How to make hair soft and silky?

What woman does not dream of shiny and soft hair? And so
we start to torture our hair with masks, gels and others
newfangled means, instead of thinking: what
actually we wash our hair? The answer is simple: water, what
still. But water is different. The country is broad, my own, and the water in different
The regions of this country are also different. In some softer, in some
tougher, but everywhere it is usually chlorinated and has a number
chemical additives for disinfection. And so вся эта таблица
Mendeleeva gets on our defenseless hair, and sad
we observe the result every time after washing.


So how do you make your hair soft?

Very simple: do not be lazy and boil water for washing hair,
and then add 1 tablespoon of soda (in a bowl or bucket).
The result will be amazing, and at no cost!

If you are still too lazy to boil water, then we will tell you how else
You can make the hair soft, use the conditioner after
shampooing your hair, and your hair will not only become as soft as silk,
but also will get additional volume.

To strengthen hair and improve their quality once a day
rub burdock oil into hair (sold in a pharmacy). From this
hair scales are smoothed and hair becomes softer and

Some useful rules

  • To wash the head, use warm water, not hot, but
    rinse hair, especially after conditioners, balms and masks,
    better than all cool water. Too hot and cold water
    hurts hair.
  • Never rub your hair with a towel. So you do it yourself
    hurt them.
  • Do not hesitate to wear hats neither in summer nor in winter.
  • Give up bad habits, enrich your daily
    diet with vitamins and minerals, using fresh
    vegetables and fruits.
  • If you want to preserve the natural beauty and softness of the hair,
    it is better to abandon their perm and coloring, even
    natural dyes henna and basma.
  • Hair dryer is very harmful effect on the hair. When drying hair hair dryer
    the scales on their surface are lifted and the hair loses
    soft, dry and dull.
  • No less harm is brought and lacquers for styling and fixing hair.
    Glueing the hair, they interfere with their natural nutrition and ventilation,
    hair becomes as hard as wire, starts to break and
    split yourself

We soften hair at home

In addition to all that has already been said, treat your hair
additional masks from healthy products. After application
hair masks need to wrap your head in plastic and insulate
towel or handkerchief. This will increase the therapeutic effect, will not give
means to leak or dry.

  1. Mix a couple of spoons of cottage cheese with one egg. Valid
    such a composition for 10 minutes, after which you need to wash the hair warm
    water Rinse the hair with a prepared and cooled broth
    after washing. For fair hair, undoubtedly, chamomile is useful, and
    dark sage, mint or thyme. You can practice this
    rinsing. Add 30 drops of essential oil to a liter of warm water.
    orange, ylang-ylang, pine or others, your favorite
  2. Take the yolk of one egg, squeeze the juice from a lemon medium
    size, five tablespoons of vegetable oil (burdock,
    flaxseed, olive, etc.). Three tablespoons of natural honey
    heat a little on the water bath and connect with the rest
    ingredients. Keep on hair for an hour.
  3. A simple and inexpensive mask will help restore the vitality and softness.
    hair. Kefir is very little heat in a water bath and plentiful
    apply on hair. You can keep it all you want, right up to
    a few hours.

Silky and attractive hair is not only wealth
models, you also deserve it.

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