Oily hair and dandruff

Dandruff flakes in the hair and on the clothes bring a lot of man
inconvenience and unrest. According to statistics with this problem
facing one third of the population.

This problem requires immediate treatment using
special tools. They should be directed to
prevent the reproduction and development of the fungus. In this regard, high
effectiveness show substances such as ketoconazol, pyrithione,
klimbazol and others. They effectively fight germs and


Causes of dandruff

Dandruff most often owes its appearance to stress,
changes in metabolic processes, strict diets, avitaminosis,
diseases of the stomach, frequent use of a hair dryer and
styling or for coloring.

But most often dandruff occurs with improper care.
hair You can also get dandruff as a gift from who she is.
suffers if you use one comb or wear a head
a man’s hat.

Based on the list of causes of dandruff, you can
say that dandruff is not a disease, it only accompanies and
reflects the failure that occurred in the human body. Therefore, when
dandruff needs to pay particular attention to its

Types of dandruff

Although dandruff is not a major disease, it
may cause serious damage to your hair. Flakes dandruff
accumulating on the skin, impede the flow of oxygen to it and to
hair roots. Because of this, the hair roots weaken, and the hair itself
become weak, often break down and fall out.

Experts divide dandruff into two types: oily and dry.

  1. Judging by the name, it is not difficult to guess that dandruff is greasy
    A species appears in people with oily scalp. Flakes dandruff
    these are big enough, they are saturated with lard, which the skin gives off,
    due to which tightly stick together and stick to the hair.
    When oily dandruff hairstyle gets dirty quickly and looks untidy,
    and, moreover, the head begins to itch. It happens because
    excessive fat secreted by the skin clogs up the pores of the head. It starts
    oxidize and cause irritation of nerve endings, resulting in
    what the scalp begins to itch.
  2. Dry-looking dandruff appears, respectively, for those who have
    scalp dry. Flakes dandruff этом более мелкие и могут
    spread either over the entire head or around the forehead. Processes
    secretions of sebum with this type of dandruff are slowed, therefore
    the skin is dry and scaly, the hair is as if covered with white powder,
    which is generously showered on the shoulders, with each touch of hair. With
    dry type of dandruff, as with fat, the head begins
    to itch

The appearance of dandruff of any type is most often associated with
the presence on the skin of a yeast that promotes
accelerate the process of keratinization of skin particles, which are

How to deal with dandruff?

With первых же проявлениях перхоти необходимо использовать
products containing cytostatic and keratolytic substances. TO
These include tar, sulfur, selenium disulfide, pyrithione and others.
If skin is too active in secreting fat, then it needs extra
process sodium thiosulfate (60%) and naphthalane oil,
which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Equally important is the correct choice of shampoo. He must
perform the following functions:

  • – wash off the flakes of dandruff that accumulate on the surface
    skin and between hair;
  • – slow down the process of dividing skin cells;
  • – kill the fungus and prevent it from further

Popular tools

In a pharmacy, the following shampoos from

– Friederm – its action is based on beneficial properties.

– Nizoral – due to the content of climbazole and ketoconazole
effectively fights fungus;

– Ducrere Squanorm – effectively fights both dry and
жирной dandruff Its action is due to the presence in the composition
Selena. It does not just eliminate dandruff, but eliminates it further.
education. Deep skin cleansing and suppression also occur.
inflammatory processes.

Folk recipes

To combat dandruff, you can use the following home

  1. – Grate the onions on a grater and mix with honey.
    The resulting mass is applied to the scalp and wrap
    polyethylene. Warm with a towel and leave for 40 minutes. By
    after the allotted time you need to wash your hair with shampoo and
    rinse with grass decoction (nettle, burdock, St. John’s wort, chamomile, linden,
    calendula, birch, St. John’s wort). Final Rinse
    acetic water to eliminate unpleasant onion odor.
  2. – Take in equal proportions coltsfoot, calendula,
    chamomile and St. John’s wort and prepare a strong broth from them. Byлученное
    the agent must be mixed in equal proportions with vodka and applied to
    hair roots. You can also mix together ready alcohol
    tinctures bought in a pharmacy. The procedure is carried out no more often than once.
    three days, otherwise you can dry out the skin, which will further aggravate
    the problem.
  3. – Mix the mustard with water to a liquid slurry. Apply
    On hair, wrap, and through half an hour wash away. At the end of the procedure
    be sure to rinse curls with a decoction of herbs or acidified
  4. – Birch tar fights dandruff well. To a little
    weaken its aggressive action and protect the hair to it
    add castor and burdock oil. Half an hour after
    applying mask wash off. Complete the procedure you need, rubbed hair
    lemon juice or rinsing with acidic water (to kill the smell

To prevent the reappearance of oily dandruff, you need
тщательно и правильно ухаживать за hair In order not to
dry skin, conduct treatments with courses (2 months do
masks, followed by a month break). TOогда перхоть полностью
disappear, periodically repeat the procedure and use herbal

Anti-dandruff hair care products help fight off
fungus, but be aware that they cannot be used.
constantly. It is necessary to apply them periodically for prophylaxis. Also
Do not forget about the type of hair when choosing products for washing

If no funds bring results, while
there is severe itching and redness, it is best to consult with
a specialist.

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