How to treat damaged hair – 40tips


  • Honey to strengthen and treat hair
  • 7 masks without oil base
  • Oils to restore hair structure
  • Mass media – a market for hair restoration

No one is surprised that ecology and rapid life
the rhythm is reflected negatively on our health. Hair did not become
exception and suffer too. Brittle, dim, with split ends
tips, lifeless to the touch and difficult to comb. But all
fixable. A little patience and effort for sure
return to your locks and strands a healthy and unsurpassed outer


What to do?

Regular and proper care for the hair will definitely need
supplement with quality nutrition, proper rest, rejection of
bad habits. It may be worthwhile to include in treatment
vitamin supplements, because the lack of nutrients is noticeable
affects skin, nails and, naturally, on hair.

If a simple shampoo and conditioner is not enough and the hair is all
equally suffer, then it’s time to connect more intense
procedures. These can be herbal baths and rinsing,
special massage combing and, of course, a mask. About them
let’s talk more.

To get the expected result, masks are applied to clean
hair wrapped in polyethylene and warmed from above with a towel.
Wash off with shampoo and warm running water.

Homemade recipes masks with honey

  • For this mask you need to pre-prepare aloe. Few sheets
    cut, wrap in a cotton napkin and put in
    fridge. Only 10 days from them should squeeze the juice. Still
    need to cook a decoction of burdock. Bottom of burdock sheets
    Wash and dry. Crumble on cubes. Boiling water pour 100 g
    raw materials and cook over low heat. When boils, keep on fire
    another 20 minutes. Strain the cooled decoction. Warm up in a water bath
    tablespoon of burdock, almond or other cosmetic
    oils. Add as much honey, aloe juice, onion juice and
    2 spoons of burdock broth. Spread over all hair and leave on
    hour. Wash with shampoo and finally rinse with lemon juice.
    The mask nourishes dry hair and even helps fight dandruff.
  • Almond oil, 2 tablespoons, combine with the same
    the amount of honey and a spoonful of vinegar. Dry hair will get the necessary
    moisturizing. An hour later, wash your hair.
  • Dried chamomile flowers a teaspoon pour 100 ml of boiling water and
    cook for 15 minutes. Add to the broth a tablespoon of honey. Put on
    hair. A half-hour procedure will help to gradually revive them.
  • Combine a tablespoon of burdock oil with a teaspoon of honey and
    heat up a little. Pour 0.5 cups of kefir and mix thoroughly.
    Spread over all hair and skin. Hold for half an hour, then wash
    head Nutritious and vitamin mask.
  • Heat a tablespoon of fresh honey. Pour in a couple
    tablespoons of olive oil, put mashed avocado pulp.
    Mix until smooth, massaging distribute on the scalp,
    then the entire length. Через полчаса помыть head Nutritional and
    moisturizing mask.
  • Grind egg yolk with warm honey, burdock oil,
    henna powder and alcohol, taken in a teaspoon. Hold the mask
    up to an hour. Prevents cross-section and breakage.
  • Thoroughly mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice with brandy,
    kefir, sea salt, burdock oil and honey, taken one by one
    a spoon. Put on кожу головы, распределить по всей длине и
    leave for 60 minutes. Helps to get rid of excess fat.
  • Heat a tablespoon of honey, add 5 tablespoons of olive oil
    and 2 pre-beaten eggs. Put on волосы полностью.
    Hold for half an hour. Возвращает блеск и объем, укрепляет hair.

Home masks without oil base

  • Peel potatoes and quince and mince. Same way
    add half an onion head. Distribute on the head and
    keep 1.5 hours. Ideal for combined type
  • Mix up to 1.5 tablespoons of ground until smooth.
    coffee, 2 spoons of brandy and two fresh homemade eggs. Massage
    root zone and scalp, spread over the entire length. One and a half
    hours to allow the mask to act, then rinse. Returns health
    damaged hair. Blonde hair from this mask can change
  • You can choose sour cream, kefir, yogurt or yogurt. Rubbing into
    кожу головы, распределить по волосам, оставить на hour. Perfectly
    питает и восстанавливает сухие hair. Add castor oil
    strengthen growth and make hair thicker.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 6 spoons of dark beer and
    raw yolk. Put on волосы, массируя кожу головы. After an hour
    помыть head Смягчение, питание и здоровый блеск hair.
  • Withготовить отвар из перечной мяты. Combine 4 spoons
    carrot and 2 spoons of lemon juice. Stir in the broth and rub
    therapeutic fluid in the hair after each shampooing. In 5
    минут основательно прополоснуть hair. Fixes
    reducing effect.
  • Pour 6 tablespoons of warm water with one spoon of powdered
    gelatin. Withблизительно через 30 минут, когда он разбухнет,
    add whipped egg yolk and 3 spoons of shampoo. After 40
    minutes, warm running water mask rinse. For slow growing
    hair, heals damage and strengthens.
  • Маска-компресс против выпадения hair. Take the same
    the amount of onion peel and oak bark. A glass of collection pour a liter
    boiling water and simmer for about 60 minutes. Little
    cool and filter the broth. Well wet your hair, wrap and
    after an hour just dry it.

Recipes masks on vegetable oils

  • Withготовить оливковое, миндальное, репейное, льняное, жожоба
    or any other natural cosmetic vegetable oil. On
    water bath, heat a few tablespoons. Onчиная с корней,
    массирующими движениями втирать масло в hair. Then do
    tips and well grease them. Next, distribute the remaining oil.
    over the entire length. To walk like this for two hours. Wash your hair with shampoo.
    Remarkably feeds, prevents falling out and section
  • Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and
    one egg. Grind the ingredients and apply a mask. Смыть через hour.
    Moisturizing guaranteed.
  • Heat a little teaspoon of castor oil, mix with
    a tablespoon of kefir and a teaspoon of aloe juice (as its correct
    cook, we have already said). Pour one ampoule pharmacy oil
    solution of vitamins A and E. Massage into the roots, to give special
    attention to the tips. Onнести over the entire length. Keep about half an hour and
    rinse with water and shampoo. For smooth and elastic hair, eliminates
  • Make a collection of equally taken plantain, chamomile,
    burdock, nettle and sage. Two spoons of raw materials pour 100 ml of boiling water and
    insist for 20 minutes. In the filtered infusion soak 100 g
    black bread, add a teaspoon of oil of castor oil and jojoba,
    as much juice of onion, lemon and aloe, beaten egg yolk. Rub
    в корни и распределить по длине hair. Оставить на hour. Hair
    strengthened and become soft and obedient.
  • Crumble 75 g burdock root, pour a glass of quality
    vegetable oil and leave to warm for a day. Then slow
    cook on fire for 15 minutes, constantly stirring. Filter cooled
    oil and distribute on the hair starting from the roots. Moisturize and
    укрепит нуждающиеся hair.
  • In 0.5 cup of kefir pour heated olive oil 2 tablespoons
    spoons and castor one spoon. Add 3 drops of vitamins B1,
    B6, B12. Withобрести предварительно в аптеке. Mask applied on
    root zone and at the tips. Смыть через hour. Nutritional
    the procedure nourishes with vitamins and strengthens weakened and
    поврежденные hair.
  • Three spoons of burdock oil mixed with 2 yolks, then gently
    add a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Держать маску примерно hour.
    Rinse with hair with vinegar, a spoon per liter of water.
    For hair damaged with frequent styling.
  • Fresh egg yolks 2 pcs. mix with a tablespoon of warm
    касторового oils. Distribute to the scalp and over the entire length
    hair. Let it work for 2 hours and wash off the mask. Heal and
    gives volume.
  • Take a glass of not cold kefir, add 2 tbsp. l
    oils from olive and 2 drops of essential oils of lavender and rosemary.
    Massage into the roots, apply on all hair and hold for half an hour.
    Restores damaged structure and gives strength to hair.
  • Heated castor or other vegetable oil mixed with
    glycerin and lemon juice. All components take equally. About
    hours to withstand the mask. Лечение секущихся hair.
  • Carefully combine 10 drops of calendula alcohol tincture and
    tablespoon of warm oil of castorca. Rub в кожу головы,
    apply on all hair and leave for 2 hours. Stops intense
    hair loss and nourishes them.
  • Two tablespoons of oil of burdock mixed with 5 drops of essential
    rosemary oil, add a tablespoon of onion and garlic
    juice, brandy and 1 yolk. Massage into scalp. Whenever possible
    hold for 1–2 hours. Strengthening hair follicles.
  • A small amount of coconut oil depends on the thickness and
    the length of your hair, warm up in a water bath. Distribute to the most
    tips, rubbing it into the roots. Keep the mask for 2 hours. Meantime 3
    spoons of chamomile to steam a liter of boiling water and infuse for about an hour.
    Filtered infusion used for the last rinse
    after washing off the mask. Firming and softening effect.
  • For problematic and oily hair, a quick mask. Spoon sea
    cabbage grind with three tablespoons of sea salt. Add a little
    растительного oils. Massage mixture into scalp, massage 5
    minutes and wash off.

Cosmetic companies offer

The most popular professional masks include
the following.

  • L’Oreal

Для длинных и лишенных блеска hair. Main active ingredient
– this is protein. In addition, the formula with the content of pearls
provides a healthy glow.

Маска питательная, против ломкости hair. Serum with
cement-ceramide complex fills microcracks, bonding
hair scales.

Для ослабленных hair. Molecules
Intra-Cylane, together with keratin cover each hair with protective
microfilm. Hair становятся крепче и легче combed.

Gel mask for dyed fragile hair. Besides saving
colors, additional nourishment and hydration of your

  • Londa.

Для нормальных, но непослушных hair. Avocados and Wheatgrass
help smooth hair and make it more docile.

Маска интенсивно увлажняющая, для очень сухих hair. Honey and
mango extract helps the hair to retain moisture, and microions
Radialux help smooth curls.

The restoring mask. Silk proteins and almonds
proved to be wonderful helpers in hair styling
brilliance and vitality.

To restore hair with damaged structure. Panthenol
effectively fights riddled tips.

  • Garnier

Для окрашенных hair. The basis of the composition of cranberry and argan oil.
Slows down hair aging, restores and protects against action
free radicals.

Restoring structure and shine. Active ingredients – olive,
carite and avocado. Saturate hair with nutrients and
enveloping a thin film, do not allow them to evaporate.

  • Gliss Chick.

Instant action mask. Nourishing oils and liquid
keratin complex restore hair from the inside. With
using glued split hair ends and attached
chic shine.

  • Schwarzkopf.

Mask BC – recovery and rescue. In the composition there are
Curatec proteins and glycine amino acids. Lifeless and hard
weakened hair gets intense recovery. Curls
гладкие, блестящие и легко combed.

You can continue this list. You probably know other
facilities. Many small companies and brands of world renown
offer us their designs and the latest formulas.

In the action of those or other means, whether grandma’s recipe or
the most fashionable cosmetic product, you can be sure only from
personal experience. Choose for yourself the most effective option.
hair care, especially since there is plenty to choose from!

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