Ice face masks – beauty secrets

Ice has long been used to maintain skin tone and its
rejuvenation. The mechanism of its impact is as follows:
the contact of ice with the skin its temperature decreases and occurs
vasoconstriction. Soon the vessels dilate and the blood begins
circulate more intensely. It promotes skin rejuvenation,
increase its tone, smoothing wrinkles and narrowing of pores. Color of the skin
becomes pale pink, a natural blush appears.

Ice face masks

The effect of cold on the epidermis itself leads to
aging process.


Ice face masks

  • Dilute the calendula decoction by adding tincture of sea leaves
    cabbage, and place in the freezer to make ice cubes.
    They need to wipe the face and add them to the bath.
  • Grapefruit ice is a good bleaching agent.
    Grapefruit should be divided into slices, remove the film, and then the slices
    to freeze. They need to wipe the face. Juice remaining after
    rub your face, hold for another 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
  • “Silver” water is useful for healing the skin of the face, since
    silver has a cleansing and disinfecting effect. For this
    silver coin for a day, place the water, and then this water
    freeze in the form of cubes.
  • The parsley decoction mask is suitable for any skin type. One
    Art. a spoonful of chopped parsley must be filled with a quarter
    cups of boiling water, let it brew for one hour and then freeze in
  • Pressed parsley juice ice is suitable for all skin types and
    It is aimed at toning and increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  • Prepare a chamomile extract and apply to soothe the skin,
    relieve inflammation and fight acne.
  • Green tea, frozen in cubes, mattes oily skin,
    tones and removes swelling under the eyes.
  • Black tea has proven itself as a conservation assistant.
    youth fading skin. This ice is still applied to the lung.
    tanning effect.
  • For oily skin is recommended to use ice from infusion.
    peppermint. Excellent refreshing and invigorating. Sour fruits or berries,
    lemon and other juices, aloe extract – the basis for ice masks with
    effect of matting and narrowing of pores.
  • Dry skin prefers ice based on milk or decoctions.
    some medicinal plants. It will help soften and saturate
    its essential nutrition.
  • The eyelid skin also takes cooling procedures well.
    To enhance blood circulation, tone up, smooth wrinkles,
    increase the elasticity and resilience of this face area can be used
    potato juice mixed with mineral water without gas, cucumber and
    parsley juice, green tea, infusion of sage and lime, decoction of seeds
    flax, milk infused with oatmeal, and many other means.

Ice Mask Features

  1. Consider that ice from herbal infusions has a shelf life not
    more than 7 days, and “berry” ice – no more than 5 days. The course continues
    2 weeks, then you need to take a break.
  2. Before rubbing the skin with ice, it must be cleaned with
    gel, lotion or tonic. Then the skin of the face is rubbed with icy
    cubes, driving them in light massaging movements
    lines, blotted with a napkin and put the cream corresponding to the type
  3. You can also wash with ice water every day in the morning and
    in the evenings, you can do it in the form of a two-week course, then 2
    weeks – a break.
  4. Do not hold the ice on one area of ​​the face skin, constantly move
    dice so as not to freeze the delicate skin. Also take care of the fingers
    and use napkins to hold the ice.

Contraindications for ice procedures

  • In case of negative consequences, stop the masks from
  • When rosacea is not allowed a sharp change in temperature for the skin,
    all the more you can not wipe it with frozen liquids.
  • Some skin diseases, such as eczema, are
    contraindication for ice masks.

If you have skin problems, consult
with a doctor.

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