Masks for hair density at homeconditions

The degree of hair density is determined by the amount of hair
follicle, which reaches 100-150 thousand. According to experts,
it is laid genetically and cannot be drastically increased.
However, there are a number of factors that contribute to the loss of
hair, slowing their growth, deterioration. The main of these
factors are considered heat treatment, frequent staining, stress and
somatic diseases. Therefore, in order to recover
hair, you can make masks for hair density at home

маски для густоты волос

Masks for hair density at home conditions:

1. With hair loss:

  • – help salty masks. After washing the head on the parting line
    put table salt, cover the head with a film, leave on 15
    min. and then rinsed head. If you make such a mask after
    each hair wash, then after 6-10 procedures hair loss
    will stop;
  • – squeeze the juice from fresh leaves and flowers of nasturtium and rub
    it into the scalp, as well as take the juice from fresh leaves inside
    10-12 g per day. Avoid eye contact!

2. With strong hair loss: rub strong tea infusion into
scalp in the evening for 7-8 days.

3. For focal baldness:

  • – chop the peeled garlic cloves to a thick slurry,
    apply it on the centers of baldness once a day for 2 hours, then
    wash off with shampoo. The course is 7-10 days, it can be repeated 2-3 times with
    intervals of 10 days;
  • – thoroughly chop 100 g of fresh nasturtium leaves, 100 g
    leaves of stinging nettle and 10 g of rhizomes of Potentilla goose, pour 0.5
    l 90% alcohol. Shaking often, insist 15 days, then
    strain through several layers of gauze. Before use add
    a little perfume or cologne. Rub into the pockets of balding each
    evening, after washing your head. Do not allow to fall into

4. When balding:

  • – once a day for 2-3 weeks to rub into the scalp
    alternately tinctures of aralia, ginseng, high zamanihi and alcohol
    extract of Eleutherococcus spiny;
  • – chop whole, with stinging nettle roots and leaves
    nasturtiums (in equal proportions), pour 60% alcohol (2 hours alcohol
    : 1 h of water) to cover the mixture completely. After 10 days, strain
    and lubricate the head for 2 weeks.

5. In diffuse alopecia: chop 100 g of leaves and fresh
seeds of nasturtium, fresh leaves of nettle stinging and boxwood, pour
0.5 liters of 90% alcohol, insist 15 days, strain, add
a few drops of cologne. The resulting lotion rubbed the head with
using a hard brush.

6. They make a decoction and rubbing it into the head.
Used berries, shoots and leaves.

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