Miostimulyation – to lay and swing muscles

миостимуляция похудениеМиостимуляция,
or, as it would be more correct to say, electromyostimulation is
impact on muscle tissue by electrical currents when
simulates the process of natural muscle contraction, only the signal
does not come from nerve cells, but from a special electronic
devices. Electrodes are attached to muscles, impulses are fed to them.
certain parameters that make muscles work the same way
as with exercise. The result is an increase
muscle tone, fat burning, increased blood and lymph circulation in
areas of muscle being stimulated.

Miostimulyation - to lay and swing muscles Miostimulyation - to lay and swing muscles

Using myostimulation, you can strengthen any muscle group, more
Moreover, this procedure can be much more efficient than physical
exercises. With ordinary physical activity in a targeted
not all muscle fibers are included in the work, but when
Miostimulation will use absolutely all excitable structures –
striated and smooth muscle cells. Besides,
myostimulation allows you to reach the muscles that are located
very deep and difficult to load under normal conditions:
for example, the muscles of the inner thigh.

In this case, during the procedure, oxidation products and
toxins and lactic acid does not accumulate in the muscles, causing
characteristic pain after exercise.
At the same time there is a strengthening of the cardiovascular system,
increase skin firmness and elasticity.

Miostimulyation - to lay and swing muscles
Now actively promoting miostimulyatory for home
of use. Compared to the salon procedure, their cost
much lower, however, and efficiency, also, does not go to any
a comparison. Modern professional miostimulators are
multifunctional, powerful devices. They possess a variety of
capabilities, and are able to solve a wide range of tasks – from
bodybuilding before fighting cellulite. Cabinet procedure passes
under the supervision of a specialist who monitors compliance with technology
and the patient’s condition. During the procedure it is important to know
anatomy to position the electrodes correctly is important
set the parameters of electric current, professionally evaluate
problem of the patient and choose the desired mode. In addition, there is
a number of contraindications to myostimulation:

• systemic blood diseases; • tendency to bleeding; •
circulatory disorders above stage 2; • renal and hepatic
failure; • neoplasms; • pregnancy; • active
pulmonary and renal tuberculosis; • thrombophlebitis (in the affected area); •
kidney stones, urinary or gall bladder (when exposed to
abdominal and lower back areas); • acute intra-articular lesions; •
acute purulent inflammatory processes; • skin diseases in
acute phase in the affected area; • implanted
pacemaker; • hypersensitivity to pulsed current.

In domestic conditions, this procedure is difficult to carry out correctly.
therefore, home miostimulators are obviously less
power. Home myostimulator can only support
recruited shape to keep muscles in shape, but to
really significantly adjust the figure flaws,
need to use professional miostimulyatorov.

Myostimulation procedures are prescribed by the course. Standard course
about 10-20 procedures. For optimal results, sessions
miostimulyatsii held every other day.

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