Male deed – oily skin carefaces

Our men are not used to caring for their skin. They believe
that it is quite enough to wash it with soap. And completely wrong. but
now that men’s attitudes are gradually changing
appearance, they start to think about how to get rid of
excessive oily skin on the face. You do not need much for this.
time and money, you only need daily attention.


Male skin features

Не всем известно, что кожа faces мужчин кардинально отличается от
female. It is initially denser and thicker, it is located much
more sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This explains why
guys are more prone to acne and severe acne than

Men’s skin in most cases is oily, after 30–35 years can
become normal, but dry and sensitive is found extremely
seldom. But wrinkles appear much later, and natural protection
from wind, frost and sun helps men look longer

Causes of excessive oily skin

  • Inherited genetic factors determine the condition and type
    your skin.
  • Active production of the male hormone testosterone and its
    dihydrotestosterone derivative.
  • Large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates in daily
  • Not enough pure drink.
  • Smoking.
  • Stress.
  • Неправильный уход за кожей faces.

Уход за жирной кожей faces мужчин

Skin care consists of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and
power supply. First of all, you need to stop washing oily skin with soap,
which is a lot of alkali, which causes irritation and dryness

In the morning, oily skin requires cleansing with special foams and
гелями, предназначенными именно для жирной skin. They wash off the skin
All discharge, formed during sleep, and refresh it. In the evening
the same means will remove from it all the dirt accumulated during the day.

После умывания нельзя тереть кожу faces жестким полотенцем, чтобы
Do not cause irritation. Don’t wipe your face, but blot it dry.
a towel.

After washing it is useful to use anti-inflammatory tonic
with salicylic acid content, however, without alcohol. Tonic can
do it yourself, for this fit infusions of yarrow,
sage or mint. If you add a teaspoon of honey to this infusion, then
получится компресс, который при нанесении на кожу faces успокаивает
her and pores.

The main mistake of all who struggle with skin fat is her
overdrying In response, the sebaceous glands begin to work even more
intense, and on the face will be the same shine. Oily skin
requires attentive care and special tools that can
found in the line of male cosmetics, which produce leading
manufacturers. Feature of creams for men is that they
адаптированы к особенностям строения мужской skin. In them like
typically contains silicon to strengthen the skin, allantoin – for its
pull ups, iron – for oxygenation, vitamins – for
nutrition and protection from oxidative processes.

Acne in men, how to deal with it?

For starters, forget about squeezing acne. Infection fast
will spread over the skin, and soon there will be new rashes. Do not be lazy
go to the beauty parlor and produce a professional
чистку faces. Pick a local remedy for acne and
use it regularly.

At least twice a week during the wash, use a scrub for
faces с крупным абразивом. Your skin is thick enough, it’s not
damage, but to clean the areas under the bristles will be easier.

Also, twice a week do cleansing masks. For example, in
the drugstore buy black cosmetic clay, dilute it with water
до состояния густой сметаны и распределите на коже faces, не
covering the eye sockets, eyelids and lips. After 30 minutes it all
Rinse with cool water and use lotion or cream.
Clay effectively cleanses the pores, tightens them and soothes the skin.

An important stage – shaving

There is no need to teach you how to shave; But pick up
A suitable remedy for this procedure is very important. Read on
labels, for what type of skin is one or another drug.
Prefer shaving gels instead of foam. Gel is better
covers the skin, softens it, makes it easier to slip
blade machine. No less important is what to use after shaving.
Alcohol lotions are not the best option. Love balsams with
natural oils to remove redness and soothe
irritated skin.

Men’s cosmetics

In addition to the usual set of shaving, many men never nothing
do not use. But after all, men’s skin also consists of living cells.
For oily skin, there are some great modern ones.
means. For example, matiruyuschie, which help hide oily sheen
on the nose, chin and forehead. These can be special wipes,
enough to get wet problem areas like shine
will disappear. Most often it is a cream that needs to be applied to the skin in the morning.
after basic care. Even matting powders for men.
developed by Gels are the most rarely used drugs.
for washing and tonic lotions. By the way, in vain. Than
the better to cleanse the skin of dirt and dead cells, the less
the likelihood of inflammation and excessive fat. A tonic helps to narrow
pores, and dust does not penetrate them so quickly. Once a week by all means
стоит применить скраб для faces, и, возможно даже маски для глубокой
cleaning up.

In terms of cost, men’s cosmetics are not inferior to women’s, and sometimes
surpasses it. If you do not want to spend so much money on
specialized cosmetics, you can use the nursery – in it
less chemical components and more beneficial to the skin

Finally, some tips. Choose for yourself a convenient option
ухода за кожей faces. Fat cream should not be abused, better
choose a lighter option. Buying shower and bath products
Prefer those that contain salicylic acid.
It will help control the release of fat on the neck, shoulders and back.
Unlearn the palm of your face, and indeed, it is not worth it once more.
touch it. Your hands are almost always dirty with something:
steering wheel, money, computer keyboard, work tools and
much more. Не подвергайте риску кожу faces, за которой теперь
Caring for all the rules.

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