Makeup with shiny, crumbly shadows

Today we will do the most fashionable eye makeup this season with
using friable nacreous shadows.

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To create it you will need:

  • nacreous friable shadows;
  • wax watercolor black, white, brown;
  • base matte shadows;
  • ink.

In fact, every cosmetic brand now has in its
product range crumbly pearly shade. Therefore the choice
very large and you can pick what you want shade and grinding. AT
the master class used the shadows from cinecitta in brown and
peach shades, and Tami Tanuka in blue, blue and purple.
Very often nacreous friable shadows are called pigments,
which are not. Therefore, if you are not particularly
understand cosmetics, when you buy products, indicate that you
need just crisp shadows.

Also, such shadows require a very strong sticky base. Highly
it is good if it will be persistent cream or gel liner.

Such eye makeup implies a completely natural setting in
eyebrows. Therefore, very little bring your natural
eyebrow, comb well and fix with a styler. By age
go around in tone and fixative powder.

AT мастер-классе мы будем работать с акварелью, на неё же и будем
apply friable shadows. ATысветляем при помощи белой акварели
area under the brow. The transition to the crease should be smooth and
neat. We also put them in the corner of the eye, seeking
natural transition to body color.

With the help of brown watercolors we will deduce the form that we will
fill with crumbly shadows. First draw corrective
arrow from the pupil towards the temple. She will continue and
lengthen the shape of the eye.

Then from the end of the tail of the arrow we carry the detail into the fold and
lower eyelid.

Now we need to paint over the movable and lower eyelids to white
colors. Paint over the center and extinguish all part lines in
directions. Lower eyelid to the ear, upper to the temple and smoothly connect
brown and white shading.

Base matte shade of shadows cover shading brown
watercolors. This is best done with a fluffy brush. This to us
you need to pearl shadows are not stuck and not created
a clear outline, and smoothly lay down with a watercolor on a haze from the base

Теперь берём самый тёмный оттенок перламутровых shadows. AT данном
If they are brown with a green overflow. We put them on the corner
eyes. We repeat them the shape of the part, which was originally drawn
watercolor. Shadows do not smear, and drive.

Apply blue to the middle of the century, both upper and lower
оттенок рассыпчатых shadows. Closer to the corner put the shadow of green
shade. They also like to drive into the skin.

Under the eyebrow and in the corner of the eye we put pearl shadows with
pinkish tint.

Now take a very small brush and type purple shadows.
Carefully put them on the mucous membrane and drive in an arrow on the top
ciliary row.

We supplement the makeup with colored eyelashes.

This make-up on nacreous friable shadows will become bright
addition to your image.

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