Plastic wrapping – the way toslimness

Wraps are one of the most popular ways to combat
cellulite There are many varieties of wraps with
using a variety of substances: mud, clay, algae and
etc. Here the result is immediately visible, and the result is considerable: sometimes
it is possible to reduce the waist and hips to 2.5 cm per day.

However, during wrappings, weight and volume are not reduced by
destruction of fat cells, and thanks to the removal from the tissues
body of excess water. This water quickly accumulates
again so you have to use to fight cellulite
miostimulyatsiyu, massage, physical exertion, and yet
eat rationally.


Two types of wraps

Wraps are divided into cold and hot, which
due to the mechanism of their action.

Any wraps that use the “sauna effect”,
refer to hot. This is achieved as follows: at the beginning
a mixture is formed from the base (olive or almond oil, butter
wheatgrass, honey, sour cream, other components) and essential
oils (one or a mixture of essential oils of lemon, lavender,
можжевельника и etc.), либо специй. The mixture is applied to the problem
zone, which is then wrapped in a special film and for half an hour
Cover with thermal blanket. �”The effect of the sauna” is
активизации обмена веществ и проникновении активных
components of the mixture deep under the skin. Cling wrap
very comfortable, as it is quite elastic and at the same time
gas permeable.

Distinctive features of cold procedures, this is an addition to the composition
menthol masks and no need for additional

At the end of the procedure, the wrapping mixture is washed off in the shower, after
which is recommended to take a bath with sea salt.

The effectiveness of food film wrapping is immediately visible:
no matter how many centimeters and kilograms you lost,
you can now boast elastic, fresh and smooth skin, and
�“Orange peel” that your skin looked like before
smoothed out.

Pluses wraps

With regular wrapping procedures, skin
smoothes, saturated with vitamins, increases its tone and
elasticity. There is a high-quality cleansing of pores, slags are removed and
toxic substances, swelling of tissues leaves. Recovering
blood circulation, scars, stretch marks and
hydrolipid bulbs, cellulite symptoms go away. General
condition of the figure improves. Such results can be obtained if
carry out wraps every other day for a month.


Even with all the benefits of hot wraps, there is
list of reasons why they can not practice.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Hypertension.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Abnormalities in the kidneys.
  • Oncology of any nature.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Allergy.
  • Pregnancy.

As for the cold wraps, they do not have all these
contraindications, except for pregnancy.

How to make a wrap

An hour before the procedure and one hour after it, refrain from eating
and drinking.

  • The first thing you need to take a shower, preferably with scrub
    for problem areas. With this preparation, the skin is cleansed from
    dead skin cells and will be ready to actively absorb beneficial
    substances through open pores.
  • Pre-prepared mixture is distributed evenly,
    dense layer on those areas that need to be adjusted.
  • At the top of the mask, the body is wrapped in a film so that
    there is no open area left. You need to reel tightly, but, no
    In any case, do not push, do not push the body.
  • It is best to lie down and cover yourself with a warm blanket to strengthen
    sauna effect. For cold wrapping additionally warm not
    need to.
  • Stay in this position of relaxation and tranquility 40
    minutes, or as much as the specific composition implies
  • In the shower, wash off the remnants of the funds, while massaging the problematic
    zone. You can take a bath with sea salt and essential oils.
  • The last thing to do is apply anti-cellulite cream on
    steamed and prepared body.

It is worth adding one more thing. Healthy and proper diet.
This is an important aspect of any type of weight loss and improvement.

Effective recipes for wraps

  • Dry fucus or kelp 2 tablespoons pour hot
    water, but not boiling water. For half an hour the algae swell and you can
    proceed with the application on the body.
  • Take 20 ml of almond oil, add 3 drops of essential
    juniper, lemon and lavender oils. Well mixed
    heat to 40 degrees.
  • Heat up a few spoons of natural honey and add
    3 drops of orange and lemon essential oils.
  • Grind 3 tablespoons of green tea in a coffee grinder. Pour
    so much hot water to make gruel. Add 2
    drops of orange essential oil.
  • Freshly ground coffee, about 3 spoons, mix with warm milk.
    Add a little, until the formation of a thick gruel.
  • In half a liter of hot water slowly pour 200 g of cocoa powder.
    Mix until the complete disappearance of lumps.
  • Three tablespoons of olive oil combined with 15 drops
    cinnamon essential oil. Heat up in a water bath and
    put on problem areas.
  • Slightly heat 80 ml of natural honey, pour a teaspoon
    cinnamon Stir and rub into the skin under the film.
  • Buy in the pharmacy any clay. Pour some powder into
    bowl and add water until the composition becomes necessary
    you consistency. Now add 3 tablespoons of cinnamon,
    mix and start the procedure.
  • Grind 50 g of natural coffee, mix with 5 tablespoons
    honey and an incomplete teaspoon of red pepper. This mixture is very
    active, can burn. In order not to burn the skin wrapping
    This recipe lasts only 15 minutes.
  • Grind 100 g of fresh or frozen strawberries. Mix с 50
    g sour cream or yogurt.

As it became clear to make a wrap, without leaving home and
saving the budget is quite real. After all, get all the necessary
the ingredients are quite easy and inexpensive, and simple application
procedures bring true pleasure.

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