How to improve the condition of the skin at homeconditions?

How to improve the condition of the skin?Skin is able to experience
discomfort from changing living conditions, it reflects everything
what is happening to us, as it is designed to display accumulated in
body toxins and slags. Impairment
lack of sleep, alcohol abuse and smoking affect
the condition of the skin, its aging, causing clogged pores, the appearance
spider veins and wrinkles. Noticing that the condition of the skin
worsened, you need to immediately sound the alarm and determine the cause
looking from the side at your lifestyle.

Beautiful and elastic skin is one of the main decorations.
women of any age – thanks to her you can look
attractive and much younger than his years. Skin condition
should be under our control all the time, because without care and
preventive measures, it will quickly lose freshness and radiance.

If the skin does not look blooming and it is clearly visible
wrinkles, it is dry and lifeless, it means that you are either very tired,
or the body signals a hidden disease.
Having found out the reason, immediately proceed with the elimination of the consequences and
change your lifestyle.

How to improve the condition of the skin?

Skin condition прекрасно реагирует на постоянный уход, в
where the main role is played by cleansing with the help of soft means
hydration and nutrition. Do not leave makeup at night – mascara and eye shadow
clog pores, dry the skin around the eyes, cause irritation
eye mucosa. Foundation and powder, which accumulates dust,
clogs pores, causing inflammation of the skin, pustules and acne.
Be sure to force yourself to cleanse your skin overnight with
Milk, applying moisturizing or night cream. Excellent effect on
condition of the skin of the face and scrub cleaning, it must be done two
Once a week, but not more often, in order not to deprive the skin of its natural
protective film.

It should be noted that it is impossible to look good if you drink a little
liquids – it is important to know that most of the daily norm
liquids are best to drink clean water without abusing juices
and coffee. Green tea, herbal teas, mineral water are beneficial
affect the condition of the skin.

Irrational diet, dominated by carbohydrates and fats,
poorly reflected on the exterior, and cereal cereals, legumes, fat
fish, milk, vegetables, savory fruits and lean meats improve color
faces, as they contain everything necessary for beauty and
health vitamins and trace elements. For the beauty of the skin is necessary and
vegetable oil – sunflower, soybean or olive. To fix
metabolic disorders, manifestations of which are often
rashes on the skin, will help separate nutrition, the rules of which
exclude adverse combinations of products for digestion,
causing fermentation and stagnation in the intestine. Beauticians
claim to improve the complexion helps drinking sprouted
grains of wheat, carrots, nuts, oats, green peas, beets,
melon and watermelon.

Talking about how to improve the condition of the skin of the face, be sure to
need to stay on physical activity: work in closed
a place crowded with appliances where the air is
overdried, adversely affects the skin, which loses moisture
and oxygen. To somehow compensate for this disadvantage you just
must as much as possible be in the fresh air, arranging
jogging or walking away from the main high streets
gas content level.

Healthy sleep is very important for female attractiveness,
it is advisable to fall asleep before midnight and sleep at least 8
hours Well if during sleep in the bedroom will be ajar
small window and fresh air will saturate the body
oxygenated all night (of course in the event that the windows do not go to

If you feel that your skin needs extra measures,
Then contact your cosmetologist and complete a course of special procedures:
peeling, massage or creotherapy. Will help improve the appearance and
�”Grandma’s recipes”, among which the first place is given
treatments with chamomile and fruit masks.

In order for the skin to clear pimples and become velvety,
need to steam it over a container with a decoction of chamomile. For this
brew two bags of chamomile in a glass of boiling water and steamed
skin face, covered with a towel. After the procedure is necessary
wet the broth with the skin and leave it until morning. The remaining decoction
drink for two times – at night and in the morning. Everybody needs to do the procedure
day, until the rash disappears (usually 1-2 weeks).

Improve complexion and normalize blood circulation will help
rubbing with aloe juice – prone to dryness, flaking or
rashes place need to wipe the juice or apply cotton
masks soaked in juice for half an hour.

For problems with age-related skin changes and
the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and lips, you need to do
masks made from yeast, honey and lemon juice. 50 g fresh yeast
take a tablespoon of honey and the same lemon juice. By mixing
applied to the skin for half an hour.

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