Simplified version of oriental eye makeup inplum tones

If you like bright makeup close to the eastern, but you
you need a calmer option or an event requires it
Feel free to make it easier and pick up any shades of shadows.

Before creating such make-up were used:

  • black, white, plum and basic matte shadows;
  • shades of white gold;
  • black eyeliner;
  • ink.

Since this makeup is still saturated and more suitable for
evening and wedding look, you should pay special attention
clean face and perfect tone. We cleanse the skin with mica water and
we put base under a make-up. All faults must be hidden by
concealer and apply tonal foundation. Toning the eyelid and fixing
base shadows or powder.

Oriental eye makeup also implies graphic eyebrows.
So fill eyebrow on your form and move the contour.
concealer or tonal basis.

Lighten the area under the eyebrow and the corner of the eye with white shadows. If
you dark skin, then take a milky shade of shadows.


Draw the main part in the make-up. Side surface
a flat brush draw an arrow from the pupil. This arrow will be
repeat the line of the lower ciliary row.

The brush is practically laid on the eyelid, touching only the end and
extinguish this arrow towards the head of the eyebrow.

Draw the fold and extinguish it in a similar way.
towards the temple. In this case, the shading of the part in the fold can be
take away right up to the inner corner of the eye. But our version of the east
Makeup is simplified, so we do not start the shading on the inside
iris of the eye and make a smooth transition to white color.

Now apply the shade of white gold in the corner of the eye, under the eyebrow
and smooth bevel already traced details. They are also applied to the mobile
eyelid large flat brush. Movements should be like we’re
we press the shadows into the skin, only very gently. Go to the plum
shading, achieving a smooth transition. Due to the fact that we caused
white color in the corner and under the brow, these areas will be lighter than on
little apple.

Usually, the arrows in east make-up are wide and go to the limits.
inner corner of the eye with drawing on the mucous. We are drawing
simple arrow on the upper ciliary row and take her to
depth of We extinguish the end of the arrow.

Now we repeat the shape of the part only in black. We extinguish
its from the ciliary row. This black detail will give color depth and
will be 2 times less plum parts, dissolve in it.

Draw the bottom part. Its border is very easy to determine.
Draw a line from the outer corner of the eye on your existing
hollow through which tears flow.

Now we extinguish the detail in the form of a fan to the pupil. Connect with
golden shade and give depth in black. This shading
similar to the top, only the size is smaller.

We finish makeup with mascara and remove extra shadows that crumble.
on the skin. This makeup can be a wedding, if you make it in
more soothing shades.

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