Menu of a child at 2 years old – table of approximate diet

Although the baby is happy to sit with his parents for dining table, this does not mean that the child’s nutrition at 2 years should be identical to the diet of an adult. An exception is a situation when a family adheres to a healthy lifestyle life, and on the menu of all members of relatives there are only useful products.

However, the concept of “healthy eating” people can viewed in different ways. So, in child vegetarian families deliberately depriving meat or other animal products origin.

Two-year-old kid's menu

Raw food adherents make up their menu so that the fruits in it occupy from 50% to 70% of the total amount of food consumed. The benefits of such nutrition systems is questionable for a growing organism.

No less detrimental to the health of a small creature can affect grandmother’s rich cabbage soup with pies and stewed potatoes with bold ribs. How to organize young parents nutrition for a two year old baby for his good?


Eliminate harmful products

How to feed a 2 year old baby

Since we are talking about what is useful for crumbs in 2 years, and what – No, we’ll immediately discuss how to feed the baby categorically contraindicated. The list of such products is quite extensive:

  • Smoked meats, strongly fried and spicy dishes, products “fast food”;
  • Seafood that can cause an allergic reaction (shrimp, crabs, mussels, red and black caviar);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Meat of fatty varieties (lamb, pork, meat of geese and ducks);
  • Milk not adapted for baby food;
  • Grapes and cantaloupe that increase flatulence and impair function pancreas;
  • Sweets (cakes, sweets, ice cream, chocolate, muffin, shortbread or puff pastry);
  • Honey (for children prone to allergies);
  • Soda water;
  • Pasta and sausages (at least give them child can be an exception).

In addition, consider the individual characteristics of the body your child. Do not stuff the baby with what is useful if it has there is a natural intolerance to a certain product.

The main components of the diet of a child of 2 years

How to feed a baby in 2 years

The daily rate of products that a baby 2 years old should receive should be divided into 4-5 doses. A typical menu for a child in This age looks something like this:

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge + bread with butter and cheese + tea / cocoa with milk.
  2. Second breakfast (can be combined with the first): Fresh fruit + juice.
  3. Lunch: should include 3 dishes
    • the first is soup / borscht + bread;
    • the second – meat / liver / fish dishes + vegetable side dish / salad / porridge;
    • dessert + compote / tea.
  4. Snack: cottage cheese casserole / cheesecakes / fruit pudding + jelly / compote / milk.
  5. Dinner: scrambled eggs / vegetable stew + kefir / fermented baked milk / tea.

It’s believed that the most nutritious meal should be lunch, while the first breakfast and dinner should be approximately equal in calories. Lunch and afternoon tea serve snacking.

What to feed the baby in 2 years, the following table will tell:

Vegetables, fruits, berries

  • Boiled, stewed or steamed vegetables are not needed now grind in mashed potatoes (the exception is mashed potatoes) – the baby may already chew on pieces of food.
  • Vegetables and fruits can be served in the form of fresh salads, for example: carrots + apple, cucumbers + cabbage + olive oil.
  • You can fill some vegetable salads with sour cream low fat content. In a small amount, walnuts and pre-steamed prunes.
  • Vegetables are also combined in stews, included in soups or stuffed minced meat.
  • �ž The child can be given whole or sliced ​​fresh fruits and berries, and sculpt dumplings with them, and include them in porridge and cottage cheese casseroles, puddings.
  • Baked fruits with sugar will be a wonderful dessert for sweet tooth.


  • Meat, oatmeal (in milk or with dried apricots), rice, wheat, Buckwheat is what a child should receive daily. Porridge seasoned with butter or watered with meat gravy. Avoid eating barley groats.
  • Cook porridge is not friable, but viscous (for this, take liquids 3-3.5 times the volume of cereals).
  • On the basis of cereals, you can cook cues, cutlets, casseroles.
  • Ready cereals are supplemented with berries and fresh or boiled fruits. or lightly flavored with honey.

Soups, mashed soups

  • Up to 150 ml of soup or borsch at lunch is the norm for crumbs in age 2 years.
  • The first dishes are cooked in meat broth. Lean meat varieties. It is advisable to drain the first broth, then cook the meat on low heat, constantly removing foam.
  • Pepper, bay leaf and tomato paste should be excluded.

Meat dishes

Meat of low-fat varieties include cutlets, meatballs, lazy cabbage rolls, meatball soup, potato-meat or meat casserole, meat goulash, vegetable stew, soufflé, and also in mashed soup (chopping a boiled piece through a meat grinder).

A fish

  • 210 g of fish – a weekly norm for a 2 year old child, which you need divided into 2-3 doses throughout the week.
  • Trout and lean white marine should be preferred. fish: hake, tuna, pollock, horse mackerel, cod.
  • The following dishes are prepared from fish: meatballs, meatballs, baked fish served with a side dish of rice and fresh vegetables.


  • The product is rich in digestible proteins, promotes digestion. and blood formation.
  • �ž The baby’s diet includes boiled liver in a crushed form with cereals or stewed vegetables, as well as pancakes from the liver.


Dishes of a two-year-old baby (soups and vegetable side dishes) it is permissible to supplement with dill, parsley, salad and celery in a small amount.


  • Wheat or rye bread in the child’s menu 2 years must be present daily.
  • �žTo replace fresh bread, you can offer crackers and croutons to the soup.


  • It is advisable to peel boiled beans and peas so that prevent flatulence in a child.
  • Beans are added to borsch, served as a side dish or add to the vinaigrette.
  • On the basis of fresh or dry peas, soup is cooked or mashed, seasoned with milk and butter and brought to homogeneous state. Vegetables are sprinkled with whole boiled peas side dishes.


  • The norm of milk consumed by a baby for 2 years, per day – 600 ml (200 ml of them – kefir).
  • Do not neglect the need to boil and strain the milk before use.
  • Cocoa, milk soups and cereals are brewed on the basis of milk.
  • It’s better not to give sour milk at home, so as not to disrupt the normal digestion of the baby.

Hard cheese

Cheese is given to the child most often for breakfast after the main course with bread smeared with butter.

Chicken or Quail Eggs

  • A single dose of the product is ½ chicken or 1 quail egg. In a week, the introduction of 2-3 eggs.
  • Eggs are not given to children raw. They are hard boiled or cooked in type of omelet.

Dairy products

  • Quality fresh cottage cheese (9% fat) with low-fat sour cream and sugar is suitable for afternoon tea or dinner.
  • Cottage cheese is included in cottage cheese semolina (with steamed raisins, dried fruits or fresh berries), cheesecakes, thin pancakes or dumplings.
  • Sour cream and homemade jam are greased with cottage cheese pancakes and pancakes; her also added to soups and borsch.
  • Drinking natural yogurt is preferable to cook independently based on special starter cultures.
  • Kefir and ryazhenka should not be too low in fat.


  • Quality marshmallows, marmalade and marshmallows are the sweets with which you can occasionally pamper children 2 years old.
  • Unsweetened cookies can be given to the child at afternoon tea.

The drinks

  • In addition to dairy and sour-milk drinks, children are given natural black and green tea without flavors, compotes, fruit and berry jelly and juices.
  • Compotes are best cooked from dried fruits, occasionally from rose hips.
  • From juices choose apple, apple-grape, apricot, peach, cherry, plum.

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