Infrared sauna against cellulite

The fight against cellulite is a task that is not dedicated to our site.
one publication. This time we will talk about the infrared sauna. How
image it can be used for the correction of the figure – in the next
material of our edition.

Infrared sauna against cellulite

Infrared sauna today can be easily found in any of
fitness centers. This is understandable – after physical exertion
There is nothing better than recovering in a life-giving warmth. Procedures
it is popular with professional athletes – for rehabilitation
after injuries and intense workouts.  And what can be
useful infrared sauna when dealing with cellulite?

Let’s start with the principle of action. Infrared radiators inside the sauna
they do not heat the air around them, but the human body itself. it
allows heat to penetrate to a depth of 3-4 centimeters from the skin
covers – so, with the help of heat, you can almost directly
affect body fat. Cellulite – a kind of “jelly”
from moisture, fat cells and decomposition products. The body heats up,
sweating intensifies – and with it all is excreted through the pores
too much. Depending on the temperature set, the body
loses an average of up to 600 kcal. Such energy costs are quite
comparable to hour-long active sports. Regular
sessions in an infrared sauna boost metabolism and serve
A great way to normalize weight. In one 45-minute session
You can lose up to 1 kg of weight. The lion’s share of this loss comes from
excretion of excess fluid with which go
slags and products of thermal breakdown of fat.

To make visits to an infrared sauna the most
effective, it is enough to observe a few simple conditions:

1. A hot shower session will help increase the amount of excreted
sweat. 2. Do not use body lotions. 3. To wipe more often
towel during a session. Fluid renders infrared
radiation resistance. 4. Do not eat before a session. 5. After
end the session for some time, be alone. Body still
continues to be cleaned, sweating goes – to the heart and
the circulatory system needs relaxation.

Be sure to drink mineral water before and after the session – after
cleaning in the infrared sauna body needs to be restored
salt balance. it поможет предотвратить отложение жиров и
facilitate removal through the pores of the skin degradation products.

Pay attention to contraindications. if you accept
any drugs, consult your doctor. Is forbidden
visit the infrared sauna for people with high blood pressure,
suffering from severe sclerosis, as well as pregnant women
for women.

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