How to use Relief ointment in the fight againstwrinkles

  • Properties of Relief Relief
  • Side effects and contraindications
  • Instructions for use
  • Reviews

Inevitably with age, every woman has problems with
the face. The skin becomes dull and lifeless, wrinkles appear.
For many, such troubles become a real disaster.
Therefore, in the fight against this problem, women are ready to use
absolutely any means, even not quite ordinary. One of these
is an application of Relief ointment. This tool today can be easily
purchase at any pharmacy. Her main medical destination
is the treatment of different stages of hemorrhoids. But during long
observations and experiments on themselves, women came to the conclusion that
мазь достаточно эффективна и в борьбе с wrinkles. And acts
it is fast enough, so it can be used in emergency
cases, gathering for any event.


What is included in the ointment and how it works?

The main active ingredient of this tool is oil
shark liver It is produced by processing liver fat.
deep sea sharks. This product is truly valuable. In him
contains a full complex of vitamins and microelements.
The use of shark liver contributes to the regeneration of tissue cells,
protects against inflammation and stimulates
the work of the body’s immune system.

The ointment Relief also contains phenylephrine hydrochloride,
corn oil, glycerin, vitamin E and thyme. These components
have a softening effect, help to persist for a long time the moisture in
skin cells and have a healing effect. Thereby
even deep wrinkles are smoothed out, removed
existing inflammation, the correct water balance is restored
skin. In addition, the use of ointment helps get rid of edema and
dark circles under the eyes.

For the manufacture of this tool are used natural.
Components. Therefore, it can surely be called safe. But this
only if you do not have an individual
intolerance to any of its ingredients. To the benefits of ointment
Relief can also be attributed to its high efficiency with a small
cost. Absolutely each means can afford
woman. And this is very important, as most specialized
cosmetic preparations are expensive. At the same time get the effect of
they can not always. In addition, Relief ointment is easy enough
applied as a tube equipped with a special applicator. During
applying you may feel a slight burning sensation. Ointment has
not very pleasant smell, but this is quite a small fee

Contraindications and some side effects

If a вы решили бороться с wrinkles при помощи мази Релиф, то
Remember that you can not use it for more than three months. If a
exceed this period, then you can get the opposite effect.
Prolonged use of the ointment may cause the skin to become
dull, tired and pale. In addition, this tool is very dry
skin After the wrong treatment you may need a long and
сложный процесс восстановления здоровья skin.

In some women, after applying the ointment Relief may occur
the appearance of redness or a pronounced burning sensation. More often
altogether these symptoms disappear after a while
on their own, without the use of any means. But if such
the reaction is observed every time after using the ointment, rather
In all, this is a manifestation of allergies. In this case, to avoid
negative health effects better to choose for yourself
another more harmless remedy.

The main contraindications of the ointment include:

  • 1. Diabetes.
  • 2. Various blood diseases.
  • 3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • 4. Thromboembolism.

Перед тем как начать использовать мазь для борьбы с wrinkles
It is necessary to test for the appearance of allergic reactions. For
apply a small amount of this on the earlobe or
invisible patch of skin on the face. During the day, watch for
reaction of the body. If a никаких негативных последствий вы после
this is not noticed, then you can safely use the ointment.

Remember that Relief is not officially a remedy for wrinkles.
Manufacturers do not guarantee its safety when applied to the skin
faces. The ointment did not undergo any clinical trials on this.
about In this regard, you need to think carefully worth
whether to risk.

How to use Relief against wrinkles?

A noticeable effect can be achieved only if the correct
use ointment. For этого стоит руководствоваться следующими
simple rules:

1. Apply the ointment is best topical. That is, do not need
distribute it over the entire face. Lubricate problem only
plots. Apply the ointment can be both fingers and cotton
swab. At the same time make neat massaging and
stroking movements. Try to fill every wrinkle
means. Only in this way the components of the ointment can penetrate the most
глубокие слои skin.

2. Relief is needed only once. during the day.
It is best to do this in the evening before bedtime. Although it is an ointment
has a fairly light texture, it is absorbed very long.
Therefore, the skin may remain excess funds. Concerning
apply after her makeup is undesirable. If a на
the skin has too much excess
gently remove with a soft cloth.

3. Before applying the product, the face should be thoroughly
to clear. It is necessary to wash using special
cosmetic cleansers. Make sure that their composition
there was no alcohol. It will promote dry skin, which can
exacerbated by ointment.

4. Without a break, ointment can be used no more than one, maximum
two weeks. After that, you should take a long break.
This is the only way you can get the desired effect without harm to
здоровья skin.

5. If a вы хотите получить максимальный эффект в минимальные
timing, then you need to use the following technique. Apply
remedy for each wrinkle with a thick layer. After that neatly
fix it with a plaster and leave it for a while.
So you can provide a deeper penetration of the tool in

Relief ointment can be used to eliminate wrinkles around
eyes and lips. Only in this case it should be applied especially
neatly. Make sure that the tool does not fall on the mucous membranes.
shell, so it can cause irritation. Lubricating the area
around the eyes you can not only get rid of small wrinkles, but also
remove puffiness and eliminate dark circles.

In modern pharmacies you can find not only ointment, but also candles
Relief. They have a similar composition, so they may well be
использовать для борьбы с wrinkles. But before applying them
will have to melt. For этого подготовьте водяную баню и
Put in it the required number of candles. Heat up to those
until the remedy becomes creamy. After that you can
will be applied to problem areas and even under the eyes. If a вы не
want to spend extra time preparing, then coming to the pharmacy
уточняйте фармацевту, что вам нужна именно мазь Relief.

Reviews о мази Релиф

Recently, the use of a variety of tools from
геморроя в борьбе с wrinkles стало достаточно популярным. To test
they are solved by many brave women. Easy on the internet
You can find a large number of very different reviews on this.
about And not all of them are positive. Some
claim that after applying the ointment, they almost immediately felt
visible effect. Already after several procedures they managed to completely
smooth even deep enough and old wrinkles. Besides
In addition, bruises disappear under the eyes and swelling drops. So
Thus, the bags under the eyes can be completely forgotten.

At the same time, some women say that
Relief ointment was not completely useless. Maximum effect
which they were able to achieve is the smoothing of minor
mimic wrinkles. But before that they were slightly noticeable. With
this risk of an allergic reaction after use
This remedy is large enough. Therefore, every woman should
independently decide on the need to use such
ointment is not for its intended purpose.

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