Making the handles soft and gentle — Or caring forhands at home

You probably noticed how ugly hands look even with
good manicure, if their skin is not well-groomed and flabby.

Regeneration and renewal of cells on the skin of the hands on average
about a month. For this process to go actively, the skin must receive
nutrition it needs: proteins, iron, calcium, etc., as well as
vitamins B and D. For this you need a healthy and nutritious diet.
(by the way, and for the whole organism): fresh vegetables and fruits,
dairy products, meat, cottage cheese, cereal bread. Disadvantage
necessary skin substances can be compensated
vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is also necessary to avoid the harmful effects on the skin of the sun,
wind, frost, as they cause premature aging of the skin and
the appearance of age pigment spots. Extremely harmful effect on the skin.
also washing, cleaning and detergents and soap. Long
staying of hands even in ordinary water causes their dehydration.

Hand care is much easier than facial skin care, however
begin in youth and practice them regularly so that your hands last longer
retained their youth. Better and more convenient to use
creams containing biologically active substances (extracts
plants, vitamins, oils and glycerin) and fatty constituents.


Hand care

  • Try to use warm water and then wipe
    hands dry.
  • Use mild soap with pH 5 acidity, close to
    natural acidity of the skin. If your hands are very dirty, do not rub them.
    strongly (thereby you stretch the skin), and wet your hands with lemon
    juice, which also brightens the skin.
  • In the morning and evening, lubricate your hands with cream or gel, and if your skin
    very dry – after each wash. Components Included
    creams, moisturize, nourish and disinfect the skin of the hands. Perfectly
    soften the skin of the hands decoction of potatoes, milk whey, sour juice
  • If you seriously want to put your hands in order, use
    peeling, masks and wraps for hands.
  • Protect your hands: at work (if necessary) and at home –
    rubber gloves, on the street – warm gloves. If on hand
    even very small wounds and abrasions appeared, treat them
    iodine or hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection.

Rubber gloves for hands

  • The dirtiest work associated with water or land is better
    To do in rubber gloves. You will quickly overcome
    unusual discomfort, but save your hands. Finally,
    work as surgeons in gloves!
  • However, if you work long in rubber gloves, hands
    start to sweat, and then they will be dry and hard. Therefore, if
    have to work for a long time, you can wear under the thin
    cotton gloves impregnated with a nourishing cosmetic
    means. Wash thoroughly after each use.
    outside and inside, sprinkle with talcum powder and air dry.
  • If you can’t get used to gloves, then
    washing, cleaning or washing a large number of dishes just
    lubricate your hands with a protective cream (silicone, glycerin, etc.).
    Then this cream is washed off and applied nutritious or fatty.
    cosmetic milk.
  • It is very easy to protect hands and nails from heavy pollution.
    when working with the land. To do this, scrape the nails
    soap, and grease your hands with cream. After work, all this is easy
    it will wash off, and then you can already spread your hands with nourishing
  • Every time, lubricating hands with a cream, accompany it with a massage.
    hand skin movements from the fingertips to the wrist, massaging
    every finger. When you rub the cream into your palm on both sides,
    the movements must also be directed upwards, towards the elbow. So
    This results in a double effect: and the cream is absorbed faster, and
    blood circulation in the hands will improve.
  • To whiten the skin of the hands, darkened by cleaning vegetables or
    fruit, have long used lemon and cucumber juice, which,
    By the way, you can wipe and dirty nails.

Be especially careful if your skin suddenly appears on your hands.
rash, pustules, etc. It may be a manifestation of allergic
reaction, above all, household chemicals. Try to find out
what specific remedy was the culprit for allergies, and get rid of
him If allergies are caused by food (citrus,
some seafood, etc.), eliminate them from your diet.

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