Nanomax for beauty and health of hair

All women want to be the most beautiful and unique.
Often, this desire pushes them to all sorts of experiments with
appearance, as a result of which, perhaps, suffer most
hair. Permanent staining, use of large quantities
styling products, blow-drying, leveling and curling – all this
leads to a significant deterioration in the quality and appearance of the hair.
The situation is aggravated by poor nutrition, bad habits and
bad ecology. As a result, it seems that the hair is hopeless
spoiled and the only way out is a short haircut. But, to
Fortunately, there is one way out. New development hairdressers that
bears the name Nanomaks, promises to return to life damaged

Nanomax hair treatment

Nanomax hair treatment


What is Nanomax

Nanomax – a procedure for full recovery of damaged
hair. Many people use various kinds of care products.
(like conditioners or serums) that allow you to visually
make hair more beautiful and well-groomed. But, to сожалению,
The effect of these products is too short-term, because external
improvements are achieved only through the formation of a kind
пленки на поверхности hair. The structure of the hair itself is not
is being restored. As a result, you can only talk about cosmetic
effect that will last at best a few days. Already
after the next washing of the hair from a healthy shine will not remain and
trace, if you do not re-treat hair care

The procedure using the Nanomax funds is valid
fundamentally different. For the treatment of hair using special
drugs, the structure of which consists of the smallest molecules. So
particles are much easier to penetrate even the deepest layers
hair to revitalize it from the inside and repair damage. In progress
procedures used a special device that converts
hair care product in pairs, settling on the curls. Device
something like a comb, with which consistently
all curls are processed. As a result, the smallest particles of nutrient
substances fill the damaged areas, soldering and restoring
their. At the end of the procedure, your hair will look like
you have never stained them or exposed to high
temperatures. The hair will again become lively, voluminous and shiny.

How is the procedure

Although Nanomax is a fairly simple procedure,
hair restoration should be done only by professional
master in the cabin. Hair restoration process with
Nanomax procedure consists of three successive steps:

  1. – for starters, the master washes the client’s head. Even if you advance
    prepared and came to the salon with clean hair, you have to
    undergo the procedure of washing again, because in the salon hair will be treated
    special shampoo, which is included in the series of Nanomax products. This
    shampoo deeply cleans the skin and completely degreases the surface
    hair so that the active substances penetrate their
    structure. After washing, the hair is blow-dried and transferred
    directly to recovery;
  2. – the next stage involves the treatment of hair with the drug,
    rich in nutrients and active
    Components. This process is made possible by
    special device, which in its structure is very similar to
    comb The master sequentially combing each strand to
    each hair got its portion of nutrients. Hairbrush
    generates a special vapor whose particles penetrate deep into
    hair structure A feature of this procedure is that
    the so-called “steam”, in fact, has a very low
    temperature, so that the hair is not damaged and not
  3. – at the final stage of the procedure, the hair is soldered,
    to keep all the nutrients inside. This процесс чем-то
    reminds lamination and is done with
    специального утюжка, который склеивает чешуйки hair. Despite
    The fact that the iron looks very similar to a regular rectifier, it is not
    quite like that. This device is equipped with special plates.
    made of titanium, and the temperature of his work does not exceed 120
    degrees, so that the hair is not damaged and not
    dry out.

Nanomax procedure will be useful for absolutely any type.
hair. It is also recommended to carry it out immediately after
how the hair was subjected to any detrimental effect
like painting or styling with a lot of aggressive
fixing means. In addition to full recovery, you can
take advantage of the whole range of opportunities provided
drugs Nanomax. So, tools have been developed that allow
add shine to hair, make it bulky and protect
dyed hair from washing out color.

Hairbrush для проведения процедуры Наномакс

Hairbrush для проведения процедуры Наномакс

Pros and cons of the procedure

The Nanomax procedure can certainly be considered a real breakthrough.
in hair care. She has a number of undeniable
advantages among which It is worth highlighting the following:

  • – Nanomax can be used for any type of hair care.
    and degree of damage. Even the thinnest and lifeless hair
    will look alive and healthy after this procedure;
  • – hair restoration with the help of Nanomax will not take away from you
    a lot of time. One hour is usually enough to completely
    process long hair;
  • – drugs from the Nanomax series are absolutely safe, because in their
    составе содержатся только натуральные Components. Worth separately
    highlight keratin, red caviar, seaweed extracts,
    wheat germ, as well as a whole range of essential and plant
  • – The effect of the procedure is noticeable after the first session. Hair
    almost completely restored. And even after such aggressive
    procedures like perm or radical dyeing,
    the hair will have a completely healthy look and radiant shine;
  • – The process of the procedure is extremely simple. Concerning,
    you will not have problems associated with insufficient levels
    professionalism of your master. Hair restoration technology is not
    represents no difficulty, it is 90%
    the natural composition of drugs, as well as a special device comb
    and ironing;
  • – in addition to all the positive aspects characterizing the procedure
    Nanomax, it is also worth noting its low cost. Complete
    hair restoration will cost you about 2500 rubles, which
    can not be called too high pay for healthy and beautiful

The Nanomax procedure has already saved more than one hair. Thousands of women
tried on myself this technology. Almost impossible
meet any negative feedback and opinions about this procedure.
And if they do, they are mainly due to the fact that
not enough sessions to recover
сильно поврежденных hair. In addition, if you carry out this
procedure on practically healthy hair, the visual effect will be
not so noticeable. However, the inside of the hair will be completely

Result after the procedure

Result after the procedure

Of course, there are no perfect hair care products and
hairdressing services, therefore, the procedure Nanomax can be identified
Some minor flaws:

  • – plan the procedure in such a way that
    for three days after the recovery session you did not have
    styling needs. The fact is that during this period
    completely eliminated the use of any tools like
    hair dryer, ironing or curling, as well as means for fixing. Besides,
    you will have to spend money on shampoo without aggressive detergents
    components, so as not to damage the protective layer on the hair;
  • – despite the fact that one session of the Nanomax procedure is not worth
    too expensive, in some cases this is not enough.
    If your hair is badly damaged and dried, be prepared for
    the fact that you have to go about four sessions, a break between
    which must be 7 days long;
  • – neither the manufacturer of the Nanomax series of vehicles, nor the salon foremen
    can not give a clear answer to the question of how long will last
    on the hair effect of the procedure. It depends on you.
    Try to use only high-quality cosmetics for hair and
    minimize the impact of harmful factors.

The Nanomax procedure is a real salvation for those who don’t
wants to part with long hair, even if they have strong
damage and lost vitality. Summer heat, severe frosts,
styling products, poor nutrition and constant stress not the best
way affect the state of hair. Nanomax will help
Completely restore your hair and give it a healthy look.

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