How to solve the problem of chubby cheeks?

If before puffy ruddy cheeks were considered one of the main
signs of beauty, today girls in every way seek from them
get rid to show the world your expressive
sculpted cheekbones. And even though the puffy cheeks and
Today cause affection, beauty is difficult to convince in any way.
Dealing with this problem is not so easy with makeup.
volume is almost impossible to hide, and plastic surgery is
too radical a method for solving such a minor
of the question. However, there are a number of methods that, when patient and
A deliberate approach can bring visible results.


Facial gymnastics

Face gymnastics (or as it is also called – face aerobics) –
This is one of the most effective methods to get rid of plump cheeks, on
a shift that should come expressive cheekbones. Similar to
you can model your figure by doing physical
exercise, a similar effect can be achieved by exposing
some loads of facial muscles. It will not just allow you to give
cheeks the desired shape, but also improve blood circulation, which
Beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin.

The main rule of facial gymnastics is regularity, otherwise it
simply will not bring any visible results. And even when
the desired goal will be achieved, in no case can not be left
workouts, the result must be constantly maintained.

Exercises against plump cheeks

For those who want to model beautiful cheekbones and a bit
reduce cheek volume, developed a special complex

  1. First you need to sit down exactly on a chair and throw back your head
    backwards Next, try to capture the upper lip, helping yourself
    lower jaw.
  2. Sit up straight and push your lower lip forward, trying to
    move your jaw.
  3. Without changing position, try to lower the corners as low as possible.
    lips Connect to this movement also cheeks and neck muscles.
  4. Bend your head so that your chin touches your chest. Now how
    it is possible to stretch them one by one to the right and left shoulder.
  5. Take in the teeth the tip of a pencil or wooden stick for
    Sushi and bring them words or patterns in the air.
  6. Standing upright, firmly embrace the shoulders. Pull the neck like
    can be higher and stay in this position for several
  7. Standing upright, straighten your shoulders. Lower your head first and
    pull your chin down. After that, the head should be thrown back.
    back, with the chin should aim upwards.
  8. Pull the lips forward and roll them up. Get started
    draw vowel sounds (you can chant) without opening

During the exercise, you should feel muscular
voltage. If you do everything correctly and regularly, then
in a month the first results will be noticeable.

Face massage

Massage is an effective method in the fight against chubby cheeks.
faces. In order to do the procedure yourself, enough
master two basic techniques:

  • – with thumbs it is easy to massage the lower jaw while moving
    from chin to earlobes;
  • – fingertips easy, but rather intense
    patting the cheek, nasolabial folds and chin area.

During the massage, be sure to use any
vegetable oil to facilitate slipping of the fingers over the skin.

Water treatment

To speed up the effect of massage and facial gymnastics, it is worth
regularly carry out water procedures for your cheeks. Simplest
option – this cold wash, which can be done as
normal running water, and herbal broths. You can also
soak a terry towel in a cool liquid and lightly
massage their cheeks. Contrasting washing or
компрессы, которые значительно улучшают тонус кожи и мышц faces.

Proper diet

Puffy cheeks are largely the result of puffiness or subcutaneous
fat deposits, so in the fight against this defect nutrition plays
not the last role. So that excess liquid does not linger in
body, you need to limit the use of products such as salt,
sugar, alcohol, strong coffee and all kinds of smoked meats.

However, trying to remove excess moisture from the body, you can not
restrict water intake. It is necessary to strictly observe the daily
rate, which is 2 liters. Also include in your menu as
can be more vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and dairy

Makeup Correction

Makeup is a universal weapon when you need to quickly and
painlessly adjust your appearance. So quite
it is not necessary to wait for the effect of gymnastics, diets and massage,
to boast skinny cheeks and expressive model
cheekbones. With the help of simple techniques and cosmetics can
achieve the desired result.

To make the cheeks seem not so rounded, you must use
dark blush or a special dark modeling tool
shade. You also need to slightly emphasize the bottom of the cheekbones in the same tone.
When the strokes are completed, you need to take a soft brush and
shade the dark corrector towards the chin.

Make a face visually more slender and elongated can
blackout the area near the temples. In this case, the cheekbones need to apply
powder more light tone to make them more voluminous. Not
forget to gently shade everything.

If you are worried about the problem of chubby cheeks, then you should not immediately
go under the surgeon’s knife, even if you have enough
means. There are more conservative methods that, when properly
approach will not only help achieve the desired effect, but also
will have an overall positive effect on the condition of the skin and facial
muscle Also, do not forget about such a powerful tool as

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