

�”Additional” chin, any wrinkles, folds, gray color
faces – all this is subject to the woman who will take the trouble
study and regularly use asahi massage techniques.

In order to help yourself preserve youth, it’s not at all
Be sure to sign up for expensive procedures in the cabin. Yes,
it is worth going there a couple of times to catch the rhythm of the movements,
feel what should be their focus but in
You can further master the basic techniques and do a massage at home
at a convenient time at no cost (except for cream or olive
oil that can be used for better

Japanese self-massage face Asahi Zogan begins with
prior application to the skin of the oil. Then for about
15 minutes to perform your chosen movements (based on what
skin on the face and how old you are). Так, до 30 years old рекомендуются
only light supporting movements.

После 40 years old стоит делать массаж, применяя умеренное

Important! Pain can not be tolerated. Should just
feel a certain force of impact.

Хороший прием для 40-years oldних дам: нужно сжать пальцы в кулаки и
walk closed cams along the nasolabial folds.

Then we go down to the chin, and rubbing movements
(from the center) massaging the chin. Now you should massage all
lower jaw, ending movement in the auricle region.

После 50 years old можно прибавить такие приемы: складываем большой и
ring fingers, push and hold this ring along
lower jaw to ear. Motion is repeated in a row 3 times, directing
efforts to smooth the “flea”.

Smooth the skin of the forehead, moving from one temple to another. Then
массируем лоб, чтобы ускорить ток lymph.

The chin remains a problem area, especially after
�“Hormonal storms” in a woman’s body caused by menopausal
period. Flabbiness of the skin here will immediately indicate your age.
Устраняем дефект: сложив ладони под углом 90 °C друг к другу,
we lower the chin in them, with force we press for 3 seconds.
Now we hold our closed palms up along the face. Thumbs up
This should slightly touch the ears. Bringing his hands to the cheekbones, with force
press down for a few seconds. Repeat the whole complex
Action 10 more times.

They say this massage affects not only the skin and
muscle, but even on bone tissue. It’s hard to say how
true, but in any case, the effects of massage asahi are very deep.
therefore, если не уверены в том, что выполняете какое-то движение
correct – better cancel it. Let your main principle
will be: “Do no harm.”

Массаж лица японский после 45 — years old асахи зоган видео с русскими

Shiatsu massage for rejuvenation

Shiatsu is better known as a method that successfully helps combat
various ailments and alleviate the painful sensations of any
etiology. However, it can be used to combat age

What is the effect of shiatsu? When a person clicks on
a certain biologically active point, accumulated in the “tired”
or the “sore” muscle lactic acid is replaced by glycogen.
Normal muscle tone is restored, mimic disappears
wrinkles, lymph flow and active stimulation
blood circulation.

All these processes help to cope with age

Conditions to follow for shiatsu:

  • – no fungal skin lesions at the location of the desired
  • – pressing time – about 7 seconds;
  • – pressure should be noticeable.

It is possible to vary the massage light rotational

Where are the “points of youth” we need? To find them
take the layout of biologically active zones. Will need
us points located:

  • – On the eyebrows: in the middle, in the outer and inner corners;
  • – in the middle of the forehead, above the eyebrows;
  • – in the wings of the nose;
  • – approximately in the middle of cheeks;
  • – under the eyes (in the middle under the lower eyelid);
  • – under the lower lip (center).

Great exercise using shiatsu points to help
return shine to eyes, tighten skin slightly hanging upper
eyelid, remove puffiness and even – as they say – improve vision:
put your index, middle and ring fingers on three
above points on the eyebrows and push down. Pressure follows
hold for 7 seconds, then repeat a few more times.

Kobido: both rejuvenate and relax

Japanese Kobido facial massage is designed to solve several

  1. First, he gives a tired woman (and who among us is not tired?)
    feeling of lightness and calm
  2. Secondly, it improves posture and relieves neck pain.
  3. Third, it allows you to reverse the aging process.

This massage is extremely gentle and gentle.
impact. Improved session performance.
кровоснабжение промассированных участков, ускоряется кyears oldочный
exchange. The effects of stress go away – namely, they are one of
powerful factors provoking aging.

One session is long enough because the masseuse
It works not only the face, but also the neck and head. Get ready for
about to spend about an hour.

The massage specialist first applies oil to the skin, then
begins to rub the patient’s neck with smooth movements. Only after
the neck muscles warm up well, the masseuse moves on to
the face. Accurate tricks are difficult to define because they are in each
their masters. We can only note that Kobido borrowed a lot
u shiatsu: here too points are actively used. Session ends
light head massage.

Self-massage in this case is difficult because of the peculiarities
tricks, so kobido is best recorded in the salon

Contraindications: how to be with them?

All 3 types of Japanese massage, unfortunately, have
contraindications, although they are few. Among them:

  • – presence of rosacea;
  • – High degree of hypertension;
  • – serious heart disease;
  • – psoriasis, eczema;
  • – acute period of acute respiratory viral infection and other diseases.

Least of all contraindications for shiatsu: so only prohibited
impact on points located in the eczema zone or in
location of rosacea.

Asahi massage should not be practiced by people with chronic
diseases of the upper respiratory tract and suffering from problems with lymphatic
by the system.

Japanese massage is a great way to support natural
beauty, without resorting to various “chemistry” and surgical
procedures. Just do not forget that the main condition for success in
In this case, stability and consistency. Regular sessions
massage will allow you to retain its charm and

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