Masks, wraps, scrubs with clay againstcellulite and stretch marks


  • What clay to use from cellulite – types and properties
  • Selection rules and cost
  • Recipes:
  • – with blue clay
  • – with black clay
  • – with white clay
  • – with green clay
  • – with pink clay
  • – with yellow clay
  • Contraindications
  • Feedback and results

Oh, this cellulite! As soon as beautiful ladies do not fight with him!
Some are engaged in simulators to exhaustion, others are desperate
lose weight, hoping along with those extra pounds to inadvertently “lose”
and “orange peel”, others buy expensive anti-cellulite
creams and oils.

It turns out that in the eternal female battle for beauty and youthful skin
representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can
count on a simple and fairly cheap means – the usual
cosmetic clay. Clay from stretch marks and cellulite, of course, on
100% does not save, but will contribute to the skin
significantly more smooth and delicate.

What clay is better from cellulite for body wraps and masks? let’s
consider some types of this cosmetic and make
conclusions about the most effective ways to use it. But for
In order to understand what caused the anti-cellulite effect of clay,
need to remember that is cellulite.


What types of clay will help with the “orange peel”

Doctors do not consider cellulite (in the conventional sense of this
words) disease and dismissive of him as a small
cosmetic defect. Meanwhile, most beauties respond to
dimples and bumps on the skin literally with despair. These
troubles are caused by changes in the subcutaneous fat. For
Women cellulite is more familiar – their nature has awarded high
stretchability of the skin, which has the appearance of cellulite.

Causes of defect:

  • – metabolic disorders;
  • – heredity;
  • – hormonal disruptions.

Therefore, in order to even the skin and remove the dimples and bumps,
need to be able to affect the state of the subcutaneous fat layer. With this
Clay copes well.

Clay from cellulite at home is used often.
Beauticians approve and welcome various masks, scrubs, baths
and wraps, the main component of which is clay. Why?
Clay is very good for the skin. She is:

  • – smoothes the skin;
  • – accelerates regeneration processes;
  • – fights intracellular edema;
  • – splits fat;
  • – delivers to the inner layers of the epidermis the necessary useful

Clay helps against cellulite, as it is magnificent
adsorbent, that is, “pulls” to themselves toxins and waste
metabolic products.

There is such an interesting point of view: clay particles when wetted
powder water acquire a negative charge. Same toxins and others
harmful substances are positively charged. The consequence of this is
attraction of various components contaminating the skin to particles
clay and removing them from the skin surface.

Which of the clay subspecies will act better? To try
apply green clay from cellulite or make a bath with clay
white? It depends on what kind of effect you want.
to achieve, that is, from what other goals you set for yourself, except
getting rid of the notorious unaesthetic “crust”.

If, for example, you want to make your skin as
soft, pleasant to the touch, if you want to moisten well
dry areas and, conversely, “dry” excessively fatty –
выбирайте зеленую глину. This anti-cellulite clay
perfectly restores the hydro balance and is suitable for use
if the skin is overly sensitive.

Желтую глину предпочтительнее применять
women who notice that their skin is prone to irritation,
reacts poorly to creams with various additives. Yellow clay from
cellulite also rejuvenates tired, fading skin,
tighten it, remove the fresh stretch marks. It nourishes the epidermis and gives
He is able to saturate every cell with oxygen. This, in his
queue, contributes to the improvement of intracellular metabolism – which means
skin will look young and radiant.

Вам кажется, что красная или розовая глина
perceived by your skin with the greatest “approval”? Completely
possible: red clay is used when required
stimulate blood circulation, “boost” the metabolism. BUT
pink clay from cellulite “feeds” the skin, saturating it with iron,
zinc, potassium.

Note: in general, there is no such kind of clay that does not
would be suitable for the fight with hateful for many women cosmetic
a disadvantage. However, it is considered that the most pronounced
anti-cellulite effect have 3 subspecies.

This is clay:

  • – blue;
  • – black;
  • – white.

Самая подходящая, по мнению косметологов, — голубая
от целлюлита. She has anti-inflammatory
effect, increases the rate of cell regeneration. In blue clay
contains a large amount of salts that have
beneficial effect on the epidermis. This, in particular, salt
cobalt and cadmium.

Often this clay is used to combat skin
diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Ways to use
of this subtype of cosmetic in order to get rid of
harmless but unpleasant dimples and bumps – wrapping blue
clay from cellulite and massage with it.

Белая глина распространена больше, чем
other subspecies. White clay from cellulite is recommended to
use because it is saturated with zinc and magnesium. Both substances
indispensable for maintaining youth and beauty of skin: they narrow
enlarged pores, normalize intracellular metabolism, remove excess
liquid. White clay perfectly “breaks down” fat reserves. Her
additional “plus” – alignment of skin color.

Black clay считается универсальной. This
dark gray, almost black powder contains many useful

  • – magnesium;
  • – potassium;
  • – Calcium;
  • – iron;
  • – quartz.

Thanks to them, the skin gets a nice color, it becomes smooth and
smooth. Clear signs of cellulite disappear. BUT еще с помощью черной
Clay can gently soothe the inflammation on the skin.
Black clay from cellulite is used both in pure form and in
combination with other cosmetic products.

How to choose clay for anti-cellulite procedures

If you need to get a well pronounced anti-cellulite
effect, get white, black or blue clay. Black clay
from cellulite is good because it can be successfully applied to any
skin: as normal, not prone to rashes and irritations, so
and dry, overly irritable, not tolerating other species

Choose blue clay if you need to achieve and eliminate
cellulite, and getting rid of any signs of skin diseases.
White well tightens the skin, rejuvenates it. The best thing
buy cosmetic clay in pharmacies – there is practically no
chances to stumble on a fake and get instead of good
negative effect.

Clay is usually packaged in small bags weighing 100 g. All
types of clay are inexpensive cosmetics, and
The cheapest is white – it costs about 20-25 rubles. over 100

Other types can be purchased at prices ranging from 45 to 60 rubles. over 100 year
Thus, the expensive (in a few thousand rubles.) Course
anti-cellulite clay wraps, which you will be offered in
salon, at home cost a mere penny, and the effect
will be almost the same.

It is important: if you know about the tendency of your skin to occur
allergic reactions, take clean clay, without adding
ароматических и других substances: так и дешевле получится, и

In the absence of allergy, you can experience the effect
Ayurvedic clay. It is packaged in nice packaging and worth
a little more expensive – about 100 rubles. over 100 year В состав косметического
means to enhance anti-cellulite and anti-inflammatory
effect add aloe juice.

Лучшие рецепты с глиной против cellulite and stretch marks

  • Blue clay

Blue clay can be simply dissolved in warm water and in such
form applied to the skin, wrapped in plastic wrap on top and
warming towel. However, the blue clay mask from cellulite
will be more effective if you do it with the following

  • – mineral water;
  • – honey;
  • – essential oil of orange or grapefruit;
  • – cream.

It is necessary to take 4 tablespoons of clay, dissolve in
mineral water so as to make gruel. To the mixture is added
a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cream, 4 drops of selected
essential oil. Everything needs to be thoroughly stirred, applied to the body,
wrap yourself up and wait an hour. Then the mask is washed off in the shower, the body is applied
anti-cellulite cream. Who tried, they say that the effect is observed
after the third procedure. BUT всего их нужно примерно 7-10.

  • Black clay и кофе

About matting and slightly scrubbing properties of ground coffee
heard everything. If you regularly rub the body in the shower, ground or asleep
coffee, you can quickly achieve a surprisingly smooth, velvety skin.
BUT теперь добавим сюда черную глину – получим поистине великолепный

Three or four tablespoons of black clay mixed with water and
bring the mixture to the consistency of thick cream. Here we pour three
spoons of ground coffee. Now it is necessary to flavor the mixture with a tablespoon.
olive oil in which 3 drops of lemon oil are dissolved or
orange – and that’s all, the composition for the mask is ready. Coffee with clay from
cellulite helps well if applied to problem areas on
20-30 minutes 7-10 times (with an interval of 3-4 days).

  • Take a white clay bath?

White clay has proven itself as a
anti-cellulite remedy that works great when
dissolving in warm water. Experience a white clay bath on yourself!
For этого высыпаем в горячую (от 40°С до 42°С) ванну примерно 0,5
kg of white clay powder. You can also drop 4-5 drops there.
essential oil of bergamot or lemon. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes
no longer. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that the heart area remains
above the water.

After the bath, you need to take a warm shower and apply on the body
увлажняющий или anti-cellulite cream. It is better to wash the bath immediately,
otherwise the clay may clog the pipes.

  • Do you need mustard with green clay?

If you prefer something hotter, arrange yourself
anti-cellulite wrap with mustard powder. Mustard and clay from
целлюлита вместе дают хороший Effect. Green clay will do
because it soothes irritated skin, and mustard
to cause a lung in areas unusual for such exposure
irritation. Take:

  1. – 2-3 tablespoons of clay;
  2. – a teaspoon of mustard powder;
  3. – 3 drops of bergamot oil.

All mix, do the wrap for a quarter of an hour. If a
feel a burning sensation, remove the mask before.

  • Pink clay with milk

Pink clay promotes rapid regeneration of the skin,
so do not neglect it. If a смешать 3 столовых ложки
clay with preheated milk to a state of thick cream, and then
put on the body and wrapped with a film and a blanket or terry top
towel, you get a beautiful mask with pronounced
anti-cellulite effect. Repeat the procedure every other day for
weeks, and then evaluate the result.

  • Yellow Clay and Cinnamon

If a вы решили отдать предпочтение желтой глине, то можно
mix 3 tablespoons of this cosmetic with tea
a spoon of cinnamon. For 30-40 minutes, organize yourself a relaxing holiday
sofa, causing such a mask on the body.

Of course, to get the effect, you will need not one, but
several procedures.

  • Massage

Clay can be used not only for baths and wraps, but also
for massage. For этого можно брать любой из подвидов.
Massage проводится на очищенной коже, причем процедура не должна
be long, as the clay dries quickly.

What techniques can be applied? It is advisable to focus on
kneading and using percussion techniques, pre-well
warming up the skin and muscles.

Who should not use clay

Cosmetic clay is famous for its almost complete absence
contraindications. Allergic reactions are extremely rare,
and in most cases they occur on other components,
included in the clay masks.

As an exception are diseases of the thyroid gland:
to people who have this organ with impaired functions, before
using clay it is worth consulting a doctor.

Hot wraps, baths and clay massage are undesirable when
the presence of varicose veins (in any stage). Of course, not worth it
use this method of getting rid of cellulite during
pregnancy to avoid undesirable effects.

Massage с глиной запрещен при наличии:

  • – hypertension;
  • – thrombophlebitis;
  • – tumors.

It is also contraindicated during the menstrual period.

Reviews: who helped clay?

Clay wraps and baths are often well tolerated and
cause approval from the “testers”. True, the miraculous deliverance from
�”Orange peel” when using only this tool to wait
not necessary, you need to add other ways. Women celebrate
following points:

�”Wraps with clay help me to keep my skin in tone, but on
buttocks and hips “dimples”, alas, while present. “

�“I do massage with blue clay. Cellulite has become less after
fourth procedure. However, perhaps it was the massage that helped, but
did clay act as an aid? ”

�“I love white clay baths. The skin after them is pleasant to the touch,
smooth. “

�“Blue and green clay are my best friends. I make masks and
wraps, skin is really softer and smoother after them. “

�“I prefer black clay. Cellulite is still visible, but skin
becomes velvety to the touch after each procedure. True,
not for long.

If a вы хотите добиться полного избавления от целлюлита, одной
clay will not be enough. Since the defect is due to internal
the processes occurring in the body, it is necessary not only external
impact on problem areas. Will have to be as follows
work hard to flaunt in the summer in the most open swimsuits:
change your lifestyle, adjust your diet, add
physical exercise. You may need to lose weight.

Cosmetic clay is not a panacea that eliminates
orange peel once and for all. Every beauty who wants to have
perfect skin, you need to constantly take care of maintaining health,
strengthen the muscular system, make sure that the skin gets
enough oxygen, and for this arrange yourself regular
loads in the fresh air.

Get rid of cellulite at home is difficult, but possible.
Begin to lead the right lifestyle, be active and tune
on the positive. BUT глина станет надежным помощником в обретении
smooth and velvety skin. Nothing is impossible – all in
our hands!

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