Pros and cons of walkers, reviews

Baby walkers are sustainable designs with a seat that allows a baby who does not know how to move to walk.

Walkers are equipped with wheels that facilitate the movement of the child in walkers, and protective panels that do not allow the child to reach to unnecessary items, and also fall.

Walkers are not only children’s, but also for the disabled and old people.



  • Development. Having freedom of movement, baby begins to actively develop mentally, since now he can consider a lot of interesting things.
  • Better coordination. In the walker the baby can make different movements, which improves its coordination.
  • The emotions of the child. Walkers on their own and movement in them cause a stormy delight in the child and these emotions together with active movements benefit the whole childish the body.


  • Only support. Walkers do not teach children to walk, they are intended only to support the body of the baby, while he has not yet learned to move independently. At the same time, walkers do not exclude the need for daily training of walking skills.
  • Sometimes contraindicated. When diagnosed with toddler hip dysplasia and disorders in musculoskeletal system baby walkers are contraindicated so as soon as they aggravate the situation.
  • Fatigue. Walkers can not be used more half an hour at a time and more than two hours a day, as fragile children’s back gets tired quickly.
  • Danger Age limit for the use of walkers – from six months. No matter how touted walkers manufacturers and sellers are still quite dangerous way of transportation for the child. Do not leave your child alone in walkers or really rely on the fact that the baby will not be able to fall in them.

To reduce risks for the baby and increase potential benefits from the use of walkers, it is necessary to consider when buying following points.

Walkers must be height adjustable at least three positions, the base of the walker should be wide for maximum safety use, the seat should be wide and deep for the convenience of the baby. And also, walkers should have at least eight wheels, walkers should easily transform into a rocking chair, the back should be anatomical.

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