New Year’s Eve: 3 beautiful makeup for browneye


  • Key features and techniques
  • New Year’s make-up with mother of pearl
  • Шикарный синий смоки для карих eye
  • Makeup in golden emerald tones

New Year is the most long-awaited holiday in the year that is accepted
meet with relatives and friends, or on a noisy crowded
party Women take great care to choose
holiday outfit, shoes and accessories. It is not worth it
forget about makeup too – it must be expressive and necessary
соответствовать цвету eye, в данном случае – карим. Especially important
approach this responsibly if you do it yourself, not
with the help of professional makeup artists. For a great effect you need
will take advantage of some tips. So, we offer 3
варианта красивого новогоднего макияжа для карих eye.

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Особенности макияжа для карих eye в Новый год

New Year’s makeup is designed primarily to give his
the hostess is a wonderful mood and no less beautiful face. Wherein
It is worth observing some features in creating a festive
images that will help make it expressive and persistent. With
possibilities, it is better to “rehearse” the makeup in advance, so that later
hurry up and not be nervous in the pre-holiday vanity.

So, consider the techniques and rules that are useful when creating
новогоднего макияжа для карих eye:

  1. It is not recommended to do your everyday makeup and
    holiday party. New Year is a reason to stand out and
    resort to unusual for themselves or non-standard solutions, therefore
    It should be brighter than usual.
  2. Almost obligatory element of the long-awaited night is
    shine and shine – on the face it can be added with the help of mother of pearl
  3. More than ever on this holiday you can pamper yourself with unusual
    ways of decoration – large sparkles. In ordinary life, they
    Not applicable, models or actresses are not all, but decorate
    I want myself more brightly – long live special eyeliners and
  4. Now there are many ways to decorate your face with sparkles, and not just
    Shiny shadows familiar to us. This season is in trend
    cosmetics in the form of expressive sparkles. They can be performed in
    as a small fine placer or rather large stars, which
    клеятся на кожу вокруг eye. Recommended for secure fit
    use glue for false eyelashes or special tools. AT
    ideally they are used if the party is held in the appropriate
    style, but on New Year’s Eve there are no restrictions.
  5. According to the rules of visage it is recommended to focus only on something.
    одно: на eyeа или на губы. Чаще всего для этого выбирают eyeа, но
    Recently, trends are changing, and more and more you can see
    emphasis on lips. Wherein eyeа остаются тронуты минимально. AT
    any variant should not create too sharp a contrast.
  6. Many makeup artists consider it permissible for a holiday not
    следовать предыдущему правилу и ярко накрасить и губы, и eyeа –
    This decision depends entirely on their own feelings.
  7. Makeup should match along with the image as a whole. With
    This, the brighter the dress – the more modest the makeup, and in the case of neutral
    Costumes can be decided on a catchy make-up.
  8. Классическим вариантом для карих eye является смоки-айс.
  9. For a costume evening, makeup should be unusual, and not
    It should be limited to the usual techniques. For each image there is
    certain tricks, for example, catwoman usually wears arrows
    на eyeах и т.д.

These are not all recommendations, but they will certainly help.
decide on the option of beautiful makeup.

Перламутр в новогоднем макияже для карих eye

Before applying cosmetics, be sure to carefully
prepare the skin with cleansing agents and apply a base under
makeup that will make it more resistant, and foundation.

1. Before starting it is recommended to use a base under the shadows. Then
paint over the white eyelid with a white pencil, after which
we make feathering with the help of an applicator or a brush. From above
bend lines draw a dark solid pencil arrow, reaching
only until the middle of the century.

2. Draw a line in the same pencil along the lash line and
connect with the already drawn arrow, getting a wide area in
внешнем уголке eye. We fill it with black shadows.

3. The next color used is brown, a little
смягчить яркость и подчеркнуть карие eyeа. Mix it with gold
and shade with it all the borders of black.

4. The other side of the moving eyelid is highlighted with white mother-of-pearl
color, without going beyond the bend line.

5. Above the dark corner draw another smooth line with a bend,
departing from the shaded area of ​​about 2-3 mm. Thus, we
we get an arrow 2-3 mm thick, not painted over with anything. Her
fill the base under the shadows. Above it, we create a contrast using
dark brown shadows that repeat the shape of the arrow. Above
shade it.

6. Conventionally, the entire eyelid is now divided into 2 zones: the lower filled
corner and top line, and between them – the arrow.

новогодний макияж для карих eye с перламутром

7. ATдоль линии роста ресниц от внешнего уголка к the inner
spend a thin arrow black eyeliner. Better for this
use a liquid tool or marker. This will help visually.
increase the volume of eyelashes that paint with mascara. Can add
few overhead cilia.

8. The last step is to add shine to the makeup. Fill
the remaining arrow as follows: near the bridge of the nose use
silver sparkles, and at the outer edge – gold. Border between them

9. Lower eyelid cover only pearl shadows.

10. Do not forget eyebrows: if necessary, tint them and
combing The area under the eyebrow is slightly brightened up with mother of pearl.

For feathering the border between shades you can use
improvised means: brushes, sponges, applicators, cosmetic
disks, cotton swabs.

Smoky ice blue

Before applying makeup, be sure to cover the eyelid base under
shadows and neutral shadows, such as beige.

1. Для начала нужно прорисовать уголок у внешнего eyeа.
Use black shadows that draw small lines from the bottom.
century and from the upper eyelid. These 2 lines form a corner, while they
берут свое начало от наружной радужки eyeа. The tip of the corner should
быть немного «задран» по отношению к внешнему уголку eyeа.

2. Если форма eye восходящей формы, то такой вариант не очень
It is suitable, so it is better to leave the drawn corners on the level

3. The same color draws the fold line of the century, ending
ее у края внутренней радужки eyeа.

4. ATсе линии растушевываем кистью, уголок закрашиваем.

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5. Противоположный внутренний угол eyeа покрываем
light blue tint. It is mixed with white color and
cover the area under the brow. Границы между тенями stew.

6. ATсе действия повторяем и на нижнем веке.

7. The next step is to apply the blue pearl shadows on
the part of the century that is between the inner corner and the black
shade. We make them both upper and lower eyelid. ATсе границы

8. For shading in the right places, if necessary, use and
light blue tint.

9. We are not afraid and we start the blue color on the black arrow. If at
this black “lost”, then we cover them with the necessary zone again.
ATсе stew.

10. Let down the growth limit of the eyelashes with a black pencil or liquid
eyeliner thin line. The mucosa of the lower eyelid also bring
black kayal.

Для завершения макияжа eye используем черную объемную тушь и
false eyelashes optional. Кареeyeым для дополнения образа
suitable lipstick coral or pink shades.

Golden emerald shades in a festive makeup

AT дополнение с золотом и изумрудом будут использованы коричневые
shadows that blend in perfectly with them. Sure to
pre-prepare the skin for makeup.

1. The area of ​​the fixed eyelid covered base brown
color ranging from folds. The size of this area will depend on
особенностей формы eyeа, например, если неподвижное веко большого
size, it should be limited to the height of the shading.

2. This will require a flat brush that we hold under
acute angle. She draws a line that we blend to the side.
temple. Thus it turns out that the first decorated element
The make-up originates from the crease and advances towards the brow and temple.

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3. Take a dark gray color. From the outer edge of the iris takes
the beginning of the line that runs along the bottom edge of the brown zone. Her
кончик должен смотреть в сторону temple. Draw a line along the crease
века и по нижнему краю нижнего, начиная от середины eyeа.

4. ATсе три линии будут соединяться в одной точке, в стороне
temple, forming a sharp corner.

5. ATсе линии тушуем только в одну из сторон. ATерхнюю деталь, в
fold, stewing, going at the same time on a brown tint. With
need to type on the brush additionally dark gray

6. The bottom line extending from the lower eyelid is slightly stewed to the side.
middle of the ear. The line originating from the middle of the upper eyelid,
extinguish in the direction of the brow. Таким образом у кончика eyeа
the arrow formed by these lines will not be painted over.

7. After careful shading, proceed to decorating with color.
The emerald shade is applied by patting movements flat
кистью, немного заходя на тушевку и к the inner уголку eyeа.
Repeat the action on the lower eyelid.

8. Свободный уголок eyeа у переносицы украшаем
light golden shadows blur the borders between the shadows. Same
Shade slightly cover the area under the brow.

9. ATдоль ресничек прорисовываем черную стрелку. Same black
заполняем и уголок у внешнего края eyeа, который был оставлен
earlier. We extinguish the tip of the black arrow, but leave it visible.

10. Carefully paint over eyelashes and festive makeup.

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It is worth noting that makeup must underline brown
цвет eye. AT этом случае лучше не использовать оттенок, который
просто понравился ,но не гармонирует с вашими eyeами.

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