Needle-free mesotherapy is an alternative to “injectionsbeauty

Women all their life trying to maintain youth and beauty.
To do this, they resort to various tricks: miracle masks,
expensive creams, periodically replacing them with different natural
means like frozen in the form of ice cubes decoctions
chamomile and lime blossom. Often in the course go to the products from the table:
bananas, cucumber, milk and oatmeal.

However, at a certain age, many ladies begin to notice:
familiar and well-assisted methods are no longer working well.
efficiently. it значит, что пора обратиться за помощью к
Beauticians: it’s time for a more intense exposure to the skin.
What can offer modern beauty salons lady
wishing to always look good? Along with the massage (as a tame,
and hardware), peeling using professional
cosmetics, as well as injections of nutrients used today
another great method to adjust successfully
age changes. itт метод носит название «безынъекционная


Injectionless Mesotherapy: Varieties of the Method

Ordinary mesotherapy has long surprised no one. Most
women in the age of “for … dtsy” knows that mesotherapy is injections
ultrathin needles, with which they are deeply injected into the skin
nutrients. However, this procedure is not for everyone. Someone
does not like to wait until the effects of the introduction of the needle heal; to someone
don’t like that for a long time after the procedures
you can not go to the solarium and sunbathe, but someone is just afraid of injections.
It turns out that such sufferers will have to abandon modern
rejuvenation methods? Fortunately, today’s cosmetology can
offer them another, much less painful, but no less
an effective method is non-injection therapy.

Its essence lies in the fact that the skin needs
substances, as with conventional mesotherapy, are introduced directly into
dermis and epidermis, but needles are not used. Exist
The following varieties of this way of dealing with age

  • – cryomesotherapy (use of a cocktail of useful substances “in
    interaction with cold and low frequency current);
  • – ionomesotherapy (galvanic currents are used);
  • – laser mesotherapy (the effect on the problem areas is thin
    laser beam);
  • – electroporation (high-frequency frequent pulses);
  • – oxygen mesotherapy (use of a large
    oxygen pressure).

All these methods work according to the “single scenario”: due to the powerful
impact on a specific problem area increases
cell membrane permeability. The cage can freely
penetrate a number of nutrients, 400 times that
which comes in normal condition! Using this property
�”Unfolded” cells, beautician enters from a special ampoule
useful cocktail.

Who needs it?

How is the procedure? Whichever of the needleless methods
mesotherapy you choose, first with your face (or that area
body to be exposed to) thoroughly
work: clean, make peeling, then impose a composition of
active nutrients. This cocktail may include different
ingredients, depending on the task of the beautician and
the patient. If you need to get rid of acne, take the composition,
consisting of a mixture of antibiotics, vitamins and antioxidants. If a
it is necessary to “attack” wrinkles, use collagen, elastane,
various amino acids.

In the composition of the cocktail is always present hyaluronic acid
prolonging our youth.

Who will benefit from a non-injection therapy course? He will help
Get rid of skin problems for women who want to:

  • – get rid of wrinkles;
  • – “tighten” the contours of the face;
  • – refresh and even out the complexion;
  • – forget about stretch marks.

Sometimes he is prescribed to young girls suffering from acne.
rash Not only pimples themselves, but also signs of an active fight against them –
small scars, scars can be removed using this method.

This mesotherapy is used not only on the face. With her
using, you can improve skin turgor of any part of the body and
significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite. Often after childbirth
women complain about the appearance of stretch marks on the chest and abdomen – where
The skin has undergone severe deformation. So, non-injection
therapy copes well with stretch marks.


If a вас заинтересовал этот метод борьбы с нашими мелкими
women’s troubles, and you’re ready to sign up for a course
procedures, first it is better to consult a doctor. Despite
The fact that this type of mesotherapy is much less traumatic than ordinary
injections, it has certain contraindications.

  • So, you can not use it in cases where a woman has
    malignant neoplasms (or were in the past), if she
    suffer from high blood pressure if diagnosed
  • Of course, pregnancy and lactation are also good reasons.
    postpone the course of procedures until you grow up
  • Available pacemaker is also absolute
  • You can not register for the procedure, if at the moment you are still
    did not recover after an inflammatory disease – colds,
    flu, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis or any other.

The session is over: what then?

A lot of mesotherapy will not be required for a single mesotherapy session.
of time. The procedure itself after a little preliminary preparation.
It will take about 30 minutes, during which the patient will need
just lie on the couch in a relaxed position, allowing the specialist
carry out the procedure. After the session is over, for
two hours is desirable to rest. A couple of days after the session is not

  • – visit the solarium;
  • – sunbathe in the open sun;
  • – go to the sauna;
  • – too active in fitness.

If you do all this, contrary to the recommendations, nothing
Of course, the terrible will not happen – just the effect will be less, they can
pigment spots appear. And in general the body after active
external exposure must be fully restored.

Issue price

Non-injection mesotherapy cannot be called a cheap procedure. it
it is clear: after all, expensive drugs and modern
equipment. One session will cost from 2.5 thousand to 3.5 thousand
rubles – depending on the area of ​​impact, the need
preliminary preparation, “neglect” of the case and other
factors. Cosmetologists usually prescribe a course of 4 to 7 treatments.

The effect on you and others will be noticeable after three procedures.
The skin will be clean, the oval of the face will be clearer, the “bruises” will decrease and
�”Bags” under the eyes. Most often, cosmetologists do this:
prescribe an “active” course of several procedures with an interval of 10
days, and then advised to periodically pass the “supporting” –
one session per month. But here everything is individual and depends on
skin conditions of each patient.

The result is obvious: customer reviews

Women who have already experienced this miraculous method on
own experience, often leave positive reviews about it.
The procedure itself is described as completely painless. True,
some particularly sensitive ladies say that at the moment
exposure to electromagnetic waves muscles begin hard
shrink, which sometimes causes a bit of discomfort. But
the effect of mesotherapy is such that these minor annoyances immediately
you forget: the skin becomes smooth, the face is as if filled
from the inside, it shines as in adolescence. Deep wrinkles become
less pronounced, small ones completely disappear. This is especially noticeable in
areas around the eyes and at the location of the nasolabial folds.

Non-injection mesotherapy is a great alternative to plastic
operations and injections. The intervention in the body is minimal, and the effect
at the same time, it is comparable to the effect of much more radical methods.
If you want to keep up with the times, maintain your beauty,
without applying any “violent” ways – try
non-injection mesotherapy. But не забывайте о том, что
natural beauty is the result of a whole range of measures: here and
healthy lifestyle, and a balanced diet, and active
motion. Without observing the correct rhythm of life, the effect of any
procedures will not last long.

So enjoy your life and enjoy the achievements of modern
medicine to always remain the blooming beauty – the real

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