How to lighten colored hair at homeconditions?


  • Lightening hair in the salon
  • Homemade methods of lightening hair

When a woman wants to change something in her appearance, she
Dye your hair in a different color.

Blondes are easier in this regard if they decide to change color.
darker hair, but brunettes and brown hair need hair
pre clarify. All this does not pass for hair for nothing, their
quality may deteriorate a lot, hair may even begin
fall out. Therefore, dyed hair should be brightened properly.

On the effects on the hair and the result obtained process
lightening dyed hair can be divided into three types:
lighting, lighting itself and normal lighting. Between
there is a certain difference.


How to lighten dyed hair?

Highlighting is the partial weakening of the pigment. With
this hair is only slightly lighter, they can be emphasized
except individual strands. Therefore, for lightening dyed hair
This method is not very suitable.

Brightening hair gives a lighter color thanks to
artificial oxidation of the coloring pigment in the hair structure. This
the procedure is called “flushing paint” and is for the hair itself

Dyed hair, of course, can be lightened in such a way
however, this greatly damages the hair structure and exists
the risk that it will not be able to recover.

How else to lighten dyed hair?

There are other ways to lighten colored hair. One of
them is called a pickle. In essence, this is the same oxidation,
only more short-term and using more gentle
substances. With протравке поверхность окрашенных волос обезжиривается,
the rate of the metabolic process increases and hairs open

The traditional and perhaps the most famous way to lighten
Dyed hair is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Under her
exposure to the destruction of the coloring pigment and leaching
its out of hair. This is a very unhealthy procedure.

Lightening hair is always an aggressive effect on the hair,
therefore, it is best to contact a professional hairdresser. You
you can take the components in the wrong proportions or overexpose them
longer than expected, and the consequences can be very serious.

Conducting such experiments at home, you risk either at all
lose hair or cause them enormous damage which is inevitable
will affect their quality and, as a result, – on your appearance.

Как осветлить волосы без краски в домашних conditions?

Light golden curls have always been considered a sign of beauty and
femininity. Not surprisingly, many beauties decide on
radical change of color, sometimes to the detriment of the health of the hair. None
however, it is possible to do without sacrifices if to lighten the hair
use safe home methods.

  • Chamomile

Chamomile – это, пожалуй, самое распространенное растение, которое
it is applied not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. This
grass helps fight dandruff, gives hair volume and strength, and
also helps to make the curls a little lighter. This effect can
Achieve only if you did not expose the hair
staining. Natural dyes like basma and henna are also
make it impossible to lighten hair with chamomile.

So, if you really set out to make your curls
golden, then you have to properly stock up on chamomile. Her
need to be used as often as possible in various forms
(rinse, mask and so on). Duration and frequency
procedures depends on how many tones you want to lighten
hair. But, in any case, after about a week you can
admire the first results.

  • Honey

Despite the fact that dark hair looks very impressive,
girls just can not wait to lighten them. This тенденция длиться еще
from ancient times. Already then honey was used for this purpose. it
the tool is successfully used not only to lighten the hair, but
also to whiten teeth and improve complexion. Worth it also
note the high content of vitamins in honey, so that
hair is not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic

Honey позволяет осветлить даже очень темные локоны, с которыми
cope not every paint. Before you start
direct lightening, you need to clean the scalp well and
hair. To do this, use a shampoo with the addition of a small
the amount of salt (creates the effect of peeling). You can also
Add soda to make the curls softer and more docile. Further
honey is applied to the roots and the entire area of ​​the hair (for best effect
it must be liquid so that it does not need to be diluted with water).
Утеплять голову не стоит, так как это может ослабить Effect. Through
40 minutes you need to wash your hair again (can be without shampoo) and dry
hair naturally. Never use a hairdryer,
hot air can negate all your efforts.

  • Lemon

One of the most effective means for lightening hair is
lemon juice. For this procedure you will need highlight almost
all day. Also, carefully review the weather forecast so that the hot
the sun did not block the clouds.

It is not necessary to wash the head before the procedure. Simple enough
sprinkle your hair with water. Now wet the curls in lemon juice and
Expose your hair to the sunlight. As
the liquid will dry up, again grease the hair with juice. If you
afraid to use it in its pure form, then dilute it with water.
By the end of the day, you will notice that the curls have become much lighter.

  • Cinnamon

A pretty effective way to lighten hair is
cinnamon. For two rates of powder you will need one rate of your
favorite balm. Spread the composition evenly over the entire length and
warm your head well (first with a plastic bag or
hat, and then a towel). If we consider that the mask will need
hold for up to 8 hours (depending on how dark
is a natural color), it is advisable to do it on
night. By performing this procedure three times a week, you will add to your
hair incredible golden shade. Separately worth noting
the fragrant aroma of cinnamon, which lasts long on your

  • Natural henna

Henna is an incredibly useful remedy that strengthens
hair, saturating them with useful elements. Also she is pretty
effective against dandruff. Another nice moment
The use of henna is that it has a slight lightening

In order to make the hair a couple tones lighter, you need
purchase white henna. Also a special developer is sold to it,
without which it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. Everything
the components are diluted with water so that the mass is of medium density. AT
on average, such a mask is kept for about 40 minutes. But if your hair
thin and dry, then henna will work much faster. Will be
well, if at the end of the procedure you put on curls
nourishing balm or mask.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide – это один из самых эффективных и доступных
methods of lightening hair. To produce light
discoloration, the drug will be sufficient with a concentration of up to 5%.
Youмойте волосы, обработайте их питательным бальзамом, после чего
dry without hair dryer. Peroxide from bottle flake into
the spray gun from which you will spray curls. Through 30
minutes, rinse hair with barely warm water and apply again

If your hair is rather dark by nature, then the technology
lightening will have to be slightly modified. So for cooking
dye you will need 40 grams of peroxide
hydrogen (8%) and liquid soap, 30 grams of water and a spoon of ammonia
alcohol. You do not need to wash the head before the procedure, and the product is applied
as well as regular hair dye. In no case do not muffle
head in polyethylene and towels so as not to get burned. Process
coloring will take about an hour, after which you need to wash your hair with
shampoo and rinse them with water acidified with vinegar.

Lightening the hair with peroxide, please note that this method is the most
effective of the above, but it does serious harm
hair. If your curls are thin and dry, it is best to refrain from
similar procedures.

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