Simple ways to whiten your face

Today, the ideal of beauty is sporty, tanned and energetic.
a girl, but this was not always the case. One hundred two hundred years ago
the girl was supposed to be gentle and graceful, and her face was considered
beautiful only in the presence of languid pallor. How much vinegar
drank the unfortunate young ladies whom nature endowed healthy
Blush to fit this ideal !? And how many recipes
for skin whitening has come down to us since those ancient times!

However, times change – tastes change. Although now in vogue
healthy tan, some women prefer the image of the mysterious
pale face beauties. Well, let’s go to meet them and give a few
tips on how to make skin pale.

  • Try to be less in the sun so as not to tan, or
    hide your face under a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Regularly make masks from white clay.
  • Wipe the skin with lemon juice.
  • Boil the leaves and stems of parsley and with this infusion wash your face.
    in the mornings and evenings.
  • You can contact the beauty salon and undergo a course of procedures.
    skin whitening (for example, by peeling
  • Always use whitening cream.
  • Use masking cosmetics, which will be half a tone
    lighter than the natural color of your skin.

And now more about everything—

The main indicator of beauty and health of women has always been considered
skin condition of her face. Even professional makeup will not allow
completely mask all defects. Often on the face of a woman can
age spots, spider veins, purple
post acne In addition, whitening may be necessary for those who
spent too much time in the sun. Deal with such
problems can help bleaching agents, which is quite possible
cook by yourself.


Whitening skin with decoctions

Make your face noticeably whiter and you can get rid of defects by
help broths that can be prepared from the usual
ingredients. Among the most effective recipes stand out

  • 1. A decoction of rice. One tablespoon of quality rice
    cover with water and boil in the usual way. During cooking
    stir. After the rice is completely ready, drain
    form the liquid and strain it with gauze. Spill
    decoction in ice tins and freeze. These ice cubes
    you can wipe your face before bedtime.
  • 2. Parsley decoction. Finely chopped parsley
    a glass of boiling water and let it brew. After the decoction has cooled,
    Dip a cotton disc in it and wipe the face with it.
  • 3. Broth from celandine. Pour a tablespoon of dried raw materials
    boiling water and hold on a water bath for at least 15 minutes. Strain and
    cool the broth prepared this way a little. Thereafter
    It can be used for washing.

Homemade whitening creams

You can whiten your face with a special cream that can
cook at home. This tool can be applied by
several times, so the effect will be noticeable much

To prepare such a cream, stick to one of

  • 1. With lemon. Heat three tablespoons on the water bath.
    almond oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Enter two into this mix.
    teaspoons of chamomile decoction, 3 drops of tea tree oil and 5
    drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • 2. With lanolin. Mix 15 grams of pre
    dissolved lanolin with 50 grams of grape seed oil. AT
    Prepared mixture enter a tablespoon of mashed cucumber. Such
    the composition must be put in a water bath and heated under the lid
    In one hour. Thereafter останется только процедить состав и
    beat thoroughly.

Step-by-step recipe for making parsley bleaching mask and
egg white you will find in this article.

Whitening Mask Recipes

The most effective and easy to prepare are masks
for face. They help not only effectively whiten your face, but also
improve skin condition. Especially popular are
following recipes:

  • 1. Based on parsley. Chop fresh greens and mix with
    pre-melted honey. AT подготовленную таким образом
    mix enter a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • 2. Based on dairy products. Two tablespoons of sour cream or
    fresh kefir mix with a tablespoon of ripe pulp
  • 3. Based on a cucumber. Rub on a fine grater one medium-sized
    cucumber. Two tablespoons of the prepared cucumber puree mix
    with an equal amount of chopped parsley. AT полученный состав
    Enter a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • 4. Based on hydrogen peroxide. A tablespoon of curd or
    fat sour cream mixed with a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.

How to make a whitening lotion?

Every day you need to achieve the desired effect.
wipe your face with whitening lotion. After applying such
funds on the skin does not remain greasy feeling. Among the most
действенных рецептов можно особенно выделить following:

  • 1. Based on milk. Tablespoon of lemon juice enter in
    three tablespoons of sour milk.
  • 2. Based on vodka. Mix half a glass of grape juice
    with a teaspoon of melted honey. AT полученные состав добавьте
    немного поваренной соли и 75 мо vodka.

Face whitening with scrub

Scrubs are the most effective bleaching products.
faces. They affect the deep layers of the epidermis, destroying
pigment. In addition, the scrubs perfectly clean the pores, which makes the color
faces more healthy.

This tool can be prepared independently,
руководствуясь одним из следующих recipes:

  • 1. Chop parsley. Two canteens prepared
    greens mixed with an incomplete teaspoon of salt. Leave
    blend for a while until parsley gives juice. Such состав
    should be rubbed into the face with neat massaging movements.
  • 2. Four tablespoons of yogurt mix with one tablespoon.
    a spoon of honey. AT подготовленный состав введите две столовые ложки
    lemon juice. If the mixture is too thin, then
    enter into it a little starch.

ATыбрав один из вышеперечисленных рецептов, вы сможете эффективно
whiten your face and give your skin a healthy glowing look.

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