How to remove stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks? This question still baffles
of many women, with both full, and slim, and elderly and completely
young. Where are the ugly burgundy stripes and
how to deal with them, we decided to find out from a specialist.

Удаление растяжек лазером fraxel - до и после

�”When a person drastically sheds or gains weight, skin sometimes
just does not have time to “lie down to measure”, to adjust to the new volumes.
Frowns or, on the contrary, stretches. As a result, on the skin
microtraumas – stretch marks appear, ”nutritionist Eleonora explained

The fight against stretch marks, she recommends starting early –
пока растяжки еще бордового цвета. Here is the best
helps olive or almond oil: it contains vitamin
E, which makes the skin more elastic.

Oil should be gently rubbed into problem areas or done.
компрессы два раза в день  – утром и вечером. To fight with
disaster until complete disappearance will have at least a month. And especially
persistent and intractable stretch marks disappear only after six months. But
This applies only to newly stretched.

�”Trying to remove tight at home,
побелевшие, застарелые растяжки — бесполезно», —
предупреждает Элеонора Dudar. – “The only way out is to contact
beautician. A beautician can save you from stretch marks by
laser peeling.

There are a lot of procedure names, but they all work one by one.
principle. The laser beam polishes the skin, burning and removing the top layer,
which leads to a decrease in contrast between the skin in the area of ​​stretch marks and
adjacent areas, creates a leveling effect.

The last word in the treatment of stretch marks – procedures on fractional
lasers such as Fraxel laser. These lasers do not grind, but
affects the deep layers of the dermis without damaging the horny protective
skin layer, so that stretch marks can be removed at the
gentle areas, such as neckline and chest.

Fraxel разрушает рубцовую ткань  и стимулирует на этом
place the growth of normal tissue. From procedure to procedure surface
Streamers are aligned in color, relief and texture. In the final
As a result, stretch marks become almost invisible.

How to remove stretch marks

Fraxel is suitable for the treatment of both fresh and old, rough
stretch marks. The treatment on Fraxel is quite a laborious procedure, it takes
several months, performed under local anesthesia and worth
not cheap.

So it’s better not to bring it up before the appearance of stretch marks:
opportunities to lose weight and gain weight gradually. No wonder nutritionists condemn
fans of hungry diets, recalling one of the main rules: without
damage to health can be dropped to a kilogram per week.

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