Masks from oily shine

Oily skin gives its owners a lot of problems. Yes
and from a medical point of view, this phenomenon is not considered normal.
Besides the fact that the unhealthy luster on the skin does not look aesthetically pleasing, it
the phenomenon is also accompanied by such unpleasant problems as
clogged pores, inflammation and acne.

Despite the fact that for this type of skin commercially available
many cosmetics, not all of them are different
high efficiency. Therefore, before spending a lot of money on
ineffective and not always high-quality cosmetics, it is better to turn
to popular recipes. Home cosmetics is good because it includes
Its composition is only natural ingredients. In addition, all recipes
proven by years of experience that proves efficiency
similar means in solving the problem of oily skin.


How do fat face masks work?

All the components of the masks from oily skin are selected in such a way
so that each of them struggled with the main and related problems.
Yesже те девушки, которые давно отчаялись и смирились с жирным
glitter, will certainly be surprised how will affect their skin
recipes folk cosmetology. With regular use
The following results are noted:

  • – the sebaceous glands are regulated, thanks to which they
    begin to less intensively produce sebum;
  • – the face becomes dull, and the effect of this effect becomes
    longer and longer;
  • – due to the fact that the pores are completely cleansed, the skin begins
    more intensely saturated with oxygen;
  • – complexion becomes smoother and fresher;
  • – inflammations are eliminated, and their repeated prevention is prevented
  • – with each session there are less acne, blackheads,
    redness and other unpleasant skin problems.

Besides the fact that homemade masks are struggling with oily skin, they
it is also actively nourished with all sorts of vitamins and other
beneficial substances. Regularly using anti-fat masks
skin, in a short time you will be able to forget that once
faced a similar problem.

How to apply masks

  • The main rule of applying any masks, including home ones,
    is to prepare the skin for this procedure.
    The skin must be cleaned with special means or
    toilet soap, and even better if it is well steamed.
    Also very important point is that all the muscles of the face should
    to be completely relaxed both during the application of the mask and on
    the whole period of its impact on the skin.
  • Standard duration of home treatments for oily skin.
    is 20 minutes. During this time, all components of the mask have time
    penetrate deep into the skin and have the desired effect.
    Watch the time carefully, you should not overdo the mask.
    Wash off the skin from the skin with cool or warm water, after which the face
    need to process lotion. In some cases, it may also
    require moisturizing skin cream.
  • Masks must be applied strictly along the massage lines, otherwise there is
    risk of stretching or damaging the skin. Try to get round
    areas around the eyes, because skin there is already quite dry and not
    needs such a deep cleansing. Best at times
    Carrying out the procedure, cover your eyes with cotton pads. Can moisten
    them in herbal broth, cucumber juice, or put on them grated
    potatoes or parsley.
  • It should be remembered that homemade masks can not be stored for a long time even in
    refrigerator, otherwise they simply lose their useful properties.
    It is better to apply freshly prepared products on the face.

Do not wait for the breathtaking effect immediately after the first
procedures. Have patience, and the result will certainly you
will please.

How do masks work?

The effect of masks on oily skin is that they
intensely soften the upper layers of the skin. After that, the dead
the particles begin to separate, taking on all the excess skin
fat that is removed during the mask removal process. As a result, the skin
It looks fresh, clean, and you can forget about the greasy shine.

In order for the effect to be really visible, you need to apply
The mask is quite thick.

Cleansing masks

  • To prepare a mask that will eliminate the shine and
    reduce wrinkles, you need to mix milled oatmeal with
    vegetable oil to the state of porridge. Here you need to add
    a little juice of strawberries, nettle and birch leaves.
  • The basis of the following mask is taken a quarter cup of low-fat
    kefir mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Also need good
    beat egg white (to make a fluffy foam) and gently
    mix in kefir. To make the mask more thick (it’s more convenient)
    put), you can add to it a little almond flour or
    ground oatmeal. This mask will save the skin from excess fat and
    will give her a radiant look.

Moisturizing masks

  • Cleansing and, at the same time, moisturizing effect on the skin
    provides sour milk. A quarter cup of this product need
    mix with the amount of oatmeal to mask
    thick. Here you can add olive or any other oil.
    This remedy possesses not only moisturizing, but also light
    whitening effect.
  • Well acts on the skin of a banana. It must be kneaded in a puree, after
    then add a tablespoon of melted honey, orange and
    lemon juice. To make the mixture comfortable, you can lightly
    thicken it with ground oatmeal.

Nourishing masks

  • The task of saturating the skin with vitamins works well
    carrot. In a quarter cup of juice from this fruit you need to add by
    a tablespoon of milk cheese and almond (or other
    vegetable) oil. Mask must be applied thick
    by layer. If it seems too liquid, add more
    cottage cheese.
  • Puree tomatoes should be mixed with an equal amount of oatmeal.
    This mask is just perfect for oily skin, it is not just
    It nourishes, but also cleans and slightly dries it.

Whitening masks

  • On a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley you need to take
    the same kefir and a teaspoon of lemon juice. For greater density
    You can add a little starch or flour to the mix. After
    the mask will stay on the skin for 15 minutes, it should be washed off with cool
  • In order to add a pore constriction to the whitening effect,
    You can try a yeast mask. A tablespoon of yeast is needed
    Mix with three norms of kefir. It’s worth adding a bit
    lemon juice and literally a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide. Need to
    mix well and, when it becomes foamy, apply
    on the prepared skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mask will begin to dry,
    then it should immediately be removed with a damp cotton pad.

Degreasing masks

  • An indispensable tool for oily and problem skin is
    pharmaceutical white clay. A teaspoon of this remedy should be mixed with
    sour milk to make the mass look like sour cream. Mask need
    keep on face no more than 12 minutes, otherwise it will begin to dry. Also
    white clay goes well with lemon juice, honey and aloe. Everything
    ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Mask on the face can
    hold for about 15 minutes.
  • Excellent effect on oily skin is a plant such as aloe. Him
    need to prepare in advance for use as a mask. Leaves
    need to cut, wrap in a thick layer of paper and put in
    fridge for about 2 weeks. After this period you can
    just wipe the face or problem areas with the juice of these

Masks that narrow pores

  • Soak a piece of black in sour or pasteurized milk.
    bread, squeeze and apply the slurry on the face. Better to use
    This tool is topical, only in the most problematic areas. Through
    20 minutes to wash the composition.
  • To pores were invisible, and the skin of the face matte, you need each
    день с утра или на ночь делать маску из cottage cheese. Table spoon
    skim milk product to mix well with
    three norms of yogurt or low-fat yogurt. Important pre
    clean and slightly steam the skin.

As you can see, all homemade masks are exceptionally simple.
in preparation and contain natural and quite affordable
Components. Their effectiveness is much higher than any pharmacy or
shop cosmetics. It is important that with regular
carrying out procedures, they have a long and lasting effect.

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