Recipes for homemade flax seed masks


  • Flax benefits for skin
  • Mask Recipes

Flax – an ancient plant that gives people a lot of useful things
– from a variety of tissues for various purposes, to seeds. From flax
mankind has learned to make as the finest fabrics for clothing
and bed linen as well as coarse and very durable products
technical purposes. Flaxseed is a real fount
vitamins and nutrients. It is successfully used in food,
serves as a medicine and can be used as an effective
cosmetic. Due to the high mucous content
substances, flaxseed helps to improve digestion, and the content in
Healing oil makes it even more valuable in various fields.
Flax bran can be used as a natural remedy for
slimming, and masks from these wonderful small seeds possess
properties soften, nourish, moisturize and tighten aging skin


The effect of flax for the condition of the skin

A positive effect on the skin of flaxseed can
explain it to an exceptionally successful composition. Flax contains oil,
which is able to perfectly nourish dry, withering skin, as well as
perform the role of a soft regulator of sebaceous excretions for oily. AT
Flaxseed oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty oils.
acids that are vital for the health of not only skin, but also
the whole human body. Since ancient times, people
used flaxseed oil for various purposes: it was eaten, its
used to create paints in painting, for technical purposes, they
greased hair. And today, flaxseed oil is not forgotten. It
perfectly helps in cleansing the body when taken orally and actively
used in the composition of products for the face, body and hair.

Flaxseed contains a large amount of mucous substances. With
brewing the seeds they are covered with a thick transparent mass, which
has anti-inflammatory, nourishing and emollient
properties. AT народной медицине заваренным льняным семенем лечили
burns, including sunny, dry eczema, dry peeling

It is an excellent soft and harmless remedy.
constipation, so even the use of flaxseed as an internal
means necessarily affect the condition of the skin of the face and body.
Stabilized stools improve digestion, and this affects
rashes on the face and its fat content, the skin is cleared, it becomes less
greasy, coarse and porous.

AT семенах льна много витаминов и антиоксидантов, поэтому
the use of flax masks gives a pronounced refreshing effect and
rejuvenation. For persistent and pronounced mask results
it is necessary to conduct courses – at least 15 procedures in a row, 2 – 3 each
masks per week.

How to use flaxseed for homemade masks

Flaxseed masks are great for all skin types,
as they have the ability to regulate sebum secretion.
Particularly pronounced is the effect of the mask on the wrinkled, dry,
aging skin with pronounced sagging. Since flax
secretes mucus, then drying up, such a mask tightens and tightens
weakened skin, providing a pronounced lifting effect.

Also very well such a mask removes a variety of
surface damage caused by drying and chapping
skin, for example, after a long stay in adverse weather
conditions or burning on the beach. This mask will remove the feeling
tightening, nourishes and softens the skin, reduces redness and

For lifting masks, flaxseed is most often brewed for
obtain a thick mucous mass, and for other purposes the seed can
grind in a coffee grinder. Flax goes well with other cereals,
For example, paired with oatmeal, it gives an excellent universal
nourishing and refreshing mask for all skin types. AT лен можно
add various oils, yolk, honey, aloe juice and other natural

From crushed to flax seed or flax bran with
adding yolk and honey, as well as a few drops of any
vegetable oil, you can get a classic nutritional mask
for aging facial skin, which will also have an effect
tightening mask and light scrub. After drying, such a mask
gently squeezes facial tissue, giving a lifting effect, and when flushing
the smallest particles of the seed gently polish the surface of the skin, removing
pollution and dead cells.

Mask Recipes из семян льна

  • Lifting mask

The simplest and most effective face lifting mask
Preparing is extremely easy. A small amount of flax seeds
pour boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. During this time
the seeds will swell and give thick, viscous mucus. The resulting substance
need to strain by pouring the seed into a manual strainer set on
glass or cup. When the mucus is collected, it needs to be layered.
apply on well cleansed face and neck. If the skin is cleavage
requires attention and pull-up, linen mask
applied to it. The number of layers must be at least 5 – 6, otherwise
the substance will not be able to manifest itself in full force. To mask
acted correctly, you need to take prone position
relaxed state. 20 – 30 minutes of complete relaxation and now
your skin is soft and tender, facial contours are tightened, and the number and
wrinkle depth decreases.

  • Peeling mask

It will require 2 teaspoons of flaxseed and 1 teaspoon
spoon oatmeal. ATсе это необходимо измельчить в кофемолке и в
depending on the condition of the skin pour hot water, milk or
cream With раздраженной и воспаленной коже можно воспользоваться
decoction of chamomile or marigold flowers, succession, and in the summer heat –
mint. This mask is applied with a thick layer on the entire face and neck,
left for 15-20 minutes, then soaked (with water or
herbal decoction) and this composition is a light massage
skin lines of the face and neck. This mask is also
nourishing and cleansing, it slightly brightens the skin of the face and
frees her from dead particles. After the mask the woman looks
rejuvenated and refreshed.

  • Mask nourishing for dry fading

This mask can not be done to women who suffer
allergic reactions, as it contains the yolk and

For the mask take 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, passed through
grinder to the state of flour and add to it 1 fresh egg
yolk, half a teaspoon of natural honey and 1 teaspoon
unrefined vegetable oil. It can be good
cold pressed olive oil, unrefined maize,
linseed, pumpkin, grape seed oil, and when very dry and
faded skin – avocado oil, jojoba oil or any other. Received
the mixture is thoroughly ground, left for 5 minutes to swell flax
and applied either at once in a thick layer, or in several stages
in layers. This mask requires complete relaxation of the facial muscles,
therefore, it is better to lie down for 15–20 minutes. After this
term mask gently wash off, trying not to stretch the skin and face
refresh with cold water or rubbed with ice cube, if for this
no contraindications (couperose).

  • Anti-aging mask

For this mask you will need 2 – 3 teaspoons pounded in
flax seed powder and high-quality heavy cream. If the skin is very
dry and scaly, rough and wrinkled, in the finished mixture can
drop 1 – 2 drops of vitamin E and A. They are fat soluble, therefore
well combined with the finished oily mixture.

Withготовить эту маску можно двумя способами. With первом льняное
the seed is brewed with boiling water and cooked until a slurry forms. Mixture
it will turn out viscous and it will be good to tighten an oval of the face, but at
heat treatment will lose some of the beneficial properties of seeds

In the second method, flax is not boiled, but turned into flour, poured
cream until it forms a thick paste and slightly heat it up on
water bath. The mixture should be pleasantly warm, but not
hot. If it is decided to add vitamins to the mask, then it should be done
just before applying the mixture to the face. Very well under this
mask use tonic or serum with hyaluronic acid or
collagen. A warm mask will intensify the lining effect and as a result
the skin of the face will look much fresher, firmer and denser,
следы морщин исчезнут, а текстура skin будет более однородной. Course
such masks will return skin velvety and elasticity, will remove
dryness, peeling and hardened areas.

Withменение семян льна в домашней косметологии оправдано и очень
is useful. Course процедур поможет привести в порядок лицо после зимних
cold weather or overdrying on the beach with minimal funds
and time.

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